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Yauheni Akhotnikau edited this page Mar 20, 2024 · 6 revisions

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Synchronous mode for wrapped_env_t constructor

Version 5.8.2 allows to wait completion of init-function in the constructor of so_5::wrapped_env_t. This is called synchronous-mode.

so_5::mbox_t target_mbox;
so_5::wrapped_env_t sobjectizer{
  [&](so_5::environment_t & env) {
    env.introduce_coop([&](so_5::coop_t & coop) {
        target_mbox = coop.make_agent<my_agent>(...)->so_direct_mbox(); // (1)
so_5::send<my_message>(target_mbox, ...); // (2)

It's now guaranteed that code at point (1) completes before the execution of the code at point (2).

There is also a new section in the Wiki that provides more details about this feature.

A new type of subscription storage: flat-set based

SObjectizer supports several type of containers for holding agents subscriptions: one is based on unsorted vector, another uses std::map, yet another uses std::unordered_map. There is also a combined type: one container is for small number of subscriptions and another for a big number.

Version 5.8.2 adds another type: it uses a vector with ordered items (aka flat-set) and binary search for manipulation with subscriptions. This type of subscription storage may be more effective that map- or unordered_map-based storages in some cases.

The new type of subscription storage can be specified via a new so_5::flat_set_based_subscription_storage_factory() function.

There is also a new section in the Wiki that describes subscription storages.

A possibility to set "global" subscription storage factory

There is a new default_subscription_storage_factory() method in so_5::environment_params_t class. This method allows to specify a factory for subscription storage to be used by default:

so_5::launch( [](so_5::environment_t & env) {...},
  [](so_5::environment_params_t & params) {
      so_5::flat_set_based_subscription_storage_factory(32u) );
  } );

Optional name for an agent

Version 5.8.2 adds a possibility to set a name for an agent:

class my_agent final : public so_5::agent_t
    my_agent(context_t ctx, std::string_view name)
        : so_5::agent_t{ ctx + name_for_agent(name) }

This name can be obtained via a new so_5::agent_t::so_agent_name() method.

There is also a new section in the Wiki that describes optional agent names in more details.

A couple of new methods for so_5::stats::prefix_t and so_5::stats::suffix_t

Methods as_string_view() have been added to so_5::stats::prefix_t and so_5::stats::suffix_t classes.

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