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Classes, Events and Integration with

Patrick Bolger edited this page Apr 4, 2018 · 23 revisions


Background, vision, and overall description

User Stories


SHF Members and Companies offer classes and events for dog owners.

Since a few years back DinKurs is giving members a substantial discount to use their event-managing system (including getting payments, etc.). The board would like to honour this discount by making it super-easy for our members to display the classes listed there on their company page. And later also have them searchable by topic or location.

This also adds great value for the members, it is in itself a reason to want to be member.

The vision

The SHF website should be the one site where dog owners can come and search for events (in addition to searching for companies and skills offered) held by dog companies ruled by ethics.

Visitors can for example search for all 'agility' events in the country, or in their city or even in their neighborhood. Or list all classes within a 5km radius. Or 10k.

For the Future: Have a setting that is "reachable by public transportation" yes or no.

The market tried to be such a place, but they list many many things. And are funded by advertising.
(It seems nobody has listed any classes with them: But they have quite a few in the "doggie day care" category: ) So SHF would be the first place to list ethically good dog businesses and their events.

The system

So, the system should pull in and list things from DinKurs xml, but if someone does not have a Dinkurs account, they should be able to schedule an event in the SHF system.
Required fields:

User finds their company-key easily on this page: One gets there from "settings-wheel" to "Ändra företagsuppgifter"

Possible Path [thesuss]:

  1. Set up the event system for manually entered events and listing them on their company page
  2. Let the member hide/show individual events (toggle button?)
  3. Make a field on (for example) edit company page and grab data from din-kurs xml when such a code ("yFKGQJ") is entered.
  4. create a list and search-function for events on a separate page
  5. combine the page of find company and find class in an elegant manner. May require mockups.

Ask the users to be involved

Maybe send out email to the members telling them that we're starting work on this, and so the first part is understanding what they want: Ask them to send us their wish lists for this. And perhaps we can get a user or 2 willing to work/talk with us on this as we develop user stories and features.

Questions for Dinkurs

  1. Is there any way that we can request a subset of all of the event records for a company? For example:
  • All events that have been created or modified on or after a specified date?
  • Only events for which the event date is on or after a specified date?
  1. It seems that there are some incomplete and/or test event records in some of the data we have looked at.
  • Can these be removed from the data that is sent to us via the API?
  • If not, how can we determine whether a specific event record is "real"?

User Stories

These are possible user stories. These are here so that conversations can be had, and then so these can be changed and added to and deleted.

SHF is the major place where dog owners come to search for dog events by ethical dog companies

As an organization Because there is no other single place where dog owners can search for dog events in Sweden, especially for ethical dog companies, And because DinKurs provides a discount to SHF members so many of them use it, to make the SHF site more valuable for members by bringing more site visitors to their pages, Sveriges Hundföretagare should let members enter and manage event information, including connecting to DinKurs so that dog owners can find and search for the events.

Member Enters Info about an Event They're Offering

As a member So that I can reach as many potential customers/clients as possible I want to have information about my upcoming event be shown on the SHF site

Different Scenarios:

  1. I have all of the information about my event
  2. I have some of the information and want to enter that now, but don't want the information published yet
  3. I have some of the information and want to enter that now and do want the information published, with some indicator or words that "more information will be coming"

Member Sets an Event as "published" or "not published" (and when?)

As a member So that I can control whether or not information for one of my events is shown on the SHF site, I need to be able to set an event to "published" or "not published"

  • Scenario: set a "publish on" date
  • Scenario: set a "unpublish on" date

Visitor Searches for an event based on criteria

As a visitor So that I can find exactly what I need for myself and my dog(s) I need to be able to set criteria/filters when searching events

Visitor Browses through all events

As a visitor So that I can learn about different events even when I don't know all of the possible criteria, And so that I can look at them all in a way that makes sense to me, I want to browse through the events with the ability to order the list by different criteria

Visitor can browse through past events

As a visitor So that I can see events that I might have missed but might be interested in in the future, Let me browse through events that have already happened

Visitor can sign up to be notified about changes to event information

As a visitor So that I know if information about an upcoming event is added or updated, And so that SHF Members (the event organizer/owner) sees tangible evidence that the SHF site is providing them with some business leads, I want to be able to sign up to get an email when info for an event changes.

Events are shown in multiple forms: text lists and on calendars

As a visitor So that I can see events in the way that works best for me And because some people deal with one format better than another, or might want one format in a certain context, Display events in both a text format and a calendar format (and any other formats that prove helpful)

SHF Home Page lists upcoming events

Maybe there is a place where a list of upcoming events can be seen by site visitors

SHF Home/Landing Page lists "featured" upcoming events

Maybe members can buy a 'featured spot' for their upcoming event (like buying an ad on a website)

Member Enters their DinKurs company ID so they can display their DinKurs events in SHF

As a Member So that I can take advantage of the events I've already entered in DinKurs And so the SHF site can be more valuable to members I want to enter the info needed (my DinKurs company ID?) in SHF so that it can connect with DinKurs and display my events

Member sets their DinKurs events as "published" or "not published" on the SHF site

As a Member So that I have control over what events are displayed on SHF just like I do for non-DinKurs events, I need to be able to specify which of my events are "published" or "not published" on SHF (and when), just like non-DinKurs events are handled.

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