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David Ory edited this page Jul 3, 2014 · 31 revisions

Roadmap for Implementation

This page contains high-level tasks or Milestones (referred to as 'epics' in some project tracking systems), for the implementation of ActivitySim. It is intended to be collaboratively created and edited by the partners in this project.

We will use GitHub issues and tasks to reference to these Milestones, and Git pull requests will also link to these. This approach enables ongoing tracking of the project from its high-level objectives, to the specific tasks that need to be completed to achieve them, to the commits that resolve them.


Below are the Milestones for the implementation phase of this project, which will subsequently be fleshed out to include a list of issues/tasks to complete each one:

  1. Extend UrbanSim data types to include skims, trips, tours, transit paths
  2. Extend UrbanSim model types to include N-level Nested Logit
  3. Extend UrbanSim model types to include within-household interactions
  4. Register every data structure to be used in ActivitySim
  5. Register every model to be implemented in ActivitySim
  6. Create an instance of every data structure (name, structure, elements)
  7. Create an instance of every model (model structure, reference to data)
  8. Create test data and unit tests for each model instance
  9. Create run management process to execute all model components in model system
  10. Complete a simulation run exercising all models, using test data
  11. Use data from one MPO to expand model specifications to minimal configurations
  12. Code all variables needed for minimal specifications
  13. Test model system using minimal configuration on data from one MPO
  14. Profile computational performance and prioritize performance tuning
  15. Refine and generalize virtual transit path building procedures
  16. Refine skim-handling procedures to optimize performance
  17. Test model system using full configuration on data from one MPO
  18. Write Documentation for model system API
  19. Write User Documentation
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