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Paul Leopardi edited this page Oct 8, 2024 · 186 revisions

Benchmarking data-sets relevant to CABLE

This page describes how to access and share benchmarking datasets (relevant to CABLE) on the NCI (i.e., for those using the raijin cluster). This data collection forms part of an RDSI application ( made by the CABLE community for the purpose of sharing useful data-sets related to CABLE.

These data be accessed (read and execute (rx) only) by members of the cable group (you become a member of the cable group when you register to have access to the source code). Only administrators have write access (rwx) to this directory.

To find out which groups you belong to at NCI, you can use the groups command, e.g:

groups $USER

All the data is hosted at:


The hosting and sharing of benchmarking data-sets is more involved as compared to the offline forcing data, as the latter is relevant to CABLE users only, whereas the former (Benchmarking data-sets) have a higher risk of being duplicated by other RDSI data projects, and hence, greater care is required to make these data searchable outside of the CABLE community.

If you have benchmarking data-sets you would like to make available, you must contact Paola Petrelli ([email protected]), who is the CoE data-manager and maintains the DMP (data management plan) in close collaboration with NCI.

Users who wish to make data available are kindly asked to:

  • Check any license conditions
  • Obtain direct email confirmation from the data-provider that they are OK with their data being hosted.
  • The data should conform to the latest netcdf CF compliance version. The user (assistance from the data manager (Paola Petrelli, [email protected]) may be available), is responsible to make the data CF compliant if it's not. Before hosting the data, a standard CF check should be carried out (
  • The user must update the CABLE-data wiki page with appropriate information about the new data-set being hosted, following the template used for existing data-sets.

Whenever possible, both the raw and post-processed (CF compliant) formats should be made available, as well as any scripts used to convert from raw to netCDF CF compliant. All collections should follow this directory tree convection:


Any scripts related to the data should be added to the "scripts" branch under "share":{Collection-Name}/

Any user can easily check-out this branch, and add/modify scripts:

svn checkout

Please refer to any basic SVN tutorial on how to use svn.

Evaporation/Vegetation Transpiration/Evapotranspiration (ET) and Carbon flux data-sets


  • Location:
  • Documentation
  • Description: The v2A product based on gauge precipitation and reanalysis radiation among the other (satellite) inputs. The v2B product is an priori better-but-shorter 12-year (2000-2011) product based on satellite inputs from the new generation satellites only. Users of this data-set MUST notify Diego Miralles ([email protected]) if they intend to use this data-set for scientific publications.
  • Format: netCDF-4 (you can run ncdump -k on the files if you wish to double-check)
  • Spatial resolution: 0.25 by 0.25 degrees (v2A 90N-90S, v2B 59N-59S)
  • Temporal resolution: v2A (1980-2011), v2B (2000-2011), daily data
  • How to cite:
    • Miralles, D.G., J.H. Gash, T.R.H. Holmes, R.A.M. De Jeu & A.J. Dolman (2010). Global canopy interception from satellite observations. J. Geophys. Res. D: Atmos., 115, D16122.
    • Miralles, D. G., R. A. M. De Jeu, J. H. Gash, T. R. H. Holmes & A. J. Dolman (2011), Magnitude and variability of land evaporation and its components at the global scale, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 15(3), 967-981.
    • Miralles, D. G., T. R. H. Holmes, R. A. M. De Jeu, J. H. Gash, A. G. C. A. Meesters, and A. J. Dolman (2011), Global land-surface evaporation estimated from satellite-based observations, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 15(2), 453-469.
    • Miralles, D. G., et al. (2014), El Niño–La Niña cycle and recent trends in continental evaporation, Nature Clim. Change, 4, 122-126.
  • Contact person: Jatin Kala ([email protected] or [email protected]), Paola Petrelli ([email protected])
  • Scripts:
  • The script used to convert from raw format to CF complaint netCDF is located here. Note this was run on UNSW CCRC servers and not raijin.

2. LandFluxEval

  • Location:
  • Online Documentation
  • Description: This is a synthesis of various ET products. Users of this data-set MUST notify Sonia I. Seneviratne ([email protected]) and Martin Hirschi ([email protected]) if they intend to use this data-set for scientific publications as per this dataset's user policy.
  • Format: netCDF classic (you can run ncdump -k on the files if you wish to double-check)
  • Spatial resolution: 1989-1995 and 1989-2005
  • Temporal resolution: 1 by 1 degree
  • How to cite:
    • Mueller, B., Hirschi, M., Jimenez, C., Ciais, P., Dirmeyer, P. A., Dolman, A. J., Fisher, J. B., Jung, M., Ludwig, F., Maignan, F., Miralles, D. G., McCabe, M. F., Reichstein, M., Sheffield, J., Wang, K., Wood, E. F., Zhang, Y., and Seneviratne, S. I.: Benchmark products for land evapotranspiration: LandFlux-EVAL multi-data set synthesis, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 17, 3707-3720, doi:10.5194/hess-17-3707-2013, 2013.
  • Contact person: Jatin Kala ([email protected] or [email protected]), Paola Petrelli ([email protected])
  • Scripts: ** This data-set has not yet been converted to be CF compliant**

2. EraLand

  • Location:
  • Online Documentation
  • Description: ERA-Interim/Land is a global reanalysis of land-surface parameters from 1979-2010 at 80 km spatial resolution. It was produced with a recent version of the HTESSEL land-surface model using atmospheric forcing from ERA-Interim, with precipitation adjustments based on GPCP v2.1.
  • Format: netCDF-4 (you can run ncdump -k on the files if you wish to double-check)
  • Spatial resolution: 1979-2010
  • Temporal resolution: 80 km
  • How to cite:
    • Balsamo, G., Albergel, C., Beljaars, A., Boussetta, S., Brun, E., Cloke, H., Dee, D., Dutra, E., Muñoz-Sabater, J., Pappenberger, F., de Rosnay, P., Stockdale, T., and Vitart, F.: ERA-Interim/Land: a global land surface reanalysis data set, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 389-407, doi:10.5194/hess-19-389-2015. 2015.
    • C. Albergel, W. Dorigo, R. H. Reichle, G. Balsamo, P. de Rosnay, J. Muñoz-Sabater, L. Isaksen, R. de Jeu and W. Wagner: Skill and Global Trend Analysis of Soil Moisture from Reanalyses and Microwave Remote Sensing. J. Hydrometeor, 14, 1259–1277, doi:10.1175/JHM-D-12-0161.1, 2013.
  • Contact person: Jatin Kala ([email protected] or [email protected]) and Paola Petrelli ([email protected])
  • Scripts:

Leaf Area Index (LAI) datasets


  • Location:
  • Online Documentation
  • Description: This product is an improved version of the standard MODIS LAI, which can be used either as input or to evaluate LAI from CABLE when diagnostic LAI is turned On.
  • Format: netCDF-4
  • Spatial resolution: 30 arc seconds (approx 1 Km)
  • Temporal resolution: 2000 to 2013, 8-daily
  • How to cite:
    • Yuan, H., Dai, Y., Xiao, Z., Ji, D., Shangguan, W., 2011. Reprocessing the MODIS Leaf Area Index Products for Land Surface and Climate Modelling. Remote Sensing of Environment, 115(5), 1171-1187. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2011.01.001
  • Contact person: Jatin Kala ([email protected] or [email protected]), Paola Petrelli ([email protected])
  • Scripts: ** This data-set has not yet been converted to be CF compliant**

Streamflow datasets

1. The Global Streamflow Characteristics Dataset

  • Location:
  • Documentation
  • Presentation
  • Paper Please see Table 1 of the paper to understand the file naming. Files with _obs are the observations, files with _unc have the uncertainty of the artificial neural network (ANN) estimate, no suffix is the ANN estimate itself.
  • Description:The Global Streamflow Characteristics Dataset (GSCD) consists of global maps of 17 stream flow characteristics, such as mean annual streamflow and baseflow index, providing information about catchment behavior for the entire land surface including ungauged regions. The maps are unique in the sense that they were derived using a data-driven (top down) approach based on stream ow observations from approximately 7500 catchments around the globe, rather than using a physically-based (bottom up) process model. In addition to best estimate maps with global coverage, partial coverage maps of gridded observed metrics are also available Users of this data-set MUST notify Albert Van Dijk ([email protected]) if they intend to use this data-set for scientific publications.
  • Format: GeoTIFF
  • Spatial resolution: 0.125 degrees
  • Temporal resolution:
  • How to cite: Beck, H. E., A. I. J. M. van Dijk, and A. de Roo (2014). Global maps of stream ow characteristics based on observations from many small catchments. Journal of Hydrometeorology (submitted)
  • Contact person: Albert Van Dijk ([email protected]), Paola Petrelli ([email protected]), Jatin Kala ([email protected] or [email protected]),
  • Scripts:
  • The script used to convert from raw format to CF complaint netCDF is located here.

Albedo datasets


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