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Return Code Problems

Mark Johnson edited this page Nov 12, 2015 · 6 revisions

Return code Problems caused by lack of proper Return code support in internal functions

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A major problem while

  • searching for errors
  • understanding the flow of the Library

is the lack of a meaningful return code when errors occur

  • 1 : success
  • 0 : failed
  • -1 : general parameter error, otherwise not known

is, as a general rule, all that is returned.

Due to the complexity of tasks being completed

  • through checks are being done
    • but the true cause is not being stored or being reported

The time spent in searching for such errors

  • is very high
    • so often I have build in errors codes
      • and i_rc variable with a default value of 0
      • each error determined (in the order found)
        • receives a minus value, starting with -1, -2 etc.
          • before the horrid goto error was called
        • or grouped according to some function typical logic
          • in the sample below, the groups are data-types
            • *_BIT, INT*, UINT* etc.
          • in combination with

One sample in rl2tiff.c

  • check_tiff_origin_pixel_conversion
    • this function determined an error
    • RL2_LoadRaster had failed with -1
      • 2-3 hours later, I found that the error was determined here
        • the cause of the error was elsewhere
    • there are about 25 different error possibilities
      • to resolve the problem, you must know which
    • In this case it was a 1_BIT, MONOCHROME, bitsPerSample error
      • with a value of 16604
        • bitsPerSample: default: 1 ; maximum: 8
          • so where does 16604 come from

So after about 5-6 hours

  • the point where the error was determined is known

The cause of the problem was elsewhere

  • init_tiff_origin
    • the LIBTIFF function TIFFGetField for retrieving TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE
      • was being used without checking the return code
        • in this case the GeoTiff had no field with TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE
          • in this case 1 should be set
        • due to the missing check, garbage was returned (16604)
        • this was the only case, where no checking was done
    • the LIBTIFF function TIFFGetFieldDefaulted
      • will return, when the GeoTiff has no TIFFTAG being queried
        • the predefined default value
          • not all TIFFTAG are supported
            • TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE is, however, supported


  • in cases where TIFFGetFieldDefaulted
    • will return (without a need to check the return code) a default value
      • TIFFGetField was replaced with TIFFGetFieldDefaulted
  • otherwise
    • TIFFGetField with the checking of the return code is used

It was after this full work day

  • that I started to retained these return codes
    • up to then I had removed them
    • adding a switch/case
      • with a short description on what the code means

I would advice, that where needed

  • that this system be continued

[<-- 'Cutline / RasterDefaults Index'] (Cutline-Index#return_codes)

2015-11-12: Mark Johnson, Berlin Germany