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Ivan.Yossi edited this page Dec 12, 2013 · 4 revisions

The first tab, watermark allows to add a text label or an image stamp to all the images processed. The text and the image stamp can be placed anywhere and have some style options to make them either stand out or blend in your images.

Watermark tab

Common options
  • Checkbox: Turns the addition of the watermark on/off. It is automatically set to on if any of the watermark options is changed.
  • Watermark Selection: Lists available text o image watermarks to put in.
  • Size: (only for text v2.1) Sets the size in points for the given text
  • Rotation. rotates the text or image 90°CW, CWW or a full spin of 180°
  • Opacity. Controls watermark transparency. 0 is completely transparent, 100 completely opaque
  • Position: Places the watermark element in the region of the image specified, the next two fields are the X offset and Y offset.
Style options #15.1
  • Text Color. The bigger square shows the current color. Click it to select a custom color. The two rows squares are the swatches. Click on the to set the current color to the swatch clicked. (The swatches can be configured to be whatever colors you want, see how in the configure section)
  • Image Mode: Sets how the pixels between both images are going to be merged. Over is the default, which basically means. No blending

Customizing watermark values

The configuration keys to watermark values are

key = example

  • watermark_text=text
  • watermark_text_list="mywebpage" "today $date" ""
  • watermark_size=12
  • watermark_position=BottomRight
  • watermark_color=#ff3456
  • watermark_text_opacity=70
  • watermark_color_swatches=Black black English-red #D00000 "Dark crimson" #780422 Orange #FE8B00
  • watermark_image_list="Sello Colora" "/home/programg/icons/sello-wm_96.png" "Colora pink" "/home/programg/icons/colora-pink_128.png"
  • watermark_image_position=BottomLeft
  • watermark_image_style=Over

For detailed information open presets.config.example