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Project Meeting 2024.09.26

rcopperman edited this page Sep 26, 2024 · 1 revision


  • Admin
    • General Admin
      • AMPO ActivitySim Tasks
      • Other Admin
    • AMPO Transition
    • Phase 10 Scoping Approach
    • Phase 9B Activity

Meeting Notes

General Admin

  • AMPO ActivitySim Tasks
    • Joe went over ActivitySim Admin Task List
    • Questions for consortium members to answer/provide feedback on
      • How much effort SHOULD each task actually take?
        • AMPO says they spend a fair amount of time on each activity
        • Joe will take first cut at putting budget down, but looking for consortium members to weigh in
        • Consultants should also weigh in on how much it would take for consultant to take on Admin responsibilities
      • How much project budget does the consortium want to invest in these activities?
  • Meeting next Tuesday is cancelled

Admin Transition

  • Feedback on meeting with Kanti Srikanth, Deputy Executive Director of MWCOG
    • Kanti was going to try to work something out with AMPO, or at very least extend deadline for when transition would happen
  • Going with AMPO is path of least resistance
  • Need to lay out schedule for AMPO transition decision
    • End-of-October was suggested to aim for.
  • CalCOG may be interested in taking over from AMPO
  • Unclear how we make a decision, and suggest laying out steps to making the decision
    • Need to put together a set of tasks and budget to take to AMPO alternatives

Phase 10 Scope

  • Should move forward with Phase 10 Scope
  • Will want to spend all but some of Phase 10A budget
  • Value in work getting underway sooner than later
  • Should target next 4-6 weeks to scope out 10A and get task orders issued
  • Should revisit roadmap, though roadmap is bigger picture and 10A may not be the best time to take on more riskier initiatives
    • Task could be to revisit roadmap to put in more short-term plan
  • Could utilize 10A to address "problems" identified by consortium members, rather than focusing on new components
    • Need a commitment from model users to "air grievances" about ActivitySim
      • Suggest to focus on this topic at meeting in near future - next Thursday
      • Consultants should start ranking/prioritizing what tasks to conquer in 10A
    • Could Pilot a pooled fund task toward this addressing these issues

Phase 9B

  • RSG and WSP should provide information on what will be accomplished within the next 2 months, and when they will want to update consortium on progress made
  • WSP 9B Scope
    • Joe will upload final scope to ActivitySim site
    • Will discuss at meeting the week after next
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