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Robert B Colton edited this page Aug 12, 2016 · 1 revision

Commands are one of the core concepts in Gemini. Commands help you to avoid duplicating code by letting you define command handlers in a single place, regardless of whether the command is invoked through a menu item, toolbar item, or other trigger. Gemini's commands are conceptually similar to WPF commands, but they are more powerful.

First, create a command definition. Here's Gemini command definition for opening files:

public class OpenFileCommandDefinition : CommandDefinition
	public const string CommandName = "File.OpenFile";

	public override string Name
		get { return CommandName; }

	public override string Text
		get { return "_Open"; }

	public override string ToolTip
		get { return "Open"; }

	public override Uri IconSource
		get { return new Uri("pack://application:,,,/Gemini;component/Resources/Icons/Open.png"); }
    public static CommandKeyboardShortcut KeyGesture = new CommandKeyboardShortcut<OpenFileCommandDefinition>(new KeyGesture(Key.O, ModifierKeys.Control));

Then, provide a command handler. You can do this in one of two ways. For global commands, that don't depend on a document context, create a global handler:

public class OpenFileCommandHandler : CommandHandlerBase<OpenFileCommandDefinition>
	public override void Update(Command command)
		// You can enable / disable the command here with:
		// command.Enabled = true;
		// You can also modify the command text / icon, which will affect
		// any menu items or toolbar items bound to this command.
	public override async Task Run(Command command)
		// ... implement command handling here

For commands that depend on a document context, and should be disabled when there is no active document or the active document is not of the correct type, define the command in the document class:

public class MyDocument : Document, ICommandHandler<ClearTextCommandDefinition>
	void ICommandHandler<ClearTextCommandDefinition>.Update(Command command)
		command.Enabled = this.Text.Any();

	Task ICommandHandler<ClearTextCommandDefinition>.Run(Command command)
		this.Text = string.Empty;
		return TaskUtility.Completed;

To remove built-in keyboard shortcuts, you can exclude them declaratively:

public static ExcludeCommandKeyboardShortcut ExcludeFileOpenShortcut = new ExcludeCommandKeyboardShortcut(OpenFileCommandDefinition.KeyGesture);

To find out how to bind commands to menus or toolbars, see the "MainMenu" and "ToolBars" modules below.

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