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The mitoz tools taxonomy_ranks command

Guanliang MENG edited this page Jun 22, 2023 · 1 revision
$ mitoz-tools taxonomy_ranks -h
usage: mitoz-tools taxonomy_ranks [-h] -i <file> -o <file> [-t] [-e] [-v]

To get the lineage information of input taxid, species name, or higher ranks
(e.g., Family, Order) with ETE3 package.

The ete3 package will automatically download the NCBI Taxonomy database during
 the first time using of this program.

Please be informed:

(1) A rank name may have more than one taxids, e.g., Pieris can means:
Pieris <butterfly> and Pieris <angiosperm>. I will search the lineages for
both of them.

(2) When you give a species name, if I can not find the taxid for the species
name, I will try to search the first word (Genus).

(3) Any input without result found will be output in outfile.err ('-o' option).

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -i <file>   A file can be a list of ncbi taxa id or species names (or higher ranks, e.g. Family, Order), or a
              mixture of them.
  -o <file>   outfile
  -t          Also print out the taxid for each rank
  -e          Also print out the records without lineage information found to the '-o <file>'
  -v          verbose output
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