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Marta Costa edited this page Jun 12, 2015 · 2 revisions

This document gives a brief description of each relation (object property) used in the Drosophila Anatomy Ontology (DAO). It is entirely possible that this document is out-of-date. For official documentation of relations, you should click the hyperlinks on this page, which resolve to object properties in the relations ontology (ro.owl), or access ro.owl directly.





Recording function



Relations for the tracheal system


Relations for the nervous system

The relations used for defining the relationships of neuron class to each other and to gross neuro-anatomy are defined in Osumi-Sutherland et al. (2012). Here is a brief summary:

Recording what tract or nerve a neuron fasciculates_with:

<some subclass of neuron> fasiculates_with( some <some subclass of 'neuron projection bundle'’>

Entails: overlaps

Recording the innervation patterns of neurons

<some SubClassOf neuron> has_synaptic_terminal_in some <unrestricted>

NOTE - only covers chemical synapses.


  • overlaps
  • If X has_synaptic_terminal_in Y and Y part_of Z__ then X has_synaptic_terminal_in Z

<some subclass of neuron> has_presynaptic_terminal_in some <unrestricted> Entails

  • has_synaptic_terminal_in
  • If X has_presynaptic_terminal_in Y and Y part_of Z then X has_presynaptic_terminal_in Z

<some subclass of [neuron]> has_postsynaptic_terminal_in some <unrestricted> Entails

  • has_synaptic_terminal_in
  • If X has_postsynaptic_terminal_in Y and Y part_of Z then X has_postsynaptic_terminal_in Z

recording soma location for a neuron

<some SubClassOf neuron> has_soma_location some 'anatomical structure'

Recording the innervation patterns of tracts and nerves

innervates: Applies between a 'neuron projection bundle' and some region in which neurons that fasciculate with the bundle make or receive synaptic connections.

<some SubClassOf 'neuron projection bundle'> innervates some <unrestricted>

Recording the synaptic targets of neuron

<some SubClassOf neuron\ or part_of some neuron> synapsed_to some <unrestricted>

unrestricted> synapsed_by some <SubClassOf neuron\ or part_of some neuron>