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Determine gene order and orientation in assemblies


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Determine gene order and orientation in assemblies.


  • C++ compiler supporting the C++14 standard
  • (not yet) BLAST+ suite (blastn, makeblastdb)


  • cd src && make && make test


gene-paths searches an assembly graph (in GFA format) for the shortest path between locations on the graph.

  • src/gene-paths --help


  • gene-paths assembly.gfa ctg1+ ctg2+

    Searches assembly.gfa for the shortest path starting with ctg1 and ending with ctg2.

  • gene-paths assembly.gfa ctg1:$- ctg2:0+

    Returns the shortest path from the end of the - strand of ctg1 to the start of ctg2.

  • gene-paths assembly.gfa ctg1:100:$- ctg2:300+

    Returns the shortest path from genomic region 100-$ on the minus strand of ctg1, to the base at pos 300 on the plus strand of ctg2+.

  • gene-paths assembly.gfa ctg+ ctg:0+

    Find the shortest path starting with ctg+ and ending at its left hand side, i.e. the shortest cyclical path from and to ctg.



These tools were developed to help answer the question "where are genes relative to each other?" For instance, when typing Staphyloccos aureus SCCmec cassettes, it is relevant whether IS431 is up- or downstream of the mecA gene, and whether it is inverted.

This question is simple to answer if the features are on a single contig in the genome assembly. Unfortunately this is often not the case, especially when repetitions and mobile elements are involved.

It would seem that if we find features A and B on separate contigs, we are out of luck. Not knowing what is between the contigs, or even their order, we can't tell which of A or B is upstream, whether one is inverted relative to the other, and certainly not their distance. Or so you'd think.

You may be surprised to learn that quite the opposite is true.

The lengths of contigs in an assembly are not generally limited by a lack of data, i.e. no reads to cover their continuation. On the contrary, usually there are reads, but these imply multiple different continuations, meaning the contig cannot be extended further unambiguously.

In the assembly graph this could look like this:

 _                    ___ contig 2 ___                
  \                  /                \
   +--- contig 1 ---+                  +--- contig 4 ---
 _/                  \___ contig 3 ___/

Here contig 1 cannot be extended further, because in some place on the genome it is followed by the sequence captured in contig 2, whereas elsewhere it is followed by the sequence of contig 3.

However, if we know that our genes of interest are on contigs 1 and 2, then, with the knowledge of the assembly graph, we can actually find their genomic distance, relative orientation, and order. In fact, we can know the exact nucleotide sequence connecting the two genes.

Even if the features were located on contigs 1 and 4, we could still put a bound on their genomic distance, and (with a bit of luck) find out their relative orientation and order.

It is remarkable how much information we discard by routinely working with assembled contigs rather than assembly graphs. This was the motivation for writing gene-paths: to have a tool to rapidly query an assembly graph for paths between arbitrary regions on its contigs.


Clearly, as the number of edges between the features of interest increases, the number of possible paths connecting them rapidly explodes. It is already impossible to predict from this section of the graph:

               __ contig 2 __                  __ contig 5 __
              /              \                /              
-- contig 1--+                +-- contig 4 --+              
              \__ contig 3 __/                \__ contig 6 __

which of the sequences 1-2-4-5, 1-2-4-6, 1-3-4-5, 1-3-4-6 are present with certainty on the genome (though we know that at least two must be, and that each contains contigs 1 and 4).

An important point to remember as well is that shortest path does not imply that it represents biological reality.


How are assembly graphs stored?

The GFA format is the de facto standard for assembly graphs. Its spec is maintained at GFA2 is the current recommended format, and can be easily upgraded to from GFA v1.

How do I get an assembly graph?

  • SPAdes by default writes the assembly graph to contigs.gfa, but note the points made about overlap removal in the Unicycler documentation.
  • Unicycler and its successor, Trycycler optimise SPAdes and can perform hybrid short and long read assembly.
  • SKESA can generate assembly graphs for assemblies and reads using its gfa_connector utility. SKESA's assemblies tend to be more fragmented than SPAdes's, but there is a trade-off with speed and the number of misassemblies.
  • SAUTE was recently added to SKESA, and combines de novo assembly with alignment to a reference, producing all paths through the assembly graph consistent with the reference.

Can I look at assembly graphs?

Yes, and it's very insightful. Get the fabulous Bandage for visualisation.

What other tools work with GFA?

  • gfatools is a GFA parser with a succinct C implementation of data structures to hold assembly graphs. It has tools to convert GFA to FASTA, BED, and SQL, and to perform miniasm-like transformations on the graph.
  • gfakluge is a GFA parser and C++ class library that maps one-to-one to the entities in GFA. Its gfak tool converts between GFA formats, and can sort, subset, merge, and trim graphs.
  • The page on modularising assemblers will have more references of interest.
  • vg is the nuclear option. Whereas the tools above target GFA specifically, and (thus far) provide primarily parsers and basic data structures, VG is the tool of the trade for working with genome variation graphs.


gene-paths - determine gene order and orientation in assemblies
Copyright (C) 2021 Marco van Zwetselaar [email protected]

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


Determine gene order and orientation in assemblies







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