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Downloading the Blinky example

Obijuan edited this page Jul 20, 2021 · 16 revisions

The best way to test that everything is working ok with a board is to download a blinky hello world example, synthesize it and upload it into your board. These are the steps:

1. Install the latest example apio package

This is the command for forcing the installation of the latest version:

apio install -f examples

You can check all the installed packaged with this command:

apio install -l

2. Listing all the available examples

List all the available examples and try to find the blinky for the board you want to test

apio examples -l

You will have to scroll up to see all the examples

Each example has an identifier in blue, consisting of of two parts separated by the '/' symbol. The first is the board name and the second is the example name. For this demo we will use the example Alhambra-II/Blinky

3. Getting the example

Execute the command apio example -d followed by the example identifier (previous step)

apio examples -d Alhambra-II/Blinky

It will create a new folder with the identifier as a name. In this demo it has created the folder Alhambra-II and inside it a new folder called Blinky

4. Uploading the example to the board

Connect the board to the computer, enter into the example folder (in this demo enter into Alhambra-II/Blinky folder) and execute the apio upload command

apio upload

It will synthesize the example and upload it to the board

This is what you will see once the upload is finished:

(Do not worry about the warnings)

You will see the blinking LED on the board:

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