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Multi instance component functionality

Robert Jacob edited this page Jan 30, 2017 · 1 revision

The CIME coupling infrastructure has the capability to run multiple component instances under one model executable. The only caveat to this usage is that if N multiple instances of any one active component is used, then N multiple instances of ALL active components are required. More details are discussed below. The primary motivation for this development was to be able to run an ensemble Kalman-Filter for data assimilation and parameter estimation (e.g. UQ). However, it also provides you with the ability to run a set of experiments within a single model executable where each instance can have a different namelist, and have all the output go to one directory.

In the following an F compset will be used as an illustration. Utilizing the multiple instance code involves the following steps:

1. create the case

 > create_newcase -case Fmulti -compset F -res ne30_g16 
 > cd Fmulti

2. Lets assume the following out of the box pe-layout

In this F compset, the atm, lnd, rof are full prognostic components, the ocn is a prescribed data component, cice is a mixed prescribed/prognostic component (ice-coverage is prescribed) and glc and wav are stub components. Lets say we want to run 2 instances of CAM in this experiment. The current implementation of multi-instances will also require you to run 2 instances of CLM, CICE and RTM. However, you have the flexibility to run either 1 or 2 instances of DOCN (we can ignore glc and wav since they do not do anything in this compset). To run 2 instances of CAM, CLM, CICE, RTM and DOCN, all you need to do is to invoke the following command in your $CASEROOT:
./xmlchange NINST_ATM=2
./xmlchange NINST_LND=2
./xmlchange NINST_ICE=2
./xmlchange NINST_ROF=2
./xmlchange NINST_OCN=2
As a result of this, you will have 2 instances of CAM, CLM and CICE (prescribed), RTM, and DOCN, each running concurrently on 64 MPI tasks TODO: put in reference to xmlchange".

3. Setup the case

> ./case.setup
New user_nl_xxx_NNNN file (where NNNN is the number of the component instances) will be generated when case.setup is called. In particular, calling case.setup with the above env_mach_pes.xml file will result in the following user_nl_* files in $CASEROOT
 user_nl_cam_0001,  user_nl_cam_0002
 user_nl_cice_0001, user_nl_cice_0002
 user_nl_clm_0001,  user_nl_clm_0002
 user_nl_rtm_0001,  user_nl_rtm_0002
 user_nl_docn_0001, user_nl_docn_0002
and the following *_in_* files and *txt* files in $CASEROOT/CaseDocs:
atm_in_0001, atm_in_0002
docn.streams.txt.prescribed_0001, docn.streams.txt.prescribed_0002
docn_in_0001, docn_in_0002
docn_ocn_in_0001, docn_ocn_in_0002
drv_flds_in, drv_in
ice_in_0001, ice_in_0002
lnd_in_0001, lnd_in_0002
rof_in_0001, rof_in_0002

The namelist for each component instance can be modified by changing the corresponding user_nl_xxx_NNNN file for that component instance. Modifying the user_nl_cam_0002 will result in the namelist changes you put in to be active ONLY for instance 2 of CAM. To change the DOCN stream txt file instance 0002, you should place a copy of docn.streams.txt.prescribed_0002 in $CASEROOT with the name user_docn.streams.txt.prescribed_0002 and modify it accordlingly.

It is also important to stress the following points:

  1. Different component instances can ONLY differ by differences in namelist settings - they are ALL using the same model executable.
  2. Only 1 coupler component is supported currently in multiple instance implementation.
  3. user_nl_* files once they are created by case.setup ARE NOT removed by calling caes.setup -clean.
  4. In general, you should run multiple instances concurrently (the default setting in env_mach_pes.xml). The serial setting is only for EXPERT USERS in upcoming development code implementations.
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