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rml599gh edited this page Oct 14, 2015 · 3 revisions

CABLE committee meeting, 15th October 2015, 1.45pm

  1. Trunk updates:

a) Updates since last meeting: none

b) Updates in progress

i) SLI and POP #18, #61. Note extra tickets #93, #94. VH/LN did final clean-up of code and documentation. Ready for Jhan to merge, subject to ACCESS testing with switches off, test with CASA-CNP on, and possible ACCESS test with Haverd2013 on. Attach namelist to ticket. Also update namelist in CABLE-AUX with extra options, and ensure documented in namelist file.

JK also proposed writing copy of namelist to output file. Has been ticketed already, #33. #54 and #58 also relevant.

c) Medlyn stomatal conductance, #56 Waiting on final check runs to be conducted e.g. GSWP2 case. One relevant code difference between tag where implemented and current trunk. JS has put this on a switch (gswminfwsoil). Since gswmin (always?) zero in Medlyn case, should be no impact and switch can be removed. JK to confirm. VH noted possible interaction with #94, i.e. gswminfswoil needed for her case.

d) Update still to come #62, #66, #68, #70 - waiting on JS/RL to check whether need switches RL and JS to audit tickets to see which can be easily resolved and closed and prioritise other tasks.

  1. FWSOIL_SWITCH related code issues and general code management Ying-Ping Wang joined the meeting to provide some general comments on code management e.g. need for model testing/science benchmarking suite and possibility of making use of iLamb, need to have clearer planning of code development priorities (given changes since roadmap), need for communication (email) and documenting changes. Noted limited resources for technical development e.g. pre/post processing of model input/output. Committee largely in agreement with these comments, many have been ongoing discussions at committee meetings and will continue to work through issues as time allows.

Specific FWSOIL_SWITCH related code issues: CABLE currently gives poor results for the partitioning between transpiration and soil evaporation. Some work done in the past has not been put onto the trunk - need for all trunk update requests to be ticketed with documentation. BP now working with YPW on a solution (#95).

Committee recommends dropping non-linear extrapolation option (since not being used by anyone), fixing typo in Lau and Katul flag name. Also note that coupling of transpiration and photosynthesis should be incorporated as in Haverd2013 option. Merging/rationalisation of FWSOIL options can proceed once relevant code has been added (on switches).

  1. CABLE land use strategy LandUse wiki page now set up to gather information about land use applications and required CABLE capability. Extra detail around methodology for different capability steps can be added as new pages, or as an attached document.

Note for POP - allows accounting for difference in carbon sink between primary and secondary forest.

Filling in timeline information is important - especially for participating in MIPS and managing the interaction/expectations of different lines of work.

RL to follow up with Ruth on any progress at UNSW.

Pep likely to initiate a land-use change meeting for late November/early December.

  1. CABLE-JULES coupling

a) Progress with coupling into UM8.5 for ACCESS-CM2. Found missing initialisation for some albedo variables. Test run with fix looks to have solved obvious issue with e.g. net short wave radiation but requires more detailed analysis.

b) CABLE in JULES4.2/UM10.1
No progress

c) Offline CABLE via JULES - GSWP2 case? No further work

  1. CABLE wiki pages - only minor changes

a) Progress on Beginners guide to CABLE development, BeginnersGuide - anyone targeted to contribute? JK approached Mark D, but currently not available to help. RL to note need at next LSM team meeting.

  1. Benchmarking/test suite

a) CABLE technical test suite – other test users?, document on wiki? CASA-CNP test? No progress. BP recently noted need for this to be working for all users.

b) PALS Continued analysis development including a student working on drought metrics.

  1. Technical support

a) Possible role for Ned - follow-up? Discussed Ned's interest in code management/testing and work flows and our need for a basic (quick/easy) science benchmarking script. Suggest Ned provide a short summary of work he's interested in doing, and when available attend a CABLE committee meeting. His possible availability is Feb/Mar 2016.

  1. Upcoming meetings

a) CAWCR workshop (October, Melbourne) VH, GA, RL attending workshop on Monday. Need to talk about GA representation of wider CABLE interests at LandMIP.

b) Greenhouse2015 (October, Hobart) VH attending - one day only?

c) LandMIP meeting (October, Zurich) GA to represent CABLE

d) OzeWex (December, Gold Coast) GA looking for speakers for the CABLE hydrology session. A couple of suggestions made.

e) AMOS (special session, land/CABLE, February, Melbourne) ''Need to promote. Abstracts due 30/10.

  1. Next meeting date: Thursday 12 November, 2pm (or 3rd December) Agreed on November date, but postpone if not enough material to warrant meeting.

  2. Any other business Need to follow-up on RDSI data application for CABLE benchmarking data, to make sure the data is being used. Make sure any future benchmarking script uses this data. RL to highlight in next CABLE news, pointing to CableData for more information.

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