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Releases: FirstGearGames/FishNet


26 Sep 23:48
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  • Added several PreciseTick operators.
  • Added PreciseTick.Add/Subtract extensions.
  • Added PreciseTick.IsValid();
  • Added TimeManager.TimeToPreciseTick.
  • Improved NetworkConnection.Kick sanity checks when trying to kick invalid connections.
  • Fixed SyncVar (Beta) not sending updates to reference times after calling DirtyAll, when the SyncVar was initialized in Awake and not changed aftwards.
  • Improved SyncVar write performance slightly.
  • Added UnloadSceneEventArgs.UnloadedScenesV2 to resolve issue (#783).
  • Fixed "cannot have it's parent changed" warning when spawning objects with nested NetworkObjects.
  • Fixed PrefabId 65535 is out of range error when spawning nested NetworkObjects which were not prefabs (#778).


20 Sep 17:58
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  • Improved performance marginally for clients using prediction.
  • Fixed SyncDictionary.DirtyAll not working.
  • Fixed SyncList adding duplicate entries for clients (#769).
  • Fixed NetworkTransform.SetSychronizedProperties updating only observers when called by the server (#774).
  • Changed NetworkTransform removed server ability to SetSynchronizedProperties if client authoritative with owner.
  • Fixed ChildTransformTickSmoother ignoring owner smoothed properties (#770, #771).
  • Fixed SceneManager sometimes not automatically setting the proper active scene (#765).
  • Fixed Resettable/RingBuffer enumerator not working.
  • Fixed clientHost sometimes incorrectly losing render visibility of objects. (#772).


10 Sep 22:35
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Note: this also includes changes from all 4.4.5 Pre-releases.

  • Fixed predicted objects desychronizing when no input was applied.
  • Changed removed ClientHostCollection for SyncTypes in Beta.
  • Added Logging option RPC attributes.
  • Fixed HashGrid demo scene allowing clients to locally teleport server authoritative objects.
  • Fixed timed observers not rebuilding when the maximum rebuild time was set to 0f.
  • Fixed NetworkTransform field deinitializing without re-initializing on clientHost.
  • Fixed NetworkTransform not resetting all datas properly on clientHost disconnect and reconnect.
  • Fixed SyncVar not resetting 'values set' field after deinitializing when pooling.
  • Changed NetworkObject.NetworkBehaviours is now a List rather than Array.
  • Changed renamed NetworkObject.SerializedNestedNetworkObjects to InitializedNestedNetworkObjects.
  • Changed renamed NetworkObject.SerializedRootNetworkBehaviour to InitializedParentNetworkBehaviour.
  • Fixed nested NetworkObjects spawning under their parent NetworkObject rather than the object they were under on the prefab.


26 Aug 15:19
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  • Fixed SyncTypes corrupting spawn packets.


22 Aug 23:29
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  • Fixed replicates not running on server when StateForwarding was disabled.
  • Fixed SyncTypes resetting incorrectly when there were no observers.
  • Fixed NetworkTransform debug left in.
  • Fixed ObjectCaching missing variables during compiles (#760).


20 Aug 22:53
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Changes in 4.4.2

  • Fixed stackoverflow error on an editor script.
  • Improved removed redundant explicit type casts.
  • Changed refactor on spawning; new code, same behavior.
  • Fixed package.json not specifying all dependencies (#719).
  • Fixed NetworkTransform potentially applying eventual consistency to relayed client-authoritative datas.
  • Fixed TimeManager.LastPacketTick not resetting on network stop (#748).
  • Changed removed all MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining.
  • Added TickNetworkBehaviour.OnUpdate/OnLateUpdate overrides.
  • Added Benchmarks folder.
  • Added NetworkTransform benchmark.
  • Removed Network Level of Detail; it's being replaced with a better system.
  • Improved reduced CPU usage for writing spawn messages.
  • Improved reduced bandwidth for writing spawn messages.
  • Fixed NetworkTransform _cachedTransform not being set when object is disabled.
  • Improved NetworkObject automatically adds EmptyNetworkBehaviour is no NetworkBehaviours are present at runtime.
  • Improved NetworkObject performance by removing Update loop.
  • Improved NetworkTransform performance by removing Update loop.
  • Improved NetworkAnimator performance by removing Update loop.

Changes in 4.4.1

  • Fixed modified collection/stackOverflow caused during observer rebuild.

Changes in 4.4.0

  • Added delta serializers for prediction. This is a beta feature, you may switch to Stable using the Fish-Networking menu.
  • Fixed SyncVar not sending latest values when the networkObject is spawned and despawned on the same tick (#692).
  • Improved SyncVar no longer resets values prior to client deinitializing the object.
  • Improved NetworkTransform performance by caching transform (#742).
  • Fixed OnStopNetwork invoking on clientHost when client lost observation, while server was still active (#733).
  • Fixed PredictedSpawn.OnTrySpawnServer not calling (#725).
  • Fixed failed PredictedSpawns not skipping remaining data on the spawn, potentially corrupting the packet remainder.
  • Added Writer.InsertUInt16Unpacked.
  • Fixed ColliderRollback assertion error when rolling back before 2 snapshots were created (#743).
  • Improved removed garbage collection from ColliderRollback fields and types.
  • Changed several exposed internal API renamed on NetworkObject.
  • Added boolean includeNested for PredictedOwner as well NetworkObject Give/RemoveOwnership.
  • Obsoleted several methods in favor of includeNested for ownership.
  • Fixed prediction graphicalObject smoothing for spectators when state forwarding was disabled (#734).
  • Fixed replicate being run on spectators when state forwarding was disabled; related to (#734).
  • Improved TimeManager.TickToLocalTick and LocalTickToTick can now return future tick values (#736).
  • Added NetworkObject.HasAuthority.
  • Fixed sceneIds sometimes not generating until after script compile or using regenerate sceneId menu.
  • Fixed nested NetworkObjects spawning at the wrong coordinates for clients (#738).
  • Fixed networkObject.SetParent(null) causing NullreferenceException.
  • Fixed OnStopNetwork invoking on clientHost when client lost observation, while server was still active.


18 Jul 20:21
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  • Improved refreshed meta files to prevent harmless warning when importing FishNet (#710).
  • Fixed LiteNetLib NullReferenceException on connection error (#709).
  • Fixed SyncBase not always resetting state on clientHost during server disconnects without exiting play mode (#702).
  • Fixed Unity/IL2CPP bug null-check returning incorrectly on nullable DespawnType (#708).
  • Fixed NetworkObject serialization failing when networkObject was null (#715).
  • Fixed server sending incorrect reconcile tick if the client stopped replicating.
  • Changed AdaptiveInterpolationType.VeryLow/Low provide about 50% less interpolation now.
  • Fixed PredictionManager.Appended causing overshooting and running non-owner inputs out of order.
  • Fixed debug printing when updating a SyncType SendRate (#722).
  • Improved exposed ObjectPoolRetrieveOption.FastContains extension (#723).
  • Fixed SyncVar value resetting to initial value on clientHost when clientHost would lose observation (#720).
  • Fixed codegen not preventing multidimensional array use (#718).
  • Fixed LiteNetLib nullReferenceException on client socket error (#715).
  • Fixed SyncTimer using incorrect delta when calling Update(float).
  • Removed Prediction 1.


02 Jul 21:21
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  • Fixed incorrect uint32 values writing; introduced in 4.3.6.


02 Jul 13:40
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  • Improved prediction reconciles do not need to be called every tick now when using ReplicateStateOrder.Appended.
  • Added PredictionManager.StateOrder. Default is now Appended, previous order was Inserted.
  • Added PredictionManager.SetStateOrder; can be used at runtime.
  • Added PredictionRigidbody/2D.GetPendingForces.
  • Added PredictionRigidbody/2D.HasPendingForces.
  • Added SubStream type and serializers (#679).
  • Fixed incorrect usage of IsLocalTransport within TransportManager when using Multipass.
  • Fixed MonoTickSmoother not resetting state when used with object pooling (#698).
  • Improved Multipass.GetPort() now returns the port of the first transport (#694).
  • Improved performance on Object/CollectionCaches.Retrieve and resolved code stripping for caches (#678) (#672).
  • Fixed NetworkAnimator incorrectly applying network animator changes on clientHost (#689).
  • Added support for Odin Inspector in SyncTypes (#693).
  • Fixed DefaultPrefabObjects file still being generated when feature was disabled.
  • Fixed regression of an editor override script breaking some custom inspectors.
  • Fixed ServerManager.Timeout value not checking all connections.
  • Obsoleted ObjectPool.RetrieveObject(int, ushort, parent, Vector3?, Quaternion? Vector3?, bool, bool).
  • Added ObjectPool.RetrieveObject(int, ushort, RetrieveOption, parent, Vector3?, Quaternion? Vector3?, bool).
  • Fixed NetworkObject.SerializedRootNetworkBehaviour not unsetting when there no longer was a parent (#705).
  • Added additional overloads for networkManager.GetPooledInstantiated.
  • Fixed obsolete warning in RingBuffer.
  • Fixed SyncTypeSettings not initializing with proper send rates.
  • Added NetworkTransform.Teleport.
  • Added several interpolated SyncVar types: FloatSyncVar, Vector3SyncVar, and more.
  • Changed several value type reader/writers renamed to their bit representation.
  • Added DefaultReader/DefaultWriter attributes. These will be required for custom serializers in FishNet V5.
  • Obsoleted Read/WriteByte(s).
  • Fixed BufferedRPCs corrupting packets when originally sent on Channel.Unreliable.
  • Changed Fish-Networking menu location to comply with Asset Store guidelines.
  • Added NetworkObject.SetSceneId to allow for manual setting.
  • Fixed ChildTransformTickSmoother improperly nullifying fields early during a state reset (#696).
  • Improved Tugboat performance slightly.


04 Jun 19:16
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  • Fixed regression of sceneIds not being set/read at runtime properly.
  • Added NetworkCollision/2D.Layers to inspector.