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Anthony Johnson edited this page May 16, 2013 · 1 revision
Wed. June 11th, 6:53pm at FreeGeek -- 1731 SE 10th Ave.

Speaker: Jay Shirley

Topic: Demystifying DBIx::Class

ORMs aren't mystic, and neither is DBIx::Class. Come to this talk to learn how to do the basics with DBIx::Class and see some sufficiently advanced technology that is distinguishable from magic.

In this brief talk, attendees will learn how to create a schema and manage the data in their database all without touching a line of SQL. Using only what is available on CPAN, build a database of brewers and their beers complete with a review system.

Demystifying DBIC

  • What's an ORM?
  • Why are ORMs Scary?
  • What makes DBIC Different
    • Objects
    • Relations
    • Management
      • In Perl without SQL
    • Deployment
  • A Use Case:
    • Beer!
    • Sit back down. We're only talking about beer in the abstract.
    • Beers are made by brewers and distributed by distributors. (Lots of good relations here.)
    • Creating the database
    • Writing scripts
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