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JhanSrbinovsky edited this page May 7, 2019 · 1 revision

CABLE news: June 2017

It has been many months since the last CABLE news (September 2016) so this message provides some important updates.

CABLE committee and coordinator

Over the last few months we have revisited the role of the CABLE committee, the coordinator and how we best manage the critical committee task of managing trunk updates. Notes describing the process and discussion are available at May2017. In particular, we recognized the need to form some working groups to help with aspects of code consolidation and testing. While our discussions focused around somewhat generic working groups, current needs within the community have resulted in three working groups:

  • the I/O working group that formed last year and is focused on CABLE offline needs particularly around input dataset formats. Led by Bernard Pak.
  • a CABLE-ACCESS-CMIP6 working group, including firstly consolidating a code base for CABLE in ACCESS and then determining the most appropriate configuration of CABLE for CMIP6 needs. This is a major task with a relatively short time frame. Hence the working group is meeting (by video) weekly (Tuesdays 11am). Leadership of this group is evolving.
  • a benchmarking working group, in part to support the configuration testing of CABLE for CMIP6 in determining what constitutes a better or worse simulation. Led by Gab Abramowitz.

If you are not already involved in any of these working groups and would like to be, please contact Bernard ([email protected]), myself ([email protected]) or Gab ([email protected]).

As part of the committee discussions, we also recognized that it was a good time to seek new involvement in the committee and its leadership. Martin de Kauwe had kindly agreed to join the committee and the coordinator’s role will be shared by Vanessa Haverd and Jhan Srbinovsky. I will remain on the committee but am pleased to be able to hand on the coordinator’s role to those with more time and energy for leading the community effort.

As I finish as coordinator, it has been interesting to look back on what we’ve achieved over the last 6 years from an initial meeting in March 2011 ‘… to discuss the issues involved in making CABLE a community model …’.

  • May 2011: First CABLE news message sent to CABLE email list.
  • June 2011: First ‘technical committee meeting’ comprising Gab, Eva, Jhan, Vanessa and myself. All except Eva (now retired) are still active on the committee. Lars joined us from Oct 2013-May 2016 and Jatin from May 2015. Committee meeting minutes have been on the wiki from June 2015.
  • September 2011: A writing team, chaired by Mike Raupach, was tasked with preparing a CABLE roadmap. It was provided to the CAWCR supervisory committee in June 2012 and published as CAWCR Tech Report 57 in August 2012. This was followed by preparation of a CABLE business model.
  • August 2012: First contribution to the CABLE wiki.
  • September 2012: First CABLE ticket opened in NCI system. Now at ticket 155. Slow but steady adoption of ticketing system to manage code development and trunk updates.
  • March 2013: The CABLE2 license and registration recognized shared development through the NCI CABLE repository. This license was replaced in March 2015 by the current open source license.
  • October 2013: CABLE2.0 was tagged in the repository. Various revisions have been tagged since then, including CABLE2.2.3 as used in ACCESS1.4 and ACCESS-ESM1.

We have come a long way and learnt a lot in the process. Managing diverse needs remains challenging but we all benefit from working together. Thank-you to everyone for your ongoing contributions to CABLE as a community model.

CABLE news: September 2016

Trunk updates

The trunk has been updated to facilitate an automated (Jenkins) testing procedure for future code development (#119). Work is continuing to prepare various science developments for inclusion in the trunk.

CABLE video conference

We would like to hold a CABLE video conference on Wednesday October 26th from 2pm until 4pm (depending on the number of presentations offered). If you would like to present at the video conference, please email me with the title of your presentation and how long you would (ideally) like to speak for by Friday October 14th. Presentations could include science applications of CABLE; CABLE code development; reports of relevant meetings attended; updates on analysis tools or datasets that might be of interest to the community; planned CABLE related work.


The following papers have been recently added to Published2016

  • Haverd, V., Ahlstrom, A., Smith, B., Canadell, J.G.: Carbon cycle responses of semi-arid ecosystems to positive asymmetry in rainfall, Global Change Biology, in press, 2016.
  • Haverd, V., Cuntz, M., Nieradzik, L. P., and Harman, I. N.: Improved representations of coupled soil-canopy processes in the CABLE land surface, Geosci. Model Dev., in press, 2016.
  • Haverd, V., Smith, B., and Trudinger, C. M.: Process contributions of Australian ecosystems to interannual variations in the carbon cycle, Environmental Research Letters, 11, 054013, 2016.
  • Haverd, V., Smith, B., and Trudinger, C. (2016) Dryland vegetation response to wet episode, not inherent shift in sensitivity to rainfall, behind Australia's role in 2011 global carbon sink anomaly, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.13202.
    and an active link and complete reference has been added for
  • Kowalczyk, E. A., Stevens, L. E., Law, R. M., Harman, I. N., Dix, M., Franklin, C. N., and Wang, Y.-P.: The impact of changing the land surface scheme in ACCESS(v1.0/1.1) on the surface climatology, Geosci. Model Dev., 9, 2771-2791, doi:10.5194/gmd-9-2771-2016, 2016.
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