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Overall structure

There are generally two steps to scRNAseq analysis using bioanalyse - processing/filtering and data exploration/analysis. The first is based around the Processor class, while the second is based around the Sample class.

Loading data

Whether using processing or analysing, there are a few ways to load data into a bioanalyse structure.

  1. Sample.from_csv( or Processor.from_csv(: for loading a single sample from a single comma-separated value file
  2. Sample.from_pickle( or Processor.from_pickle(: for loading a single sample from a pickled pandas.DataFrame
  3. MultiSample.from_single_csv( or MultiProcessor.from_single_csv(: for loading multiple samples from a single comma-separated value file
  4. MultiSample.from_csvs( or MultiProcessor.from_csvs(: for loading multiple samples, each from their own single comma-separated value file

There is also one additional pair of constructor methods -- MultiSample.from_many( and MultiProcessor.from_many( -- which combine multiple Sample or Processor instances into a single structure.

For Processors and MultiProcessors, loaded data can be either raw count data (default, or with normalized in [None, False]), CPM normalized (with normalized='cell'), normalized to a set of housekeeping genes (hk/housekeeping), both (hkcell), or GF-ICF values (gf-icf). All accepted value for normalized are NOT case-sensitive. Data loaded already normalized cannot be further normalized, but raw count data can be normalized to the above forms using cell_normalize, hk_normalize, and gf_icf. You can check data normalization with .normalized.
Sample and MultiSample must be loaded with all desired normalization.

Additionally, an existing pandas.DataFrame can be incorporated into a bioanalyse structure using standard class instantiation, which allows for passing of more attributes than just data.

Converting between types

Processors and MultiProcessors can be converted to their Sample counterpart using .finalize(, transferring as much information as possible about the filtered data.
Additionally, they can also be shrunk using .shrink( to apply the current filtering onto the raw data, handling all normalization of .data.

To come

More constructors are planned, including direct loading from: .h5ad; zipped .csvs via eg .gz, .zip, .tar; scipy.sparse matrices from .npz; dropest results from .rds.
A minimal : bool kwarg for calculating as many attributes as possible on the fly and storing only the minimal data.


Processors and MultiProcessors come with a .filter attribute that allows for filtering cells based on many different schemes. The default filters are:

  1. .filter.counts( to remove cells below a given total counts
  2. .filter.genes( to remove cells with fewer than a given number of genes detected
  3. .filter.mito( to remove cells with over a certain fraction of mitochondrial counts
  4. .filter.sec_counts( to run the secant method as described in Heiser 2019 bioRχiv (doi:10.1101/684340)
  5. .filter.reldiv( to only keep cells in the second group of a bimodally distributed relative diversity
  6. .filter.clusters( to keep cells only in the given clusters (see Clustering below)
  7. .filter.reset( to remove all filtering currently applied Only clusters and reset are available if the data was originally loaded unnormalized, as the others all rely on raw counts.

Changing the filtering clears .layers, .pca_, .tsne_, and .umap_ -- and reruns GF-ICF normalization if done.

Basic data access

.data, .d, ['data'], and ['d'] all point to the data. Furthermore ['data'/'d', a] is implemented equivalent to ['d'][a] or ['d'].iloc[a], and ['data'/'d', a, b] as ['d'].loc[a,b], ['d'].iloc[a,b], ['d'].loc[a][b], or ['d'].iloc[a][b].

Other basic data are accessible as .shape, total counts per cell as .counts, genes detected per cell as .genes, mitochondrial fractions as .mito, diversity = log1p(genes) as .div, relative diversity = zscore(div) as .reldiv. All of these are also accessible via their ['<attrib>'] counterparts as well. Data columns are available as .columns, and the index as .index.

For Processors and MultiProcessors, all mentioned above are for the filtered data. The equivalents for the unfiltered data prepend raw_ to the attribute name. To get unfiltered data, only .raw_data and ['raw_data'] are available.
Additionally, .expression, .e, ['expression'], and ['e'] return a log-scaled expression matrix (if not GF-ICF normalized) filtered data, with ['expression'/'e', a[, b]] implemented as for ['data'/'d']. For GF-ICF normalized data, .e is equivalent to .d. No equivalent for raw expression is provided.

Calculated values are acessible by key in either .layers or directly on the structure -- ie sample.layers['<attrib>'] == sample['<attrib>']. Examples include pca, umap, tsne, cluster. These values remain once calculated and are returned by their generating functions as is until .wipe_layer( is called for that atttribute, even if different parameters are passed on the second call. Additionally, ['pca_loadings'] returns the loadings of each gene on each PC.
See below for more on each of these individually.

Finally, objects used to generate pca, umap, and tsne values are stored at pca_, umap_, and tsne_ respectively. These are not removed during a call to .wipe_layer( and are instead replaced upon the next call of the generating function. .pca_ is overriden on every call to .init_pca(.

Basic data processing

Normalization in (Multi)Processor

.cell_normalize( converts the data to CPM.
.hk_normalize( normalizes the data to a given list of genes. A preset list of genes from Eisenberg 2013 (doi:10.1016/j.tig.2013.05.010) can be loaded for several species listed in HOUSEKEEPING_SPECIES.
.gf_icf( updates data with GF-ICF normalization modified from Gambardella 2019 (see doi:10.3389/fgene.2019.00734). No L-normalization is given, as this removes the dependency on gene frequency (see Van Nostrand 2020 thesis).
.undo_normalize( resets the data to unnormalized.

Current data normalization can be seen in .normalized.

Dimensionality Reduction

PCA, UMAP, and TSNE of .expression are all implemented via .pca(, .umap(, and .tsne(. UMAP and TSNE run on the PCA reductions, and will generate .pca_ if needed.
.init_pca( trains the PCA model without transforming the data and returns the PCA object saved at .pca_, overriding any existing instance.

Once run, the results are saved in .layers and returned as is, regardless of parameters. To run again with different parameters, call .wipe_layer( first.

For UMAP and TSNE, n_components is passed to PCA, but is overriden by the special kwarg pca_components if passed. To pass n_components for UMAP or TSNE, pass umap_components or tsne_components respectively.
Alternately, random_state is passed to UMAP or TSNE, but overriden by the special kwargs umap_random_state and tsne_random_state. To pass random_state for pca, pass pca_random_state.

Key Parameters

For PCA, the key kwarg is n_components, which sets the number of PCs to keep if > 1 or the percent of the variance to keep if < 1.

For UMAP, the key kwarg is n_neighbors, which determines the size of the local neighborhood, with larger values yielding a more global view and smaller values yielding a more local view. Internal defaults set this to the square-root of the number of filtered cells if not given.

For TSNE, the key kwargs are learning_rate and perplexity, which together determine the distribution of points and the effective number of neighbors. These default to 1000 and the square-root of the number of filtered cells if not given. See sklearn.manifold.tsne for more information. Additionally, if the module MultiCoreTSNE is installed, n_jobs can be used to increase processing speed. However, MultiCoreTSNE does not have .transform( implemented and is not saved as .tsne_ as to require calling .tsne( directly every time.

To come

Checking .pca(, .umap(, and .tsne( parameters against existing objects and rerun if passed different parameters.


.cluster( runs the Leiden algorithm, an extension of the Louvain algorithm, if module leidenalg is installed. Otherwise uses igraph.Graph.community_multilevel( to run the Louvain algorithm itself. Both algorithms use PCA transformation followed by UMAP's fuzzy_simplicial_set( as a distance/weights matrix.

If leigenalg is installed, n_iterations sets how many iterations of the Leiden algorithm are used and seed is passed to leigenalg.find_partition(. The key parameter for Leigen clustering is resolution -- higher values means more smaller clusters, while lower values means fewer larger clusters. Louvain clustering has no equivalent parameters.
Notes: random_state is handled as in UMAP; n_components is passed to PCA; n_neighbors is passed to UMAP.

The cluster assigned for each cell is saved in .layers['cluster'] (also accessible as ['cluster'] directly.) No .cluster_ object is created.

When plotted in UMAP space (see Visualization below), these clusters are generally nearly continguous but are not guaranteed to be as such unless the same random_state is passed for both.

To come

Create .cluster_ object with .cluster_.transform( returning the cluster identifications -- possibly based on the nearest cell in UMAP space.
Pass existing .pca_ or .umap_ objects or parameters to utils.cluster(.


.plot( implements many custom visualization features, but is generally meant for "painting" information onto the cells. It defaults to UMAP space for clean graphs, but also can use TSNE or PCA space via the method kwarg. Information can also be grouped using the by_cluster kwarg using pandas groupby functions, eg mean, median, std.

You can paint on any gene/column of .expression, or cluster (which calls .cluster( with applicable kwargs if not already clustered).
Processor and MultiProcessor can also paint .counts, .genes, .mito, .div, and .reldiv.

This function defaults to points of s=1 due to the inherently large sizes of scRNAseq experiments. If axes are not given in ax, new ones are created.

Special kwargs include:

  • c: only used if paint is None (default)
  • xlabel/ylabel: either str or dict
  • tsne_method: passed to .tsne( as method
  • legend_...: prefix for edgecolor, framecolor, and frameon for passing to ax.legend( instead of plt.figure(
  • title_...: prefix for alpha, c, color, and zorder for passing to ax.set_title( instead of ax.scatter(
  • n_components: equivalent to but overriden by pca_components; pass umap_components or tsne_components for those functions
  • aspect: if painting 'cluster', then passed to mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.ImageGrid( but overridden by grid_aspect; else, passed to ax.colorbar( but overriden by cbar_aspect
  • fontsize/loc: if painting 'cluster', then passed to ax.legend but overridden by legend_...; else, passed to ax.set_title but overriden by title_...
  • norm: if painting multiple, overriden by matplotlib.colors.Normalize()
  • random_state: preference for umap_random_state or tsne_random_state, but for pca_random_state if method == 'pca'; always overriden by more specific

QC Visualization

Additionally, Processor and MultiProcessor implement .plot_qc(, which plots .counts vs .genes vs .mito on an mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.Axes3D. You can also paint onto these cells similar to .plot(.


All available kwargs for each underlying function are listed as a constant in utils.

Namely, see:


Alternate Settings

Parameters log and mito_marker can be set in any constructor to change the default logarithm and mitochondrial gene prefix for an instance. Defaults: log = np.log2, mito_marker = 'mt-'


The utils.Filter is highly extensible, with many features not used in the simple implementation. The filter is able to be wired into anything, as it takes any target and looks for its data_key attribute or element as the DataFrame to filter. It also allows for notification back to its target via calling target._notify(self) if such method exists.
The filtered result is available at .result and a boolean Series mask at .idx.

The list of currently applied filters is .filters, while available filters are at .filter_options. Filters can be added using .add_option((by, how[, name])), and removed by .remove_option(name/by). by is used as name if not given, and names of filters cannot conflict -- meaning two filters with the same by must have at least one name given. Filters are added as lambda functions to one of the methods listed below.
Note that if a filter option is removed, anything filtered out through that option remains filtered.

Several methods are already implemented for ease, namely:

  • external: an arbitrary filter can be added by passing a callable how that takes target[by], returns a boolean mask as a Series or array, and can also take any number of additional args and/or kwargs
  • bimodal: assumes target[by] is bimodal and takes only one of those modes; which mode and the method of separation are configurable
  • linear: a linear cutoff on target[by], either above/below a single value or in between two values
  • secant: uses the secant distance of target[by] to eliminate entries a certain percentile above/below the maximum


The clustering used by the main classes is utils.cluster(. This can be called directly on any array or DataFarme, returning an array of cluster membership.


4 different color-blind friendly palettes were lifted from scanpy, for up to 10, 20, 28, and 102 distinguishable colors. utils.colors( takes an array, Series/DataFrame, Iterable, Mapping and returns an array, Series, list, or dict of rgb color values using the smallest color palette available.
The color palettes are available directly as utils.VEGA_10, utils.VEGA_20, utils.ZEILEIS_28, and utils.GODSNOT_102.

Additionally, utils.annot_color( and utils.annot_bbox( returns annotation and bbox colors for higher viability against the given background color.
Preferences for light/dark colors, light/dark bbox alpha, and luminence cutoff that control the return in utils.ANNOT_PREF can be set by utils.set_annot_pref(


utils.SampleBase provides an abstract class that can be inherited to give minimal functionality to any daughter class. It requires the definition of a property method data, and implements basic __getitem__ and __contains__ methods.


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