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Navigating the inspector

Mirka-S edited this page Feb 29, 2024 · 7 revisions

This page describes the slots in the inspector that is opened by the dev tool. Only the top level slots are described. Additionally it points out some slots of note that are deeper in the inspector.

Resonite slots

This section gives a short description of each slot that has been added in by Resonite upon world creation


Essentials are slots that are integral to working with Resonite, they should not be changed or deleted within the inspector unless absolutely necessary.

Clipboard importer
This slot enables you to copy and paste things from your computer into the Resonite world.

Controllers is the Resonite essential movement scheme. It enables you as a player to move around the world in different ways.

This slot contains the editing permissions that can be put on each user in the world.

This slot is used to generate a spawn place for when users spawn in the world for the first time or respawn.

Undo manager
This slot allows you to undo or redo actions by pressing CTRL + z or CTRL + y respectively, while editing or moving items.

Item holding slots

Assets contains all textures and materials for objects.

This contains all items that have been spawned in by players for use by players. As well as the players themselves. Items and tools left in the world spawned by the player will remain in this section after saving the world. Remove them if they are no longer used.

World visualisation slots

This is the horizontal plane below the terrain. It will catch anyone that falls trough the terrain without collision. It can be removed if it is desired that someone falls until they respawn.

Controls the ambient light colour in the world. For the sun and sky go to Skybox.

This contains the sky and the sun. For the ambient lighting go to Light.

Rowing reimagined slots

Useful objects

BMS_Scientist_base_male Random
This is an avatar hidden below the environment that can be used by the researcher as to have a different avatar

Redprint manager
This floating red tesseract allows a developer to equip the redprint tool. It is also used as a centralised hub to implement the redprint functionality.

Main slots


The environment slot is the parent off all the static visuals that are not part of any rowing system. These are:

  • The mountain behind the dock
  • The randomly generated grey hills
  • The waterfall and first river section
  • A river section that moves with a user as they move along the river

These can be changed to change the general environment of the world.


The rowing system is split into 4 main components:

  • Globalrowerconfig, a way to store the tracker data between the dock and the boats
  • Devroom, the developer room that is used by the researcher to change race settings
  • Boats, the boats that move along the river during the race
  • Dockitems, The visuals of the dock and the RP3 machines that allow for calibration of the trackers

Each of these components can be edited separately. This section contains the bulk of functionality and most of the code. Most changes to the platform are made in this slot.

Dynamic variable spaces

Dynamic variable spaces are components within the inspector that make it so that any data below the slot to which this is attached can be found by any other slot below it. The locations of this component give a general outline of where important data can be found. The following slots have dynamic variable space components:

  • GlobalRowerConfigs
  • Devroom
    • Boat (in BoatGrid)
      • RowerDevUIX
  • (SFRT1)Scull_Final_RealSize_TEST1
    • Rower
      • Rower menu
      • Websocket
      • WebLogger
  • RP3 Machine


Four items have templates that any duplicates are generated from. You can make these templates appear by using the template editor checkbox. These items are the boat and rower menu as well as the boat and rower. You need to change the template and generate new boats to do an update for all menus and boats.

These templates are found in the following locations:

  1. Boat and rower menu
  • Rowing
    • Devroom
      • DevGroup
        • BoatsOverview
          • Template
  1. Boat
  • Rowing
    • Boats
      • Template
  1. Rower
  • Rowing
    • Boats
      • Template
        • (SFRT1)Scull_Final_RealSize_TEST1
          • Templates