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Object State Payload

Vignesh edited this page Apr 6, 2020 · 1 revision

afObject State Message

The following table describes the payload of the State message for any afObject.

ObjectState Payload Description
header The ROS message header includes seq_number, time_stamp and frame_id. frame_id not used for now
name The name of this afOjbect, set the AMBF Config file that loads this Object
wall_time System time or Wall Clock in seconds
sim_time Simulation clock which is incremented at each time-step. For RT sim_time == wall_time
mass The mass of the afObject, for kinematic bodies this is 0
pInertia The principal inertial of the afObject. Ignore for kinematic bodies
pose The position and orientation as quaternion in the Parent frame
wrench The accumulated external forces on this body in the Parent Frame. Not yet implemented
userdata Array of floats for defining user data
userdata_description String to define any user data
children_names An array for children names that are connected to this afObject
joint_names An array of joint names that this object is a parent of
joint_positions Positions of joints that this object is a parent of