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Mark Johnson edited this page Oct 6, 2018 · 5 revisions

Filling a Raster coverage with a specific (single) Image from a Geo-Referenced File

--> 'List of Sql-Commands'

<-- 'Index Page for RasterLite2 - Commands'

Original Documentation RasterLite2 SQL functions - reference list)

  • RL2_CopyRasterCoverage(String db_prefix, String coverage_name , int transaction)

Parameters [optional parameters]:

  • db_prefix: the prefix used when the Database was ATTACHed
  • coverage: the raster_coverage to copy from the ATTACHed Database
  • [transaction]:

  • Sample for a combining 2 single Raster Coverages from 2 different Databases
    • into 1 new Database (with then 2 Raster Coverages)
ATTACH DATABASE "../source_db/1903.dritte_landesaufnahme_toscana_file.db" 
 AS db_import;
-- -
SELECT RL2_CopyRasterCoverage
  -- the prefix used when the Database was ATTACHed
 -- the raster_coverage to copy from the ATTACHed Database
SELECT DateTime('now'),'CopyRasterCoverage: from 1903.dritte_landesaufnahme_toscana_dir.db [dritte_landesaufnahme_toscana_dir]';
ATTACH DATABASE "../source_db/1903.dritte_landesaufnahme_toscana_dir.db" 
 AS db_import;
SELECT RL2_CopyRasterCoverage
  -- the prefix used when the Database was ATTACHed
 -- the raster_coverage to copy from the ATTACHed Database


  • this is causing an error that must be looked into:
CreateRasterCoveragesTable() error: table 'raster_coverages' already exists
CreateStylingTables() error: table 'SE_external_graphics' already exists
  • failing with 0

2015-09-01: Mark Johnson, Berlin Germany