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Questions for the Client: H branding fee payment

Ashley Engelund edited this page Nov 19, 2017 · 8 revisions

Questions for SHF Organization related to H-Branding

A. What exactly does a company get when they pay the "H-branding fee"?

Why do we have to be so specific about this?

We need to know if there is some information that needs to be shown when someone is paying for the H-branding fee, and/or if there is some specific process or event that has to happen before they can submit their payment (or during or after, etc.).

  1. Exactly what is being paid for with the "H-branding fee" ?

    • the right to say "this company meets the SHF standards for an 'ethical dog company'" ?
    • Use of SHF images?
    • Use of SHF name/image/website link/etc. in separate company-specific materials? (ads, websites, brochures, social media...)
    • Other?
  2. Do we need to have the person submitting the payment for this agree to the terms by checking a box? Ex: "Terms and conditions" (or similar legal language) about how they can and cannot use the SHF images, how long this is good for.

    • If yes, should we confirm member agreement with the language before member can pay the license fee?
      • Ex: They cannot do the payment until they have ticked the checkbox
    • In the current payment process (email? paper invoice?) is there any already language (or link to website) for this purpose that we can use? Or does SHF need to write this up?
  3. Is the correct term for the availability of a member to access H-Branding rights a "license"? It is permission to use something temporarily: the permission to use the "meets the SHF standards for an ethical Hundföretagare" information and images for 1 year.

    • Having the right term ("license") is important so that SHF and developers are all talking about the same thing. It's important for everyone working on the project now and important when new people (SHF or developers) join in the work so they understand, too.

B. Individual membership status and how it might relate to the Company status / license fee payment

The next set of questions relate to how we should restrict member access to, and use of, the SHF member site, relative to payment of the license fee.

Definition of a "user" vs. "member": For background, please be aware that we will soon enable online (on the site) membership fee payments (for new and existing SHF members). Also, here we refer to a person who is not yet a member, but has applied to become one, as a "user". This is distinct from a "member". Also, before a user can become a member, he or she has to 1) have an approved application, and 2) have paid the membership fee.

  1. If a user is associated with a new (to SHF) company, should the user also have to pay the license fee before becoming a member (that is, add a third requirement to those listed above: (1) the application must be approved, (2) they must pay an individual membership fee, and (3) the license fee must be paid?

  2. Alternatively: The user can be an approved member even if the license fee is not paid (probably because the license fee term has expired and has not yet been renewed), but there are some limits/restrictions on the use of the SHF website.

    • One proposal is: The the company page is not visible to anyone other than the members associated with that company. That is, when a visitor comes to the site looking for SHF approved companies, the company will not appear in company lists, nor be shown on a map, nor show up in search results. It will no longer be visible to the public.

C. Other ideas for how to manage - and encourage - the payment of the license fee?

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