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Project 1418SR.Middle_Earth Source

Mark Johnson edited this page Oct 25, 2018 · 53 revisions

<-- 'Index Page for RasterLite2'

<-- 'Project 1418SR.Middle_Earth'

--> 'Source: Map of Middle Earth from Lord of the Rings'

--> 'Source: Blog Reference'

--> 'Description: '

--> 'GeoTiff to be used in tutorial '

--> 'Spatialite-Database to be used in tutorial'

--> 'A (hopefully correct) Copyright notice'

There are 2 sources for this image

I downloaded the 3200x1600 jpg version and saved the image as a TIF file (shown here as a PNG)

'Preview : 1418SR.Middle_Earth.Tolkien_Tree_Oxford'

with the following command:

gdal_translate "" -of GTiff \
 -mo 'TIFFTAG_DOCUMENTNAME=Map of Middle Earth, Hobbiton based on position Tolkien Tree, Oxford' \
 -mo 'TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION=Map of Middle Earth from Lord of the Rings, from the Lord of the Rings books by J.R.R. Tolkien.' \
 -mo 'TIFFTAG_COPYRIGHT=Tolkien Estate, Tolkien Map request : JRR001-0006, 16 December 2017 18:22. Tolkien maps are not available for licensing in the proposed manner. ;' \
 -mo '' \

Description of image:

Title of image The Realm of Middle Earth
  • with Scale Bar of 250 miles
  • and a compass pointing to the north
Date of Creation unknown
Artist unknown
Publication unknown

Map of Middle Earth with a background colour

  • giving the impression of a old stained parchment.
  • Size: 3200 x 1600 pixels
  • Maßstab: 1:100000
  • Orientierung: Nord
  • Background Color: Parchment type

Area shown
as compared to the first map (1953): The General Map of Middle-earth
  • North: Northern Waste and coastline not shown
  • South: Area south of Umbar not shown
  • West: shows less Ocean area west of Forlindon
  • East: shows greater area east of the Sea of Rhûn

as compared to the second map: The West of Middle-earth at the End of the Third Age
  • North, South and West: same area
  • East: shows greater area east of the Sea of Rhûn
  • less contour lines radiating from the coasts

  • West of Ireland to Istanbul
  • Southern Tips of Norway and Finland to Sicily
Copyright To my knowledge, the 'Tolkien Estate' holds all rights to the 'Middle Earth' maps.
A request for information about this specific map and the conditions for use of that map for educational purposes of an Open-Source Project.

Answer: 16 December 2017 18:22 Tolkien Map request : JRR001-0006
  • Unfortunately, though your project sounds very interesting, I regret that the Tolkien maps are not available for licensing in the manner you propose.
No information was given about this specific map.
A further request (19. December 2017 04:03) for more information about the image was not answered.
Usage of image elsewhere The Realm of Middle Earth is often used in other articles:

So it may be assumed that there are others who use the image,
applying the Fair use doctrine.
With no mention from which film or source of the original image,
so (I assume) has nothing to do with Fair use.
Projection used in geo-referencing Projection when used in geo-referencing
  • LAEA Europe, EPSG:3035

Based on points along the inner frame:
  • West/North: 2796067.0,3818419.0
  • East/North: 5838318.092486634,4045812.578155939
  • East/South: 5959159.666021304,1716865.888215053
  • West/South: 2915200.0,1472956.0
  • Width around (in meters): 304300 meters
  • Height around (in meters): 2330000 meters
  • Area (in meters): 7140635848234.942383
Base point Tolkien Tree, Oxford as Hobbiton (Tree, Party Field)
  • Wsg84, EPSG:4326: x=-1.247575, y=51.750493
  • LAEA Europe, EPSG:3035: x=3547808.585257804, y=3242030.511268596
Gcp points
  • 159 gcp_points
    • based on overlayed geometries of countries of Europe
  • Resolution (meters per pixel): 970.429903115999991
  • Scale Bar of 250 miles measured as : 250.235 miles
'Preview : Scale-Bar showing measured 250.235 miles'
World-file 970.4299031160

The geo-referenced image, with European countries overlayed (shown here as a PNG)

'Preview : 1418SR.Middle_Earth.Tolkien_Tree_Oxford, with European countries overlayed'

The geo-referenced image, to be used for the RasterLite2 tutorial can be downloaded with :


The Database with geometries and RasterLite2-Styles, to be used for the RasterLite2 tutoral can be downloaded with :


and looks like this in QGis:

'Preview : Spatialite with geometries and RasterLite2-Styles, shown in QGis'

A (hopefully correct) Copyright notice:

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License

This work is copyrighted and owned by the Tolkien Estate.

It is believed that the use of this image,

  • on this not-for-profit educational website,

qualifies as fair use under copyright law in the United States of America.

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License

It is believed that the use of this map which relates to J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium,

  • on this not-for-profit educational website,

qualifies as fair use under copyright law in the United States of America.

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License

It is believed that the use of the created geometries which relates to J.R.R. Tolkien's legendarium,

  • on this not-for-profit educational website,

qualifies as fair use under copyright law in the United States of America.

2018-10-25: Mark Johnson, Berlin Germany

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