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The Python Client

Vignesh edited this page Apr 6, 2020 · 1 revision

Easy to Use Python Client

For full feature set of the AMBF Simulator, it is advised that you install it on Linux (Ubuntu) 16,17 or 18. Other variants might be supported but have not yet been tested.

The AMBF Python Client

This simplest way to interact with simulated bodies, robots/multi-bodies, kinematic and visual objects in the AMBF simulator is by using the high-speed Asynchronous Communication that is implemented via ROS-topics in the AMBF Framework Library. One can use either using C++ or Python for creating applications for this purpose. For ease of interaction we provide a convenient Python Client which can be used as follows:

Start the AMBF Simulator with your choice of Multi-Body config file that can be directly set in the ambf_models/launch.yaml file.

In your python application

# Import the Client from ambf_comm package
from ambf_client import Client
import time

# Create a instance of the client
_client = Client()

# Connect the client which in turn creates callable objects from ROS topics
# and initiates a shared pool of threads for bidrectional communication 

# You can print the names of objects found

# Lets say from the list of printed names, we want to get the 
# handle to an object names "Torus"
torus_obj = _client.get_obj_handle('Torus')

# Now you can use the torus_obj to set and get its position, rotation,
# Pose etc. If the object has joints, you can also control them
# in either position control mode or open loop effort mode. You can even mix and
# match the joints commands 
torus_obj.set_pos(0, 0, 0) # Set the XYZ Pos in obj's World frame
torus_obj.set_rpy(1.5, 0.7, .0) # Set the Fixed RPY in World frame
time.sleep(5) # Sleep for a while to see the effect of the command before moving on

# Other methods to control the obj position include
# torus_obj.set_pose(pose_cmd) # Where pose_cmd is of type Geometry_msgs/Pose
# torus_obj.set_rot(quaterion) # Where quaternion is a list in the order of [qx, qy, qz, qw]
# Finally all the position control params can be controlled in a single method call
# torus_obj.pose_command(px, py, pz, roll, pitch, yaw, *jnt_cmds)

# We can just as easily get the pose information of the obj
cur_pos = torus_obj.get_pos() # xyx position in World frame
cur_rot = torus_obj.get_rot() # Quaternion in World frame
cur_rpy = torus_obj.get_rpy() # Fixed RPY in World frame

# Similarly you can directly control the wrench acting on the obj by
torus_obj.set_force(5, -5, 10) # Set the force in the World frame
torus_obj.set_torque(0, 0, 0.8) # Set the torque in the World frame
time.sleep(5) # Sleep for a while to see the effect of the command before moving on

# Similarly you can directly control the wrench acting on the obj by
# The key difference is that it's the user's job to update the forces
# and torques in a loop otherwise the wrench in cleared after an internal
# watchdog timer expires if a new command is not set. This is for safety
# reasons where a user shouldn't set a wrench and then forget about it.
for i in range(0, 5000):
    torus_obj.set_force(5, -5, 10) # Set the force in the World frame
    torus_obj.set_torque(0, 0, 0.8) # Set the torque in the World frame
    time.sleep(0.001) # Sleep for a while to see the effect of the command before moving on

# We can get the number of children and joints connected to this body as
num_joints = torus_obj.get_num_joints() # Get the number of joints of this object
children_names = torus_obj.get_children_names() # Get a list of children names belonging to this obj


# If the obj has some joints, we can control them as follows
if num_joints > 1:
    torus_obj.set_joint_pos(0, 0.5) # The the joints at idx 0 to 0.5 Radian
    torus_obj.set_joint_effort(1, 5) # Set the effort of joint at idx 1 to 5 Nm
    time.sleep(2) # Sleep for a while to see the effect of the command before moving on

# Lastly to cleanup
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