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Project Meeting 2020.02.28

Ben Stabler edited this page Feb 29, 2020 · 22 revisions

Project Management (milestone)

  • @Joe setup meeting time for phase 6 scoping call
  • 5B amendment out for signature; @Bill send NTP
  • For 5B, we started thinking about an approach for model estimation mode based on conversation with Jeff Newman, the developer of larch. I'll soon put my notes into a wiki page to get this task started.
    • We plan to review pros and cons of the estimation packages and select one for prototyping mode choice and destination choice integration
    • larch, pylogit, pybiogeme, choicemodels, etc.
    • choicemodels doesn't do nested logit
    • pybiogeme now has a pandas version
    • review ease of use, coding, performance, support community, maturity, etc.

Task 5 TNCs (milestone)

  • Updated example to use just mean wait times for now
  • Finalized code changes and added Mobility-As-A-Service modes (taxi, TNC single, TNC shared) to the docs
  • Running full scale example so I can check results - mode shares, results in space, time-of-day, etc.
  • @MTC shared via email more about the source and quality of the TM1.5 observed TNC wait times data
  • @SFCTA/MTC to help with new TNC survey data summaries for comparison, including wait time distributions

Task 6 Model Developer Tutorial (milestone)

  • BCA command line utility released and so we're going to do the same for ActivitySim
  • I'll then update and finish the tutorial
  • We'll update docs to include our recipe book, and we'll have two recipes for now (i.e. the auto own and TNC tutorials)
  • Future work orders probably want to create a couple new recipes each time
  • @Ben ask Greg at BYU to pull request a recipe from his efforts once we have our recipe book framework in place
  • Upcoming Task 2 strategic plan is a good spot to discuss co-evolving docs/recipes together
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