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View JSON data prettily.

Display JSON data in a tree-like expandable view. Use as a Svelte component or in Vanilla JS.

Here's a demo.


Install the package:

$ npm i @zerodevx/svelte-json-view


If you're using this in a Svelte app:

  import { JsonView } from '@zerodevx/svelte-json-view'

  const json = { foo: 'bar' }

<JsonView {json} />

Vanilla JS

For other applications with a bundler:

// Import the compiled code from `/dist`
import { JsonView } from '@zerodevx/svelte-json-view/dist'

const app = new JsonView({
  target: document.body   // node to render into

  json: { foo: 'bar' },   // object to prettify
  ...                     // any other props

Or load via CDN:

  <!-- Load `JsonView` from CDN -->
  <script defer src=""></script>
  <!-- Register the view -->
  <script type="module">
    const app = new JsonView({
      target: document.querySelector('#target'), // node to render into
      props: {
        json: { foo: 'bar' }, // object to prettify
        ...                   // any other props
  <div id="target"></div>


In general, use CSS variables.

Name Default Description
--jsonPaddingLeft 1rem Amount of left padding to apply at each depth
--jsonBorderLeft 1px dotted Style applied to left border for each depth
--jsonBracketColor currentcolor Colour for brackets [, {, } and ]
--jsonBracketHoverBackground #e5e7eb Hover background for brackets
--jsonSeparatorColor currentcolor Colour for separators : and ,
--jsonKeyColor currentcolor Colour for keys
--jsonValColor #9ca3af Default colour for values
--jsonValStringColor #059669 Colour for string values
--jsonValNumberColor #d97706 Colour for number values
--jsonValBooleanColor #2563eb Colour for boolean values

To apply your own font family (a monospaced font is recommended) or apply custom CSS var overrides, try wrapping the component and applying these styles to the wrapper like so:

<div class="wrap">
  <JsonView {json} />

  .wrap {
    font-family: monospace;
    font-size: 14px;
    --jsonBorderLeft: 2px dashed red;
    --jsonValColor: blue;


Name Type Default Description
json object undefined Un-stringified object to display
depth number Infinity Initial expansion depth


Library is packaged via SvelteKit. Standard Github contribution workflow applies.


End-to-end testing via Playwright. To run tests headlessly:

$ npm run test


Please refer to the releases page.
