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Artifactory Java Client

Artifactory Java client provides simple yet powerful Artifactory connection and management within your Java code.

The client allows managing Artifactory repositories, users, groups, permissions and system configuration. It also allows searches, upload and download artifacts to or from Artifactory and a lot more.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Add artifactory-java-client-services as a dependency to your build script.


Add the following dependency to your pom.xml file:



Add the following snippets to your build.gradle file:

repositories {
dependencies {
    compile 'org.jfrog.artifactory.client:artifactory-java-client-services:+'


This section includes a few usage examples of the Java client APIs from your application code.

Setting up Artifactory

Artifactory artifactory = ArtifactoryClientBuilder.create()

Trusting your own self-signed certificates without ignoring any SSL issue:

Artifactory artifactory = ArtifactoryClientBuilder.create()
                .loadTrustMaterial(< your trust strategy here >))

Adding a request interceptor for logging or modifying outgoing requests:

Artifactory artifactory = ArtifactoryClientBuilder.create()
        .addInterceptorLast((request, httpContext) -> {
            System.out.println("Artifactory request: " + request.getRequestLine());

Uploading and downloading artifacts

Uploading an Artifact
  • Using as source: file = new"fileToUpload.txt");  
    File result = artifactory.repository("RepoName").upload("path/to/newName.txt", file).doUpload();
  • Using an InputStream as source:
    try (InputStream inputStream = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get("fileToUpload.txt"))) {
        File result = artifactory.repository("RepoName").upload("path/to/newName.txt", inputStream).doUpload();
Upload and explode an Archive file = new"fileToUpload.txt");
File result = artifactory.repository("RepoName").upload("path/to/newName.txt", file).doUploadAndExplode(true)
Uploading an Artifact with Properties file = new"fileToUpload.txt");
File deployed = artifactory.repository("RepoName")
        .upload("path/to/newName.txt", file)
        .withProperty("color", "blue")
        .withProperty("color", "red")
Uploading and Artifact with an UploadListener

Can be used for tracking the progress of the current upload: file = new"fileToUpload.txt");  
File result = artifactory.repository("RepoName")
        .upload("path/to/newName.txt", file)
        .withListener((bytesRead, totalBytes) -> {
            System.out.println("Uploaded " + format.format((double) bytesRead / totalBytes));

The code snippet above would print the percentage of the current upload status.

Important: The totalBytes is calculated from the size of the input File. In case the source is a object, the upload will use the File.length() to determine the total number of bytes. If the source is an InputStream, the total size of the upload must be specified using the withSize(long size) method. e.g.:

Path sourceFile = Paths.get("fileToUpload.txt");
try (InputStream inputStream = Files.newInputStream(sourceFile)) {
        File result = artifactory.repository("RepoName")
                .upload("path/to/newName.txt", inputStream)
                .withListener((bytesRead, totalBytes) -> {
                    System.out.println("Uploaded " + format.format((double) bytesRead / totalBytes));
Copy an Artifact by SHA-1 file = new"fileToUpload.txt");
String sha1 = calcSha1(file)

File deployed = artifactory.repository("RepoName")
        .copyBySha1("path/to/newName.txt", sha1)
Downloading an Artifact
InputStream iStream = artifactory.repository("RepoName")
Downloading an Artifact with non-mandatory Properties
InputStream iStream = artifactory.repository("RepoName")
        .withProperty("colors", "red")
Downloading Artifact with mandatory properties
InputStream iStream = artifactory.repository("RepoName")
        .withMandatoryProperty("colors", "red")

File, Folder and Repository Info

File Info
File file = artifactory.repository("RepoName").file("path/to/file.txt").info();
boolean isFile = file.isFolder();
long fileSize = file.getSize();
String fileUri = file.getDownloadUri();
String md5Checksum = file.getChecksums().getMd5();
String sha1Checksum = file.getChecksums().getSha1();
String sha2Checksum = file.getChecksums().getSha256();
Folder Info
Folder folder = artifactory.repository("RepoName").folder("path/to/folder").info();
boolean isFolder = folder.isFolder();
String repoName = folder.getRepo();
String folderPath = folder.getPath();
int childrenItemsSize = folder.getChildren().size();
Repository Info
Repository repo = artifactory.repository("RepoName").get();
String repoKey = repo.getKey();
String desc = repo.getDescription();
String layout = repo.getRepoLayoutRef();
RepositoryType repoClass = repo.getRclass();

RepositorySettings settings = repo.getRepositorySettings();
PackageType packageType = settings.getPackageType();

if (PackageType.bower == packageType) {
    BowerRepositorySettings settingsForBower = (BowerRepositorySettings) settings;
    String bowerRegistryUrl = settingsForBower.getBowerRegistryUrl();
Storage Summary Info
BinariesSummary binariesSummary =;
FileStorageSummary fileStorageSummary =;

for (RepositorySummary repoSummary : {


Available Searches
Searches repositories(String... repositories);

Searches artifactsByName(String name);

Searches artifactsCreatedSince(long sinceMillis);

Searches artifactsCreatedInDateRange(long fromMillis, long toMillis);

Searches artifactsByGavc();

Searches artifactsLatestVersion();

List<AqlItem> artifactsByFileSpec(FileSpec fileSpec);
Searching Files in Repositories
List<RepoPath> searchItems = artifactory.searches()
        .repositories("RepoName", "RepoName2")

for (RepoPath searchItem : searchItems) {
    String repoKey = searchItem.getRepoKey();
    String itemPath = searchItem.getItemPath();
Searching Files by Properties
List<RepoPath> searchItems = artifactory.searches()
        .repositories("RepoName", "RepoName2")
        .property("colors", "r*?")

for (RepoPath searchItem : searchItems) {
    String repoKey = searchItem.getRepoKey();
    String itemPath = searchItem.getItemPath();
Searching Files by GAVC
List<RepoPath> results = artifactory.searches().artifactsByGavc()

for (RepoPath searchItem : searchItems) {
    String repoKey = searchItem.getRepoKey();
    String itemPath = searchItem.getItemPath();
Searching Files by GAVC and Repository
List<RepoPath> results = artifactory.searches().artifactsByGavc()

for (RepoPath searchItem : searchItems) {
    String repoKey = searchItem.getRepoKey();
    String itemPath = searchItem.getItemPath();
Searching Latest Version by GAVC and Repository
String latestVersion = artifactory.searches().artifactsLatestVersion()
Searching Files Using File Specs
FileSpec fileSpec = FileSpec.fromString("{\"files\": [{\"pattern\": \"liba-release-local/*test*\"}]}");
List<AqlItem> results = artifactory.searches().artifactsByFileSpec(fileSpec);


Get All Builds
AllBuilds allBuilds = artifactory.builds().getAllBuilds();
Get Build Runs
BuildRuns buildRuns = artifactory.builds().getBuildRuns("BuildName");

Managing Items (files and folders)

Getting Items
ItemHandle fileItem = artifactory.repository("RepoName").file("path/to/file.txt");
ItemHandle folderItem = artifactory.repository("RepoName").folder("path/to/folder");
Copying Items
ItemHandle item =
ItemHandle newItem = item.copy("ToRepoName", "path/to/item");
Moving Items
ItemHandle item =
ItemHandle newItem = item.move("ToRepoName", "path/to/item");
Deleting Items
String result = artifactory.repository("RepoName").delete("path/to/item");

Managing Repositories

List all Repositories
import static org.jfrog.artifactory.client.model.impl.RepositoryTypeImpl.LOCAL;
import static org.jfrog.artifactory.client.model.impl.RepositoryTypeImpl.REMOTE;
import static org.jfrog.artifactory.client.model.impl.RepositoryTypeImpl.VIRTUAL;
import static org.jfrog.artifactory.client.model.impl.RepositoryTypeImpl.FEDERATED;

List<LightweightRepository> localRepoList = artifactory.repositories().list(LOCAL);
List<LightweightRepository> remoteRepoList = artifactory.repositories().list(REMOTE);
List<LightweightRepository> virtualRepoList = artifactory.repositories().list(VIRTUAL);
List<LightweightRepository> federatedRepoList = artifactory.repositories().list(FEDERATED);
Creating Repositories
DebianRepositorySettingsImpl settings = new DebianRepositorySettingsImpl();

Repository repository = artifactory.repositories()
        .description("new local repository")

String result = artifactory.repositories().create(2, repository);
Creating Federated Repositories
DockerRepositorySettings settings = new DockerRepositorySettingsImpl();
List<FederatedMember> federatedMembers = new ArrayList<FederatedMember>();
FederatedMember federatedMember =  new FederatedMember("http://<JPDURL>/artifactory/"+NewRepoName, true);
Repository repository = artifactory.repositories()
        .description("new federated repository")

String result = artifactory.repositories().create(2, repository);
Repository Settings

For choosing your repository characteristic, use the right settings, each one of them possess the relevant attributes available in Artifactory.

Example for using generic repository with maven layout:

RepositorySettings settings = new GenericRepositorySettingsImpl()
Updating Repositories
Repository repository = artifactory.repository("RepoName").get();
RepositorySettings settings = repository.getRepositorySettings();

if (PackageType.debian == settings.getPackageType()) {
    DebianRepositorySettingsImpl settingsForDebian = (DebianRepositorySettingsImpl) settings;

Repository updatedRepository = artifactory.repositories()

String result = artifactory.repositories().update(updatedRepository);
Deleting Repositories
String result = artifactory.repository("RepoName").delete();
Deleting all Repository Replications
// Method supported for local and remote repositories
Creating or replacing a replication on a local repository
LocalReplication replication = new LocalReplicationBuilderImpl()
        .cronExp("0 0 0/2 * * ?")

Creating or replacing a replication on a remote repository
RemoteReplication replication = new RemoteReplicationBuilderImpl()
        .cronExp("0 0 0/2 * * ?")

Managing Xray properties
Repository repository = artifactory.repository("RepoName").get();

XraySettings xraySettings = repository.getXraySettings();

Repository updatedRepository = artifactory.repositories()

String result = artifactory.repositories().update(updatedRepository);
Custom Package Type and Properties
CustomPackageTypeImpl customPackageType = new CustomPackageTypeImpl("name");
CustomRepositorySettingsImpl settings = new CustomRepositorySettingsImpl(customPackageType);

Map<String, Object> customProperties = new HashMap<>();
customProperties.put("key", "value");

Repository repository = artifactory.repositories()
        .description("new local repository")

String result = artifactory.repositories().create(2, repository);
Smart Remote Repositories

A smart remote repository is a remote repository that proxies a repository from another instance of Artifactory. Smart remote repositories are configured with four additional properties.

RemoteRepository remoteRepository = (RemoteRepository) artifactory.repository("SmartRemoteRepoName").get();
ContentSync contentSync = remoteRepository.getContentSync();
// Report Statistics
// Sync Properties
// Source Absence Detection

Repository updatedRepository = artifactory.repositories()
        .listRemoteFolderItems(true)    // List Remote Folder Items

String result = artifactory.repositories().update(updatedRepository);

Managing Users

Geting User Information
User user ="userName");
String name = user.getName();
String email = user.getEmail();
Collection<String> groups = user.getGroups();
Date loggedIn = user.getLastLoggedIn();
boolean profileUpdatable = user.isProfileUpdatable();
boolean isAdmin = user.isAdmin();
boolean internalPass = user.isInternalPasswordDisabled();
String realm = user.getRealm();
List all User Names
Collection<String> userNames =;
for (String userName : userNames) {
    User user =;
Creating or Updating Users
UserBuilder userBuilder =;
User user ="userName")
        .email("[email protected]")
Deleting Users
String result ="userName");

Managing User Groups

Get User Group Information
Group group ="groupName");
String description = group.getDescription();
boolean isAutoJoin = group.isAutoJoin();
boolean isAdminPrivileges = group.isAdminPrivileges();
List all User Groups
List<String> groupNames =;
for (String groupName : groupNames) {
    Group group =;
Creating or Updating User Groups
Group group =
        .description("new group")
Creating or Updating User External Groups

When using LDAP integration or realm User plugin, it could be interesting to preload groups (and permissions) before any user login :

String realmAttributes = "ldapGroupName=groupName;groupsStrategy=STATIC;groupDn=cn=GROUPNAME,ou=foo,o=bar";
Group group =

NB: The realmAttributes depends of realm implementation ; so firstly, use LDAP Groups Synchronization to import some groups manually in Artifactory, and analyse a JSON GET on one of this/these group(s) to understand the content of realmAttributes parameter.

Deleting User Groups"groupName");


Getting Item Permissions
Set<ItemPermission> itemPermissions = artifactory.repository("RepoName")

for (ItemPermission itemPermission : itemPermissions) {
    RepoPath repoPath = itemPermissions.getRepoPath();
    List<Privilege> privileges = getPrivileges();
    Subject subject = getSubject();
    boolean isAllowedTo = isAllowedTo(ADMIN, DELETE, DEPLOY, ANNOTATE, READ);
Getting Permission Target information
PermissionTarget permissionTarget ="permissionName");
String name = permissionTarget.getName()
String exclude = permissionTarget.getExcludesPattern();
String include = permissionTarget.getIncludesPattern();
List<String> repos = permissionTarget.getRepositories();
List<ItemPermission> perm = permissionTarget.getItemPermissions();
Listing all Permission Targets
List<String> permissionTargetNames =;
for (String permissionTargetName : permissionTargetNames) {
    PermissionTarget permissionTarget =;
Creating a Permission Target
Principal userAdmin =

Principal groupTest =
        .privileges(Privilege.DEPLOY, Privilege.READ)

Principals principals =

PermissionTarget permissionTarget =


Artifactory version
Version version = artifactory.system().version();
String version = version.getVersion();
String revision = version.getRevision();
String license = version.getLicense();
List<String> addons = version.getAddons();
Getting System Configuration XML
String xml = artifactory.system().configuration();
Setting System Configuration XML
Getting System Configuration YAML
String yaml = artifactory.system().yamlConfiguration();
Setting System Configuration YAML

Rest API

Executing an Artifactory REST API

ArtifactoryRequest repositoryRequest = new ArtifactoryRequestImpl().apiUrl("api/repositories")
ArtifactoryResponse response = artifactory.restCall(repositoryRequest);

// Get the response headers
org.apache.http.Header[] headers = response.getAllHeaders();

// Get the response status information
org.apache.http.StatusLine statusLine = response.getStatusLine();

// A convenience method for verifying success
assert response.isSuccessResponse()

// Get the response raw body
String rawBody = response.rawBody();

// If the the response raw body has a JSON format, populate an object with the body content, 
// by providing a object's class. 
List<Map<String, String>> parsedBody = response.parseBody(List.class);

Building and Testing the Sources

The code is built using Gradle and includes integration tests.

Since the tests may use features which have been recently added to Artifactory, such as new package types, it is best to run the tests against the latest release of Artifactory. Some tests may therefore fail otherwise. Those tests can be manually commented out in that case.

If you'd like to build the code without tests, run:

gradle clean build -x test

Please follow these steps to build and test the code:

  • Startup an Artifactory-Pro instance.
  • Set the CLIENTTESTS_ARTIFACTORY_URL, CLIENTTESTS_ARTIFACTORY_USERNAME and CLIENTTESTS_ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD environment variables with your Artifactory URL, username and password.
  • Run:
gradle clean test

Example Projects

We created sample projects demonstrating how to use the Artifactory Java Client.

Contributing Code

We welcome community contribution through pull requests.


  • If the existing tests do not already cover your changes, please add tests..
  • Pull requests should be created on the dev branch.


This client is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Release Notes

The release notes are available here.


Artifactory REST Client Java API bindings







No packages published


  • Java 67.3%
  • Groovy 32.7%