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Ivan.Yossi edited this page Dec 12, 2013 · 5 revisions

Getting images into the script is one of the key aspects of the application. for example, as it works from standard args, you could make a nice command line to find certain types of images and then feed the script with the results. for example:

	find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.png' | xargs /path/to/artscript2.tcl

Using the app from context menus is quite fast as it integrates with your current workflow. It's also possible to integrate it to image viewers, like geeqie.

artscript in context menu

**From the GUI**

Press button "Add files" (#1). A file open dialog will appear. Select the images you want to load and press "Open"

File loading and select pane

After loading you will see you images listed below. (#6)

Loaded artscript GUI

Removing images from list

Press button labeled "Remove selected" (#3)

Selecting images from tree

Use the mouse to select an image from the list, hold to select more than one. Select one image, Hold , click another image to select from that range of images

The buttons at the top (#2) can be used to perform selection operations.

  • All - Selects all images listed
  • Inverse - Inverts the selection, was once was selected now its not.
  • None - Select nothing.

Reviewing selected images

The image list area has a few columns, this columns can be used to sort the content. It only sorts the content to help you remove unwanted images from the list. Convert will still process the images starting from the image with the lowest id.


  • Id: image unique identification number, it's mostly used for internal operations
  • Ext: image extension (jpeg, png, kra, etc)
  • Input_ Image name as it was read.
  • Size: Reported size in pixels width x height
  • Output: Image name as its going to be written. This is the same as input if no suffix or prefix is selected and "allow overwrite" more is on.
  • Osize: Destination size(s)

Pressing any column header (#5) will sort the list but the column content.

File pane

The Thumbnail area updates only when selecting a single image.

Thumbnail pane showing a thubmail

How it works Search if there is already a thumbnail generated (inside ~/.thumbnails/large ) If it doesn't find one it creates one and places it in ~/.thumbnails/large Searches the thumbnail again.

The preview button (#34) shows you the exact output you are going to get by running the conversion in "show only"