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Anthony Johnson edited this page May 16, 2013 · 1 revision

This site is powered by Kwiki. RandallHansen is tweaking it with the following goals: 0 Valid XHTML and CSS, 0 Accessible to people with disabilities and non-GUI and non-JavaScript browsers, 0 Separation of content and presentation using CSS for layout.

It's a work in progress, and there are bugs. This is the perfect place to list them.

Visual bugs (damn, that's ugly)

  • Horizontal rule on preview page is offset 100px right.

Markup bugs (hmmm ... that doesn't validate)

  • These bugs are fixed but the code isn't live yet:
    • Images don't have alt attribute
    • Some tags aren't closed (li, hr, img)

Accessibility bugs (is it usable with a screen reader?)

  • History drop-down should have "Go" button (or something).
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