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Lab Report 9

EgemenKaplan edited this page Dec 5, 2023 · 4 revisions

Project Development Weekly Progress Report

Team Name: Web Info Aggregator

Date: 05.12.2023

Progress Summary

This week

On the backend,

We prepared most of the core functionality related to posts, interest areas and users. Most importantly, the logic system related to access levels and data access created and works properly.(e.g. A user cannot see the posts of a private interest area without being a member.) We also created some APIs like Home Page API, Profile Page API for convenience of frontend team.

On the Web side,

We prepared our app for the Milestone 2. We integrated all our previously implemented UI elements with their CRUD endpoints. We have most of our app ready except for its compliance to the new mockups, annotations, moderation boards, report user and settings views. There are minor changes to be made for conditional renders.

On the Mobile side,

We implemented many of the requirements to our mobile project until Milestone 2. New mock-up designs, annotations, moderation boards, report and suggestion functions and settings views. There are much to improve in the mobile project, but we are moving forward with solid steps.

Next week

On the Backend,

Only a few general sections are left unimplemented in the backend. Apart from a general code cleanup, what's left is: reputation system, reporting and moderation portal for system users, reporting and moderation system inside the app, security and access levels throughout the app, user experience stuff like comments, upvotes and downvotes, annotations, finalization of the suggestion structure, endpoints for annotations, and the interesting issue of restricted content.

For next week, the reputation system, reporting and moderation in its entirety as described in the requirements will be finished. User account deletion will be carefully checked off from the requirements. Access level management for interest areas which was leftover from milestone 2 will also be completed.

On the Web side,

We will change our overall design according to the new mockups and start implementing annotation views.

On the Mobile Side,

The designs will be implemented according to updated mock-ups. It requires a week of work as they are detailed and rest of the features are getting ready.

What was planned for the week? How did it go?

Description Issue Assignee Due Artifact Estimated Duration Actual Duration
Web - Integrate create IA with wiki endpoint #407 Bahri 27.11.2023 PR #439 1hr 2hr
Web - Integrate create IA request with the backend side #408 Bahri 23.11.2023 PR #429 1hr 2hr
Web - Integrate create post with wiki endpoint #409 Bahri 27.11.2023 PR #445 1hr 1hr
Web - Integrate update post with wiki endpoint #411 Bahri 27.11.2023 PR #445 1hr 2hr
Web - Update Interest Area Page #412 Bahri 27.11.2023 PR #448 2hr 4hr
Web - Profile Page CRUD Integration and Polish Page #418 Egemen 27.11.2023 PR #472 2hr 3hr
Web - Timeline CRUD Integration #422 Egemen 27.11.2023 PR #490 2hr 1hr
Web - Finalize Post CRUD Integration #424 Egemen 27.11.2023 PR #480 2hr 2hr
Web - General Search #425 Bahri 27.11.2023 PR #487 3hr
Mobile - Posts CRUD Endpoints Integration #378 Ömer 28.11.2023 PR #474 5hr
Update Mock-ups according to needs occurred when integration of pages #419 Meriç, Sude 24.11.2023 Wiki 10hr 16hr
Backend - Interest Area Page API #414 Baki 24.11.2023 PR #438 4hr 5hr
Backend - Interest Area Search API #415 Baki 24.11.2023 PR #431 2hr 3hr
Backend - Home(Feed) Page API #416 Baki 24.11.2023 PR #441 4hr 5hr
Backend - Create Comment Model and CRUD APIs #337 Baki 27.11.2023 Not completed since it is removed from milestone 3hr
Backend - Create Post CRUD APIs #334 Baki 27.11.2023 PR #432 6hr 6hr
Mobile - Integrating Home Page Api #413 Ömer 27.11.2023 PR #457 2hr
Mobile - Integrating Profile Api #417 Ömer 27.11.2023 PR #447 2hr
Mobile - Integrating Search Api #420 Ömer 27.11.2023 PR #460 3hr
Mobile - Integrating Follow Api #421 Ömer 27.11.2023 PR #468 2hr
Mobile - Geolocation support when creating a post #423 Furkan 27.11.2023 5hr
Web - Integrate adding IA with nestedIAs #426 Bahri 27.11.2023 PR #443 3hr 4hr

Completed tasks that were not planned for the week

Description Issue Assignee Due Artifact Actual Duration
Dockerize and Deploy Project for Milestone 2 #482 Egemen, Baki 27.11.2023 PR #483 1hr
Prepare API documentation for Milestone 2 #505 Egemen 03.11.2023 Postman Docs 1hr
Testing Web UI using Trailblu #513 Egemen, Baki 03.11.2023 - 2hr
Updating assets of Mobile Project #462 Meriç 27.11.2023 PR #463 2hr
Updating Mobile Project according to Mock-ups changes #428 Meriç 27.11.2023 PR #477 3hr
Mobile - Interest Area Page API Integration #449 Ömer 27.11.2023 PR #451 2hr
Mobile - Update Sign Up Endpoint and Add Logout Function #452 Ömer 27.11.2023 PR #453 2hr
Mobile - Search Screens #459 Ömer 27.11.2023 PR #461 3hr
Mobile - ReImplement Post Widget #465 Ömer 27.11.2023 PR #466 2hr
Milestone Report-Summary of Customer Feedback #494 Begüm 01.12.2023 Wiki 1hr
Milestone Report-Describing Changes #495 Begüm, Sude 01.12.2023 Wiki 0.5hr
Milestone Report-List and Status of Deliverables #497 Begüm 01.12.2023 Wiki 0.5hr
Milestone Report-The General Test Plan for Project #499 Begüm, Sude 01.12.2023 Wiki 0.5hr
Backend - Arrange Exceptions and Exception Handlings #433 Baki 24.11.2023 PR #434 2hr
Backend - Refactor Big Services #435 Baki 27.11.2023 PR #436 2hr
Backend - Home(Feed) Page API #416 Baki 27.11.2023 PR #441 4hr
Create customer-milstone-2 release #484 Baki 28.11.2023 Release 1hr

Planned vs. Actual

Overall, we were planning to implement annotations before the search function, but we implemented the search function before annotations. We planned to implement lots of things and present a satisfactory application in the milestone, and we achieved.

Your plans for the next week

Description Issue Assignee Due Estimated Duration
Backend - Add Role Management for Access Levels #373 Bahadır 12.12.2023 6h
Backend - User Account Deletion #515 Bahadır 12.12.2023 3h
Backend - Add The Reputation System #516 Bahadır 12.12.2023 8h
Backend - Implement Reporting and Moderation Core Function - Moderation Dashboard #526 Bahadır 12.12.2023 12h
Backend - Create Comment Model and CRUD APIs #337 Baki 12.12.2023 4hr
Backend - Down/Upvoting a post. #524 Baki 12.12.2023 4hr
Backend - List, Accept/Reject Interest Area Join Requests #527 Baki 12.12.2023 5hr
Add Annotation Mock-ups #517 Meriç 11.12.2023 2hr
Add Edit View Mock-up to Bunch Page #521 Meriç 11.12.2023 2hr
Implementing Home Page Design to Mobile #522 Meriç 11.12.2023 2hr
Implementing Search Page Design to Mobile #523 Meriç 11.12.2023 2hr
Implementing Explore Page Design to Mobile #525 Meriç 11.12.2023 2hr
Web - Create CSS classNames according to mockups and add common assets/icons from figma #529 Egemen 09.12.2023 2hr
Web - Compliance to Mockups - View Bunch Page #530 Bahri 11.12.2023 2hr
Web - Compliance to Mockups - Update/Create Bunch Page #532 Bahri 11.12.2023 2hr
Web - Compliance to Mockups - View Spot Details Page #535 Miraç 11.12.2023 2hr
Web - Compliance to Mockups - Update/Create Spot Page #539 Miraç 11.12.2023 2hr
Web - Compliance to Mockups - Small Spot Card Preview #540 Egemen 11.12.2023 2hr
Web - Compliance to Mockups - Topbar/Sidebar #538 Furkan 11.12.2023 2hr
Web - Compliance to Mockups - Auth Modals #537 Furkan 11.12.2023 2hr
Web - Compliance to Mockups - Profile Page #536 Sude 11.12.2023 2hr
Web - Compliance to Mockups - Timeline Page #534 Sude 11.12.2023 2hr
Web - Annotations - Annotation display on Spot body and search #533 Furkan 11.12.2023 4hr
Web - Annotations - Sidebar view #531 Bahri 11.12.2023 4hr
Web - Annotations - Create Annotation #528 Egemen 11.12.2023 4hr
Mobile - Modify Create Bunch View #520 Ömer 11.12.2023 2hr
Mobile - Modify Spot Details View #519 Ömer 11.12.2023 2hr
Mobile - Updating Bunch Member #470 Begüm 11.12.2023 3hr
Mobile - Geolocation support when creating a post #423 Ömer 11.12.2023 4hr


Changing overall design in such a way may complicate our work moving forward. We don’t have much time left till the 3rd Milestone.


Name Participation
Bahadır Gezer
Hasan Baki Küçükçakıroğlu
Egemen Kaplan
İbrahim Furkan Özçelik
Ömer Faruk Çelik
Begüm Yivli
Enes Yıldız
Sude Konyalıoğlu
Bahri Alabey
Miraç Öztürk
Meriç Keskin


  1. Annotations: Most important because it is the customer's most requested feature and it fits our platform.

  2. Users shall have control over privacy settings of IAs. (e.g. public, private and personal). Also very important because customer asked last meeting and crucial to ensure privacy.

  3. Down/Upvoting a post. Quite necessary feature because it gives an idea about which posts are most liked or hated, good for user experience.

  4. Commenting on a post. Also necessary for better user experience because users could explain their ideas and give new information.

  5. 1.2.4 Moderation Necessary for better user experience because it prevents usage of the apps against the ToS.

  6. Vote on other users based on their profile, behavior, and activity on the platform which will affect the target's reputation scores (See " Reputation system") Nice feature but do not affect the overall purpose of the platform, so not that critical.

  7. Reporting inappropriate posts to IA moderators. (See "" for more info in Moderators) Good for safety, can be implemented later.

  8. Reporting inappropriate IAs to System Administrators. Good for safety, can be implemented later.

  9. 1.2.3 Labeling We have some labeling features, but it should be improved, for example, suggesting labels to post or IA but not that critical right now.

  10. The system shall enable post filtering by interest areas, date, location, and other metadata. Good for user experience but can be implemented later because it doesn’t affect the overall purpose of the platform.

  11. The system shall enable the user to sort search results by relevance, date, and popularity We have a search function but search results cannot be sorted yet. Good for user experience but can be implemented later because it doesn’t affect the overall purpose of the platform.

  12. Users shall be able to delete their accounts. Good for user experience but can be implemented later because if a user doesn’t want to be seen, his/her posts or IAs, he/she can make it private.

  13. Suggesting additional tags to posts created by other users. Nice feature but not that critical.

  14. Suggesting additional tags to IAs created by other users. Nice feature but not that critical.

  15. 2.4 Restricted Content


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