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aukkola edited this page Oct 25, 2016 · 16 revisions

If you have authored a paper published in 2016 that uses CABLE and is not on the list below, please add it (alphabetically by first author). If it is available online please add a hyperlink by formatting as

  • [http:ADDRESS_OF_PAPER PAPER_CITATION] NB. If you have an author with a capital within the name e.g. McGregor, you need to prepend with an ! to avoid the name being interpreted as a new Trac Page.

  • Kowalczyk, E. A., Stevens, L. E., Law, R. M., Harman, I. N., Dix, M., Franklin, C. N., and Wang, Y.-P.: The impact of changing the land surface scheme in ACCESS(v1.0/1.1) on the surface climatology, Geosci. Model Dev., 9, 2771-2791, doi:10.5194/gmd-9-2771-2016, 2016.

  • Li JD, Wang YP, Duan QY, Lu XJ, Pak B, Wiltshire A, Robertson E and Ziehn T (2016). Quantification and attribution of errors in the simulated annual gross primary production and latent heat fluxes by two global land surface models. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, accepted.

  • Jiang J, Wang YP, Yu MX, Li K, Shao YJ, Yan JH (2016). Responses of soil buffering capacity to acid treatment in three typical subtropical forests. Sciences of the Total Environment. Accepted 29th April 2016.

  • Zhuang W, Cheng L, Whitley R, Shi H, Bering J, Wang Y, He L, Cleverly J, Eamus D and Y Q (2016) How energy and water availability constrain vegetation water-use along the North Australian Tropical Transect. International Journal of Plant Production, 10(3):403-434.

  • Haughton N, Abramowitz G, Pitman AJ, Or D, Best MJ, Johnson HR, Balsamo G, Boone A, Cuntz M, Decharme B, Dirmeyer PA, Dong J, Ek M, Guo Z, Haverd V, van den Hurk BJJ, Nearing GS, Pak B, Santanello JA Jr, Stevens LE and Vuichard N (2016) The plumbing of land surface models: is poor performance a result of methodology or data quality? Journal of Hydrometeorology, Accepted.

  • Kala J, De Kauwe MG, Pitman AJ, Medlyn BE, Wang YP, Lorenz R and Perkins-Kirkpatrick SE (2016) Impact of the representation of stomatal conductance on model projections of heatwave intensity. Scientific Report, 6, 23418.

  • Haverd, V., Ahlstrom, A., Smith, B., Canadell, J.G.: Carbon cycle responses of semi-arid ecosystems to positive asymmetry in rainfall, Global Change Biology, in press, 2016.

  • Haverd, V., Cuntz, M., Nieradzik, L. P., and Harman, I. N.: Improved representations of coupled soil-canopy processes in the CABLE land surface, Geosci. Model Dev., in press, 2016.

  • Haverd, V., Smith, B., and Trudinger, C. M.: Process contributions of Australian ecosystems to interannual variations in the carbon cycle, Environmental Research Letters, 11, 054013, 2016.

  • Haverd, V., Smith, B., and Trudinger, C. (2016) Dryland vegetation response to wet episode, not inherent shift in sensitivity to rainfall, behind Australia's role in 2011 global carbon sink anomaly, Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.13202.

  • Ukkola, AM, Pitman AJ, Decker M, De Kauwe MG, Abramowitz G, Kala J and Wang YP (2016) Modelling evapotranspiration during precipitation deficits: identifying critical processes in a land surface model. Hydrol. Earth Syst Sci. 20:2403-2419, doi:10.5194/hess-20-2403-2016.

  • Ukkola A M, De Kauwe M G, Pitman A J, Best M J, Abramowitz G, Haverd V, Decker M, Haughton N (2016), Land surface models systematically overestimate the intensity, duration and magnitude of seasonal-scale evaporative droughts, Environmental Research Letters, 11, 104014.

  • Zhu Z, Piao SL, Myneni RB, Huang M, Zeng Z, Canadell JG, Ciais P, Sitch S, Friedlingstein P, Arneth A, Stocker BD, Poulter B, Koven C, Cai C, Kate E, Yang H, Mao J, Penuelas J, Cheng L, Viovy N, Zeng N, Peng S, Zaehle S, Pugh T, Wang X, Pan Y, Wang YP and Li Y (2016) Greening of the Earth and its drivers. Nature Climate Change, published on line 25 April 2016, DOI:10.1038/NCLIMATE3004.

  • Whitley R, Bering J, Hutley LB, Abramowitz A, De Kauwe MG, Evans B, Haverd V, Li LH, Moore C, Ryu Y, Scheiter S, Schymanski SJ, Smith B, Wang YP, Williams M and Yu Q (2016) Challenges and opportunities in modelling savanna ecosystems. Biogeosciences Discuss, doi:10.5194/bg-2016-190.

  • Rasmussen M, Hastings A, Smith MJ, Agusto FB, Chen-Charpentier M, Hoffman FM, Jiang J, Todd-Brown KEO, Wang Y, Wang YP, Luo YQ (2016) Residence times and mean ages for nonautonomous and autonomous compartmental systems. Journal of Mathematical Biology, DOI:10.1007/s00285-016-0990-8.

  • De Kauwe, MG, Zhou, SX, Medlyn, BE, Pitman, AJ, Wang YP, Duursma, RA and Prentice, IC (2015) Do land surface models need to include differential plant species responses to droughts? Examining model predictions across a latitudinal gradient in Europe. Biogeosciences, 12:7503-7518.

  • Luo, YQ, Ahlström A, Allison S, Batjes NH, Brovkin V, Carvalhais N, Chappell A, Ciais P, Davidson E, Finzi A, Georgiou K, Guenet B, Hararuk O, Harden J, He YJ, Hopkins F, Jiang LF, Koven C, Jackson R, Jones C, Lara M, Liang JY, McGuire A, Parton B, Peng CH, Randerson J, Salazar A, Sierra C, Smith M, Tian HQ, Todd-Brown K, Torn M, van Groenigen KJ, Wang YP, West T, Wei Y, Wieder W, Xia J, Xu X, Xu XF, Zhou T (2016) Recommendations towards More Realistic Projections of Soil Carbon Dynamics by Earth System Models. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30:40-56, DOI: 10.1002/2015GB005239.

  • Whitley R, Beringer J, Hutley L, Abramowitz G, De Kauwe MG, Duursma R, Evans B, Haverd V, Li L, Ryu Y, Smith B, Wang Y-P., Williams M and Yu Q (2016). A model inter-comparison study to examine limiting factors in modelling Australian tropical savannas. Biogeosciences, 13:3245-3265.

  • Medlyn BE, De Kauwe MG, Zaehle S, Walker AP, Duursma RA, Luus K, Mishurov M, Pak B, Smith B, Wang YP, Yang XJ, Crous KY, Drake JE, Gimeno TE, Macdonald CA, Norby RJ, Power SA, Tjoelker MG and Ellsworth DS (2016). Using models to guide field experiments: a prior predictions for the CO2 response of a nutrient- and water-limited native Eucalyptus woodland. Global Change Biology, doi:10.1111/gcb.13268.

  • Niu, SL, Classen, AT, Dukes, JS, Kardol, P, Liu L, Luo YQ, Rustad L, Sun J, Tang JW, Templer PH, Thomas RQ, Tian DS, Vicca S, Wang Ying-Ping, Xia JY and Zaehle S (2016). Global patterns and fundamental mechanisms of the terrestrial nitrogen cycle. Ecology Letter, 19:697-709, doi:10.1111/ele.12591.

  • Zhang XZ, Raper, PJ, Wang Y.P., De Silver J, Lu XJ, Pak, B, Zheng X (2016) Linear and nonlinear effects of dominant drivers on the trends in global and regional land carbon uptake: 1959 to 2013. Geophysical Research Letters. 43,1607–1614, doi:10.1002/2015GL067162.

  • Trudinger, C. M., Haverd, V., Briggs, P. R., and Canadell, J. G.: Interannual variability in Australia's terrestrial carbon cycle constrained by multiple observation types, Biogeosciences Discuss., 2016, 1-29, 2016.

  • Wang, Y. P., Jiang, J., Chen-Charpentier, B., Agusto, F. B., Hastings, A., Hoffman, F., Rasmussen, M., Smith, M. J., Todd-Brown, K., Wang, Y., Xu, X., and Luo, Y. Q.: 2016. Responses of two nonlinear microbial models to warming or increased carbon input, Biogeosciences, 13:887-902, doi:10.5194/bg-13-887-2016.

  • Zhang, Yongqiang, Peña-Arancibia JL, McVicar TR, Chiew FHS, Vaze J, Liu L, Lu Xingjie, Zheng Z, Wang Yingping, Liu YY, Miralles D, Pan M (2016) Multi-decadal trends in terrestrial evapotranspiration and its components. Scientific Report, 6:19124, doi: 10.1038/srep19124.

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