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An anonymous file transfer application that enables you to access files from any device without any account


  • anonymous chat room
  • file transfer across any devices where a modern browswer is available
  • secure:
    • all user data (messages and files) will be encrypted. Since passcode is never persisted in the server side, no one except the owner can decrypt the data
    • expires automatically after one day

Install & Run

Getting started quickly


  • Python 3.8
  • Redis
# 1. download source code
git clone
cd Snapfile

# 2. change default configuration
vim snapfile/config.file

# 3. install package
python -e .

# 4. start

some default configuration

  • PORT: The server will listen to port 8090
  • LOG_FILE: Logs are output to test.log in the current workding directory (i.e., CWD)
  • UPLOAD_ROOT_DIRECTORY: Files are stored in ./upload in CWD

Deploy in production mode (CentOS)

Change the prefix and user in and then run it using root

git pull

The directory structure of prefix(/var/www/snapfile for example)

`-- snapfile
    |-- db
    |   `-- appendonly.aof
    |   `-- dump.rdb
    |-- files
    |   `-- 324
    |       `-- thfaxm
    |           `-- 1
    |-- logs
    |   |-- nginx_access.log
    |   |-- nginx_err.log
    |   |-- snapfile.log
    |   `-- snapfile.out
    `-- static
        |-- index.html
        |-- login.html
        |-- main.css
        |-- main.js
        `-- test.html



This is a web app based on aiohttp (built on top of asyncio) which is an asynchronous http libaray. That means, its networking operations are non-blocking and all http requests can be processed in a concurrent manner in a single thread. So far, it's the best choice in the Python world for constructing a high performance web server.

It supports websocket (long connection) which allows to implement the instant messaging or chat very easily.


  1. serve static files, such as html, css, etc
  2. handle download efficiently
  3. prevent from brute force attack
  4. sharing port 443 with other services and forwarding to the backend (python web app in our case)



  • #files:<folder identity> int: the last file id in a given folder
  • folder:<folder identity> str: meta data of a folder serialized in json format, like created time, quota, size, etc
  • messages::<folder identity> list: messages (including file meta data) serialized in json format


manage the lifecycle of the service To restart the service, run the command below as root:

supervisorctl restart snapfile


need to install packages: websocket-client

Functional test for APIs of python backend: using the classical python unittest

cd tests
python -m unittest -v
  • use a separate port 8090
  • select db 0 of Redis
  • clean all data at startup

some known issues:

The error below is due to a bug in package requests: Revert PR 1440, do not modify cookie value by yanxurui · Pull Request #5459 · psf/requests

json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes: line 1 column 2 (char 1)

There might be a chance that test_api.TestExpire fails because the orphan process is cleang the data.

AssertionError: '1 folders found and 0 folders deleted' not found in 'xxx

Functional test for NGINX config in a production environment.

stress test for aiohttp.