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an async Clojure+Script port of the non-view parts of re-frame


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A-frame started life as a port of the re-frame event and effect handling machinery to the async domain.

It has evolved to become even more data-driven, and to give greater control over event processing. It is being used for varied back-end event-processing tasks, including a business game engine and vanilla API handling.


They tell you to keep your side-effecting code minimal and away from your pure code. A-frame helps you to do it. It's not as posh as a freer monad based effects thingy, but it's very data-driven, has an easy to understand model, and is easy to observe.

simple data

The term "simple" data is used below - it means data containing no opaque objects - i.e. no functions or other opaque types. Roughly anything that can easily be serialised and deserialised to/from EDN or JSON.


A-frame uses a similar event-processing model to re-frame - events are usually handled in a 3 stage process:

[gather coeffects] -> [handle event] -> [process effects]

As in re-frame, this process is implemented with an interceptor chain. Unlike re-frame, the a-frame interceptor chain is:

  • asynchronous - the :enter, :leave and :error fns in any interceptor may return a promise of their result.
  • fully data-driven - the interceptor chains themselves are described by simple data. Since events, coeffects and effects are also simple data, the entire state of the interceptor chain at any point is fully serialisable.

A typical event-handler interceptor chain looks like this:

-> [enter:               ] -> [enter: coeffect-a] -> [enter: coeffect-b] -> [enter: handle-event] --|
<- [leave: handle-effects] <- [leave:           ] <- [leave:           ] <- [leave:             ] <-|

The final interceptor in the chain contains the event-handler. An event-handler is always a pure function with no side-effects. Prior interceptors contain coeffect or effect handlers, which may have side-effects and may return a promise of their result.


Events are usually simple maps describing something that happened. An event map must have an :a-frame/id key, which describes the type of the event and will be used to find a handler for processing the event.

Events may also be simple vectors of [<id> ...], as they generally are in re-frame. This form is less preferred because it makes literal paths referencing data in the events harder to read.

Event handler functions have a signature:

(fn [<coeffects> <event>])


Coeffects are a simple data map representing inputs gathered from the environment and required by the event-handler. A particular event handler has a chain of coeffect handlers, each of which identifies a particular coeffect handler by keyword.

Coeffect handler functions have a signature:

(fn ([<app> <coeffects>]) ([<app> <coeffects> <data>]))

The arity providing the <data> arg allows data gathered from previous coeffects and the event to be given to the coeffect handler.


Effects are a simple datastructure describing outputs from the event handler. Effects are either a map of {<effect-key> <effect-data>}, indicating concurrent processing of offects, or a vector of such maps - requiring sequential processing. The <effect-key> keywords are used to find a handler for a particular effect.

Effect handler functions have a signature:

(fn [<app> <effect-data>] )

simple example

This example defines a ::get-foo event, to service some imaginary GET /foo API, which uses a ::load-foo cofx to load the object and then returns the loaded object as an :api/response effect.

(require '[a-frame.core :as af])
(require '[a-frame.std-interceptors :as af.stdintc])
(require '[a-frame.multimethods :as mm])
(require '[malli.core :as m])

  (fn [;; app context
       {api-client :api :as app}
       ;; other coeffects
       ;; resolved data arg
       {id :id url :url}]
     {:id (str url "/" id) :name "foo" :client api-client}))

;; since we can't resolve vars from keywords on cljs, and we don't want
;; any opaque objects in our simple data, we use a multimethod
;; to specify the schema validation in inject-validated-cofx
(defmethod mm/validate ::foo
  [_ value]
    [:map [:id :string] [:name :string]]


  ;; inject the ::load-foo cofx with an arg resolved from
  ;; the event and other cofx, validate the value
  ;; conforms to schema ::foo
    {:id #af/event-path ::foo-id
     :url #af/cofx-path [:config :api-url]}

  (fn [{foo ::load-foo :as coeffects}
       ;; uncomment this throw to see error reporting in action
       ;; (throw (ex-info "boo" {}))
    {:api/response {:foo foo}}))

(def router (af/create-router
              ;; app context for opaque objects like network clients
              {:api ::api}
              ;; global interceptors are prepended to every event's
              ;; interceptor-chain

(def r (af/dispatch-sync

          ;; optional initial coeffects
          {:config {:api-url ""}}

          ;; the event
          {:a-frame/id ::get-foo
           ::foo-id "1000"}))

;; unpick deref'ing a promise only works on clj
(-> @r :a-frame/effects :api/response)

;; => {:foo {:id "", :name "foo" :client :user/api}}

of interest is the interceptor history log, which details the full interceptor execution history:

(-> @r :a-frame.interceptor-chain/history)

;; =>
       [{:a-frame.interceptor-chain/key :a-frame.cofx/inject-validated-cofx,
         :a-frame.cofx/id :user/load-foo,
         :a-frame.cofx/path :user/load-foo,
         :a-frame.cofx/schema :user/foo,
          #a-frame.ctx/path [:a-frame/coeffects :a-frame.coeffect/event :user/foo-id],
          :url #a-frame.ctx/path [:a-frame/coeffects :config :api-url]}}
        {:id "1000", :url ""}
       [{:a-frame.interceptor-chain/key :a-frame.std-interceptors/fx-event-handler,
         :a-frame.std-interceptors/pure-handler-key :user/get-foo}
       [{:a-frame.interceptor-chain/key :a-frame.std-interceptors/fx-event-handler,
         :a-frame.std-interceptors/pure-handler-key :user/get-foo}
       [{:a-frame.interceptor-chain/key :a-frame.cofx/inject-validated-cofx,
         :a-frame.cofx/id :user/load-foo,
         :a-frame.cofx/path :user/load-foo,
         :a-frame.cofx/schema :user/foo,
          #a-frame.ctx/path [:a-frame/coeffects :a-frame.coeffect/event :user/foo-id],
          :url #a-frame.ctx/path [:a-frame/coeffects :config :api-url]}}

each log entry has the form:

[<interceptor-spec> <interceptor-fn> <action> <data-arg> <outcome>]

so looking at the second entry, which refers to the ::load-foo cofx:

[{:a-frame.interceptor-chain/key :a-frame.cofx/inject-validated-cofx,
  :a-frame.cofx/id :user/load-foo,
  :a-frame.cofx/path :user/load-foo,
  :a-frame.cofx/schema :user/foo,
   #a-frame.ctx/path [:a-frame/coeffects :a-frame.coeffect/event :user/foo-id],
   :url #a-frame.ctx/path [:a-frame/coeffects :config :api-url]}}
 {:id "1000", :url ""}

both the specification of the cofx data arg :a-frame.cofx/arg and the resolved <data-arg> can be seen.

error handling and resumption

Whenever an error occurs during interceptor-chain processing the following things happen:

  • the current operation is halted
  • the causal exception is wrapped in an ex-info with a full description of the state of the interceptor-chain when the error happened,
  • the rest (if any) of the queue of interceptors is discarded
  • the stack of entered interceptors is unwound, calling error instead of leave, until either the error is handled or there are no remaining interceptors on the stack.
  • if the error was handled, unwinding proceeds with leave
  • if the error was not handled the descriptive ex-info is thrown

Both the minimal global interceptors and the default global interceptors include the a-frame.std-interceptors/unhandled-error-report interceptor which logs a human-readable report on the error, and re-throws the informative ex-info.

The ex-info includes the full interceptor-context after the error finished processing, so the causal exception along with the :a-frame.interceptor-chain/history key can be inspected for clues as to what went wrong. The interceptor-context from just before the error occured is also included in the :a-frame.interceptor-chain/resume key - this is called the "resume-context".

It is possible to try re-executing the problematic operation either by supplying the ex-info or the resume-context to the resume fn:

(a-frame.interceptor-chain/resume <app-ctx> <a-frame-router> <a-frame-ex-info-or-resume-context>)

Since the resume-context is just simple data, the operation can be resumed in a different VM or even machine from that where the original failure happened - as long as any data references in the resume context are resolvable.

effects now or later

The :a-frame.fx/do-fx interceptor will handle all effects. It is prepended to every event's interceptor-chain by the default global interceptors a-frame.std-interceptors/default-global-interceptors.

If you don't want to handle effects immediately, perhaps because you want to write the effects to a Kafka topic or db table for later handling, then you can specify the minimal global interceptors a-frame.std-interceptors/minimal-global-interceptors which will do nothing with effects generated by the event handler.

If you want something in-between - maybe handling some effects immediately, and leaving some for later, then you could specify a custom interceptor.


Logging can be difficult with asynchronous operations - stack traces get erased and dymamic variables don't work reliably, so when multiple operations are proceeding concurrently it can be difficult to narrow a log stream to just the lines relating to a single logical operation.

A-frame provides a set-log-context interceptor, which adds a log context value into the interceptor chain. The logging macros in a-frame.log can then be used to log with context.

taoensso.timbre is currently used for logging, since it's the only common clojure/script logging library which supports logging with context.

You can call a-frame.log.timbre/configure-timbre to add an output-fn to timbre's println appender which will print the context value, leading to log entries like this one produced by the a-frame.std-interceptors/unhandled-error-report interceptor:

2023-05-23T11:12:53.852Z ERROR [a-frame.std-interceptors:168] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-15] [id:c35eb490-f95a-11ed-b7a0-ccb8a4033a35] - a-frame unhandled error:

the context value - in this case [id:c35eb490-f95a-11ed-b7a0-ccb8a4033a35] - will be present on all log entries for the interceptor chain, no matter that individual interceptor functions are executed on different threads.

further work

  • Support for OpenTelemetry tracing and logging would make sense, maybe via clj-otel
  • the dispatch-sync fx can model tail-recursion, but a dispatch-sync cofx could be used to model regular recursion, returning a result to the coeffects


an async Clojure+Script port of the non-view parts of re-frame







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