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Anthony Johnson edited this page May 16, 2013 · 1 revision
Thursday, December 13th, 6:53pm at FreeGeek – 1731 SE 10th Ave.

Prime Number Generation in Perl

speaker: Dana Jacobsen

Dana will give a brief introduction to primes, primality testing, and sieves, then show examples in Perl. Dana is the author of the Math::Prime::Util module on CPAN. Outline:

  • Primes
  • Applications
  • Primality testing in Perl
  • Sieves
  • 15 sieve implementations in Perl including a new string-based sieve
  • 6 CPAN modules
  • Performance and memory use
  • Prime Counting

Sadly a lot of the web examples of Perl sieves are quite bad, often 3-6x slower than Perl can do. We can do better! There are also a number of CPAN modules related to primes, which will briefly be covered.

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