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SO 5.7 InDepth Exceptions

eao197 edited this page Jun 9, 2022 · 3 revisions


This article is dedicated to the usage of exceptions. In particular:

  • why exceptions are used in SObjectizer Run-Time;
  • what exceptions are used by SObjectizer-5;
  • how SObjectizer-5.7 handles exceptions from agents;
  • how a custom exception logger could be set;
  • when and why SObjectizer can call std::abort().

Why SObjectizer Run-Time Uses Exceptions

Exceptions are the primary way of error reporting in SObjectizer-5.

There are no methods/functions which use return codes for the indication of success or failure. Any method/function either finishes successfully or throws an exception.

If a user does a valid call and here are all necessary resources (like RAM, OS threads and so on), then there is no source for failure. But if something goes wrong (like the insufficient amount of RAM or inability to start yet another OS thread) then returning an error code as the indication of failure is not a good idea.

Heavy usage of exceptions is a consequence of experience from several years with SObjectizer-4 in production. Error codes were used in SObjectizer-4. And the main lesson learned was:

If an error handling could be forgotten, then it will be forgotten.

The most unpleasant error in SObjectizer-4 was unsuccessful subscription. If a subscription failed, but the error is not handled, then the work of an agent will be continued. But the agent will work incorrectly. And it could take a long time before the incorrectness will be found and fixed.

The main purpose of exceptions in SObjectizer-5 is to prevent the disregard of errors. Ignoring error code is easier than ignoring an exception. Because of that all methods/functions like creating coops or subscribing of events throw exceptions in the case of error.

More than four years of working with SObjectizer-5 show that SObjectizer-related exceptions are not an issue. Just because they are thrown when a programmer does something wrong. It is hard to get SObjectizer-5 to throw an exception in a normal situation. For example, if an agent creates a legal subscription for existing mbox, there is no reason for exception except the case of lack of memory.

But in this particular case, it is better to throw an exception instead of сontinuation of execution without subscription made or abortion of a the whole application.

That is why SObjectizer-5 uses exceptions instead of error codes.

What Exceptions Are Used By SObjectizer?

SObjectizer-5 doesn’t use a complex hierarchy of exception classes. There is only one class for representing SObjectizer-related exceptions: so_5::exception_t. It is derived from std::runtime_error.

Method exception_t::what(), inherited from std::exception, returns textual description of an error.

But there is exception_t::error_code() method which returns internal error code represented as int.

All SObjectizer error codes are defined inside so_5 namespace as constants with prefix rc_ in their names: rc_disp_start_failed, rc_parent_coop_not_found and so on.

So if it is necessary to catch, analyze and handle SObjectizer-related exception it could be done like that:

   ... // Some action with SObjectizer.
catch( const so_5::exception_t & x )
   if( so_5::rc_agent_to_disp_binding_failed == x.error_code() )
      ... // Create named dispatcher and try again.

Exceptions From Agents

There is one simple rule:

Normal agents should provide no-throw guarantee!

It means that an exception should not go out of an event-handler.

It is because SObjectizer doesn’t know what to do with that exception. And doesn’t know the actual state of agent: is the agent in the correct state and could process next message or the agent’s internals are broken, and no more messages must be delivered to the agent.

So the best way is to catch and handle all exception inside an agent’s event-handler.

But what if an exception is going out anyway?

When SObjectizer detects an exception of type std::exception (or derived from it) the following actions are performed:

  • the exception caught is logged by a special exception logger (more about it below);
  • virtual method so_exception_reaction() is called for the agent who threw the exception;
  • perform action(s) in dependence of so_exception_reaction() result.

Virtual method so_exception_reaction() can return one of the following values:


This value means that the whole application must be terminated immediately by calling std::abort().


This value means that:

  • the agent who threw the exception will be switched to a special state (in that state it cannot handle other messages);
  • SObjectizer Environment in which the exception has been caught will be shut down the usual way.

This value useful if an agent provides basic exception guarantee (no resources leaks) and application can be shut down normally.


This value means that:

  • the agent who threw the exception will be switched to a special state (in that state it cannot handle other messages);
  • the coop which holds the problematic agent will be deregistered.

This value useful if an agent provides basic exception guarantee (no resources leaks) and application can continue its work after deregistration of that coop. For example, the coop will be automatically registered again by some supervisor.


This value means that SObjectizer should perform no more actions.

This value is useful if an agent provides the strong exception guarantee. SObjectizer assumes that no damage has been made and work could be safely continued.


This value means that the actual exception reaction needs to be received from the agent’s coop.

SObjectizer call exception_reaction() method for agent’s coop. One of the values described above could be received. The appropriate action will be performed.

But the value so_5::inherit_exception_reaction could be returned by coop_t::exception_reaction() method.

In that case SObjectizer will call exception_reaction() method for the parent coop (if exists). And then for the parent of the parent and so on.

If the top-most parent coop returns inherit_exception_reaction then exception_reaction() method will be called for SObjectizer Exception instance. That method usually returns abort_on_exception.

By default agent_t::so_exception_reaction() and coop_t::exception_reaction() return inherit_exception_reaction value.

By default environment_t::exception_reaction() return abort_on_exception.

So the application will be aborted in the case of an uncaught exception by default.

A user can set appropriate exception reaction for the whole coop by coop_t::set_exception_reaction() method:

env.introduce_coop( []( so_5::coop_t & coop ) {
   coop.set_exception_reaction( so_5::deregister_coop_on_exception );
} );

In that case an exception from any coop’s agent will lead to deregistration of the coop (but only if agent’s so_exception_reaction() returns inherit_exception_reaction value).

An exception reaction for the whole SObjectizer Environment can be set via Environment’s parameters:

so_5::launch( []( so_5::environment_t & env ) {
      ... // Starting code.
   []( so_5::environment_params_t & params ) {
      ... // Environment parameters tuning code.
      // Setting the exception reaction for the whole Environment.
      params.exception_reaction( so_5::shutdown_sobjectizer_on_exception );
   } );

exception_reaction and exceptions from thread_safe event handlers

There is adv_thread_pool dispatcher that handles thread_safe event handlers. Such thread_safe handlers can be run on several threads at the same time. There is a limitation for exception_reaction that can be used for agents with such thread_safe handlers: only so_5::ignore_exception and so_5::abort_on_exception are allowed.

It's because other kinds of exception_reaction require changing of agent state. That changing can't be performed during the execution of thread_safe event handler.

SObjectizer will abort the whole application if thread_safe event handler throws and exception_reaction is neither so_5::ignore_exception or so_5::abort_on_exception.

Coop Dereg Reason

There is a possibility to know what the reason was behind the coop deregistration.

When a coop is deregistered a special value must be passed to environment_t::deregister_coop(). This value is a “coop dereg reason”.

There are several predefined values which are defined as constants in so_5::dereg_reason namespace:

  • normal. Coop’s deregistration is a part of application logic;
  • shutdown. Deregistration is a part of Environment’s shutdown process;
  • parent_deregistration. Coop is deregistered because its parent coop is deregistered.
  • unhandled_exception. Coop is deregistered because of an unhandled exception.

There are several additional constants, but they intended for use by a programmer, not SObjectizer.

Coop dereg reason is passed to coop dereg notificator. So a notificator can use this value for performing some actions. For example for restarting cooperation in the case of exception:

#include <iostream>

#include <so_5/all.hpp>

void start_coop( so_5::environment_t & env )
   // An agent that will throw an exception after one second from registration.
   class buggy_agent final : public so_5::agent_t {
      struct raise_exception : public so_5::signal_t {};
      using so_5::agent_t::agent_;

      void so_define_agent() override {
         so_subscribe_self().event( [this](mhood_t<raise_exception>) {
            throw std::runtime_error( "Just a test exception" );
         } );
      void so_evt_start() override {
         so_5::send_delayed< raise_exception >(agent, std::chrono::seconds(1));

   env.introduce_coop( [&]( so_5::coop_t & coop ) {
      // The single agent of the coop.
      coop.make_agent< buggy_agent >();

      // Tell SObjectizer to deregister the coop on exception.
      coop.set_exception_reaction( so_5::deregister_coop_on_exception );

      // Add notificator which will initiate reregistration of the coop.
         []( so_5::environment_t & env,
               const so_5::coop_handle_t & coop,
               const so_5::coop_dereg_reason_t & why ) noexcept
            std::cout << "Deregistered: " << coop << ", reason: "
               << why.reason() << std::endl;

            if( so_5::dereg_reason::unhandled_exception == why.reason() )
               start_coop( env );
         } );
   } );

int main()
   so_5::launch( []( so_5::environment_t & env ) {
      // Register coop the first time.
      start_coop( env );
      // Take some time to the example to work.
      std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::seconds( 5 ) );
   } );

Custom Exception Logger

Every unhandled exception is logged.

Default exception logger uses std::cerr as an output stream. A user can set its custom exception logger.

An exception logger must be derived from class so_5::event_exception_logger_t. At least one method, log_exception(), must be overridden and implemented. It could looks like:

class spd_exception_logger : public so_5::event_exception_logger_t
public :
      :  logger_( spdlog::rotating_logger_mt( "file_logger",
               "logs/exceptions", 10*1024*1024 ) )

   void log_exception(
      const std::exception & ex,
      const so_5::coop_handle_t & coop) noexcept override
      logger_->alert( "Unhandled exception from coop '{}': {}", coop, ex.what() );
private :
   std::shared_ptr< spdlog::logger > logger_;

There are two ways to set up a custom exception logger:

The first one is usage of Environment parameters:

so_5::launch( []( so_5::environment_t & env ) {
      ... // Starting code.
   []( so_5::environment_params_t & params ) {
      ... // Environment parameters tuning code.
      // Setting the exception logger.
      params.event_exception_logger( std::make_unique<spd_exception_logger>() );
   } );

The second one is usage of Environment’s install_exception_logger() method:

so_5::launch( []( so_5::environment_t & env ) {
      env.install_exception_logger( std::make_unique<spd_exception_logger>() );
      ... // Starting code.
   } );

The main difference between those approaches is the ability to change exception logger on working Environment via install_exception_logger() method.

When and why SObjectizer calls std::abort()?

There are some situations where SObjectizer cannot throw an exception and has to call std::abort() instead.

One of them is nested exceptions during handling an uncaught exception from some agent’s event handler. For example:

  • SObjectizer calls log_exception() method for custom exception logger;
  • log_exception() throws an exception;
  • SObjectizer calls std::abort().

Another one is related to delayed and periodic messages. If the timer thread can’t send a message instance then std::abort() will be called. It is because the inability to send a delayed/periodic message is a violation of an important contract: if a delayed/periodic message was successfully scheduled then it must be sent. There is no other way to report a violation of that contract except calling the std::abort() function.

Another one is an exception from on_enter or on_exit handler for an agent's state. These handlers must be noexcept functions. If one of them throws an exception the whole application will be aborted.

There are some other situations when SObjectizer calls std::abort(). They are related to problems during recovery from some previous errors.

There is a possibility of errors during the registration of some coop. An attempt to create another working thread in a dispatcher can fail. SObjectizer will revert all changes which have been made before that failure. If some exception is thrown during this recovery SObjectizer has no choice except to call std::abort().

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