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‒m timestat

Thomas Nipen edited this page May 2, 2017 · 4 revisions

This shows ensemble statistics for each leadtime. The main options are -a and -tr

To show the ensemble mean as a function of leadtime:

wxgen verif -v 0 -m timestat

Specifying aggegator

By default, -m timestat shows the mean across the ensemble. Use -a to specify a different aggregator, such as median, std, variance, range, iqr, and a few others:

wxgen verif -v 0 -m timestat -a variance

Specifying transformation

To show the fraction of members indicating a summer day (daily average temperatur above 10°C [this will be changed in the future]):

wxgen verif -v 0 -m timestat -tr summerday

Wxgen first transforms the variable into a 0 or 1 value, and then averages these values (since the default aggregator is the mean). The value can therefore be interpreted as the fraction of days that are summer days.

-tr can be combined with -a. That is -tr summerday -a median will give the median value of the summerday binary values, which will therefore always be 0 or 1 (so perhaps not as useful).