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World State Payload

Vignesh edited this page Apr 6, 2020 · 1 revision

afWorld State Message

There exists a single instance of simulation World called afWorld. Similar to afObjects, afWorld is controllable using ambf_msgs/afWorldCmd message and relays its state using the ambf_msgs/afWorldState message.

WorldState Payload Description
header The ROS message header includes seq_number, time_stamp and frame_id. frame_id not used for now
dynamic_loop_freq The frequency of underlying pyhsics solver loop
n_devices The number of haptics/input devices currently connected AMBF Simulator
sim_step The number of simulation steps of the physics solver. This keeps incrementing
wall_time The System Clock (Wall Clock) in seconds
sim_time The time of the physics simulation. For RT sim_time == wall_time