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Project Meeting 2020.11.10

Ben Stabler edited this page Nov 12, 2020 · 10 revisions

Technical call

  • Discuss current issues with the ARC implementation with Clint
    • Three topics - performance related to the scheduling submodels, what to contribute to test the new sub models, and hard coded person types
    • Performance
      • Its time to start trying multiprocessing
      • Clint to setup the mtc full scale example on his machine to benchmark performance
      • The command line tool will download the full scale example
      • Jeff described the multiprocessing configuration
      • The multiprocessing steps tag model steps that are single threaded and which are multithreaded
      • The slice argument knows how to slice households, persons, tours, trips based on common primary keys / indexes in the data model
      • It does cascading dependencies when it slices the data across processes
      • Numpy does some multithreading on its own and we want to override so we can control how best to maximize multi processor use
      • So on Windows we override it with SET MKL_NUM_THREADS=1, which overrides the Intel MKL library setting used on Anaconda
      • See our presentation from last year
      • So try the same setup for ARC to get started
      • Yes, you can add pre-processors for all the new scheduling submodels so you can avoid making many duplicate calculations
      • In general, we want to add pre-processors to every model over time
      • What's the right pattern for adding pre-processors, estimators, etc? Maybe a decorator pattern to make it easier on the developer to add them?
      • In general, you don't want to too many annotations on the tables or otherwise the tables get too big for memory. Need to balance what gets saved to the tables and what is calculated on demand and then dropped
      • This is especially true for time-of-day models because there are many alts
      • Also typically want to write expressions with numpy rather than pandas since its faster
    • New submodels testings/examples
      • Clint added fake/dummy data into the py.test classes to exercise new submodels
      • This puts a level of input specificity into the test classes that's not typical to date
      • In general we're managing all input data in inputs files; the input files are the data contract
      • Once these new submodels are in the repo, how do we illustrate them, provide examples, update the documentation for them?
      • Basically what's our expectation for what we provide new users for new features?
      • And we prefer to include examples that have good / reasonable / understandable results as opposed to fake/dummy data so they're intuitive
      • This speaks again to the need for a better defined data contract
      • For now we decided Clint will move his test data out of the Python classes and instead into input CSV files so its more obvious this is input data
      • Why this is tricky is because of how injectables work
      • Folks don't like the injectables and we've been reducing their role in the system from the start
      • We want runnable examples in the repo for each submodel
      • Can the new ARC park location choice submodel example be completely stand alone or do we need the whole ARC model in the test system?
      • Stand alone is ok, but we still need ARC data in the repo as opposed to MTC data
      • Do we want to maintain different region data sets?
      • Maybe we need a new example - example_mtc_arc_extensions - that inherits from the example mtc example and adds Clint's new stuff and is runnable
      • This means Clints creates fake/dummy data for MTC to exercise the new submodels
      • The deployer (the CLI) is somewhat rigid and could be improved to make adding examples easier
      • What we maintain to support models in multiple regions/instances is a key strategic plan question
      • Supporting TM2 transit capacity, crowding, and reliability will raise these questions as well
      • It's not entirely evident what the best way forward is on this topic
      • Bigger picture - do we want to encourage or discourage multiple different submodels? This a strategic / policy question in addition to a technical one
      • ARC is 90% the same as MTC
      • We have this idea of "spines" and so let's keep ARC on the MTC spine
      • TM2 is a different spine due to TVPB
      • We decided Clint will create a new example - example_mtc_arc_extensions - that will inherit from the example mtc spine and will run the new ARC models
      • It will use data for the MTC region for the examples
      • ARC wants to wrap up soon so the MTC data development exercise can't be too big
      • SFCTA will help Clint create some reasonable test data for the contribution
      • RSG will grant Clint access to the activitysim data repo - done
      • Let's keep talking about this issue, it's important
      • Let's also better understand the injectables issue
      • In general, it came from urbansim and it makes abstraction difficult and no one really likes it
      • You can't tell when or who said what and that's the problem with it
      • Jeff reducing its importance over time
  • Update from Newman on non-mandatory tour frequency by person type estimation integration
    • Non-man tour freq larch notebook created
    • But there are 8 EDBs for this model - one for each person type
    • This makes it more difficult to step through the example in the notebook
    • But we probably also want to be able to automatically run_all in addition to manually step through
    • So we'll add a run_all function that calls the manual steps
    • And to make this submodel EDB like others, Newman will restructure it and send back to Doyle to revise the EDB writer to write one EDB
    • And then Newman will update the notebook so it illustrates both - manual step through and run_all
    • Users will need both setups - one for debugging/developing and one for production mode
  • Update on multiprocessing/caching for TVPB with Doyle and verification of results with me
    • Now precomputing tap to tap utilities
    • Created a single key across time-of-day, market segment, path type, etc for faster lookups and smarter data storage
    • Still all single threaded so timing statements yet
    • All single types so can be stored in big numpy arrays
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