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How to create a new case

Robert Jacob edited this page Jan 30, 2017 · 1 revision
The first step in creating a CIME based experiment is to use create_newcase.

CIME supports out of the box component sets, model grids and hardware platforms.

  • Component sets (usually referred to as compsets) define both the specific model components that will be used in a given CIME configuration, and any component-specific namelist or configuration settings that are specific to this configuration.
  • Model grids specify the grid for each component making up the model.
  • At a minimum creating a CIME experiment requires specifying a component set and a model grid.
  • Out of the box compsets and models grids are associated with two names: a longname, and an alias name.
  • Aliases are required by the CIME regression test system but can also be used for user convenience. Compset aliases are unique - each compset alias is associated with one and only one compset. Grid aliases, on the other hand, are overloaded and the same grid alias may result in a different grid based depending on the compset the alias is associated with. We recommend that the user always confirm that the compset longname and grid longname are the expected result when using aliases to create a case.

Component Set Naming Convention

The component set (compset) longname has the form


  TIME = model time period (e.g. 2000, 20TR, RCP8...) 

  CIME supports the following values for ATM,LND,ICE,OCN,ROF,GLC,WAV and ESP
  ATM  = [DATM, SATM, XATM]	   
  LND  = [DLND, SLND, XLND]	   
  ICE  = [DICE, SICE, SICE]		   
  OCN  = [DOCN, SOCN, XOCN]	   
  ROF  = [DROF, SROF, XROF]		   
  GLC  = [SGLC, XGLC]			   
  ESP  = [SESP]				   

  If CIME is run with CESM prognostic components, the following additional values are permitted:
  ATM  = [CAM40, CAM50, CAM55, CAM60]	   
  LND  = [CLM45, CLM50]	   
  ICE  = [CICE]		   
  OCN  = [POP2, AQUAP]	   
  ROF  = [RTM, MOSART]		   
  GLC  = [CISM1, CISM2]			   
  WAV  = [WW]			   
  BGC  = optional BGC scenario                    

  If CIME is run with ACME prognostic components, the following additional values are permitted:
  ATM  = []	   
  LND  = []	   
  ICE  = []		   
  OCN  = []	   
  ROF  = []		   
  GLC  = []			   
  WAV  = []			   
  BGC  = optional BGC scenario                    

 The OPTIONAL %phys attributes specify sub-modes of the given system
 For example DOCN%DOM is the  DOCN data ocean (rather than slab-ocean) 
 mode. ALL the possible %phys choices for each component are listed by
 the calling **create_newcase** with the -list compsets argument. ALL 
 data models now have a %phys option that corresponds to the data model mode 
As an example, the CESM compset longname,
refers to running a pre-industrial control with prognostic CESM components CAM, CLM, CICE, POP2, MOSART, CISM2 and WW3 a BDRD BGC coupling scenario. The alias for this compset is B1850. Either a compset longname or a compset alias can be used as input to create_newcase. It is also possible to create your own custom compset (see How do I create my own compset?).

All the out-of-the-box CESM2.0 release series compsets are listed in component sets. Upon clicking on any of the long names a pop up box will appear that provides more details of the component configuration.

Model Grid Naming Convention

The model grid longname has the form


a%  = atmosphere grid 
l%  = land grid 
oi% = ocean/sea-ice grid (must be the same) 
r%  = river grid 
m%  = ocean mask grid 
g%  = internal land-ice (CISM) grid
w%  = wave component grid 

The ocean mask grid determines land/ocean boundaries in the model. 
It is assumed that on the ocean grid, a gridcell is either all ocean or all land. 
The land mask on the land grid is then obtained by mapping the ocean mask 
(using first order conservative mapping) from the ocean grid to the land grid.

From the point of view of model coupling - the glc (CISM) grid is assumed to
be identical to the land grid. However, the internal CISM grid can be different, 
and is specified by the g% value.
As an example, the longname,
refers to a model grid with a ne30np4 spectral element 1-degree atmosphere and land grids, gx1v6 Greenland pole 1-degree ocean and sea-ice grids, a 1/2 degree river routing grid, null wave and internal cism grids and an gx1v6 ocean mask. The alias for this grid is ne30_g16. Either the grid longname or alias can be used as input to create_newcase.

CIME also permits users to introduce their own user defined grids (see Adding a new user-defined grid).

All the out-of-the-box CIME5 release series model grids are listed in grids. Upon clicking on any of the long names a pop up box will appear that provides more details of the model grid.

Component grids (such as the atmosphere grid or ocean grid above) are denoted by the following naming convention:

  • "[dlat]x[dlon]" are regular lon/lat finite volume grids where dlat and dlon are the approximate grid spacing. The shorthand convention is "fnn" where nn is generally a pair of numbers indicating the resolution. An example is 1.9x2.5 or f19 for the approximately "2-degree" finite volume grid. Note that CAM uses an [nlat]x[nlon] naming convention internally for this grid.
  • "Tnn" are spectral lon/lat grids where nn is the spectral truncation value for the resolution. The shorthand name is identical. An example is T85.
  • "ne[X]np[Y]" are cubed sphere resolutions where X and Y are integers. The short name is generally ne[X]. An example is ne30np4 or ne30.
  • "pt1" is a single grid point.
  • "gx[D]v[n]" is a displaced pole grid where D is the approximate resolution in degrees and n is the grid version. The short name is generally g[D][n]. An example is gx1v6 or g16 for a grid of approximately 1-degree resolution.
  • "tx[D]v[n]" is a tripole grid where D is the approximate resolution in degrees and n is the grid version.

Using create_newcase

You should first use the --help option in calling create_newcase to document its input options. On CIME supported out of the box machines, the only required arguments to create_newcase are:

create_newcase --case [CASE] --compset [COMPSET] --res [GRID]

for non-supported machines, users will need to also add the following two arguments

create_newcase --case [CASE] --compset [COMPSET] --res [GRID] --machine [MACH] --compiler [compiler]

Following is a simple example of using create_newcase using aliases for both compset and grid names. In what follows, $CIMEROOT is the full pathname of the root directory of the CIME distribution.

> cd $CIMEROOT/scripts 
> create_newcase --case ~/cime/example1 --compset A --res f09_g16_rx1
This example creates a $CASEROOT directory ~/cime/example1 where $CASE is "example1". The model resolution is a%0.9x1.25_l%0.9x1.25_oi%gx1v6_r%r05_m%gx1v6_g%null_w%null and and the compset is 2000_DATM%NYF_SLND_DICE%SSMI_DOCN%DOM_DROF%NYF_SGLC_SWAV. The complete example appears in the basic example. $CASE can include letters, numbers, ".", and "_". Note that create_newcase creates the $CASEROOT directory. If the directory already exists, it prints a warning and aborts.

As a more general description, create_newcase creates the directory $CASEROOT, which is specified by the --case option. In $CASEROOT, create_newcase installs files to build and run the model and optionally perform archiving of the case on the target platform. create_newcase also creates the directory $CASEROOT/Buildconf/, that in turn contains scripts to generate component namelist and build component libraries. The table below outlines the files and directories created by create_newcase

For more complete information about the files in the case directory, see the Section called *BASICS: What are the directories and files in my case directory?* in Chapter 6.

Complete lists of CESM environment variables in the xml files that appear in $CASEROOT are provided in case variables, pe layout variables, build-time variables, and run-time variables.

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