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A key-value disk store for caching huge amount of data especially small files no more than 1M. It's written in python using bjoern and can be easily scaled by nginx.

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A key-value store for caching huge amount of data especially small files no more than 1M. It's written in python using Jonas Haag's awesome bjoern and can be easily scaled by nginx.


quick start

clone this project to somewhere and install dependences(you'd better do this in a virtual env):

pip install -r requirements.txt

start up using default config

python src/

that's it, test by curl:

curl -X PUT localhost:1234/foo -d $'hello world\n'
curl localhost:1234/foo
curl -X DELETE localhost:1234/foo
curl localhost:1234/foo


Config file is src/ It's recommended to create a custom config file based on this file and then pass its path as argument to

cp src/
# modify
python src/

use memcache as a LRU cache

Memcache can speed up a lot compared with pure disk access. CacheFS is default a simple FIFO cache which is not useful in many cases. With the help of memcache, the most frequently accessed files are cached in memory even if they are erased from disk due to a very long existence time.

Turn on memcache by setting memc_on to True in config file.

A file is cached in memcache after it is missed a certain number of times during a period of time. These are configured by cache_after_miss_count and cache_after_miss_count_duration.

scale by nginx

The best way to scale horizontally is using nginx as a reverse proxy which redirects requests to back CacheFSs based on consistency hash method. Every CacheFS is in charge of a disk mount point.


Only these 3 restful APIs are supported now.



PUT /<key> request body is the file content


  • 200: the file (request body) is stored

custome headers

  • X-Position: <volume_id>,<offset>,<size>


GET /<key>

  • 200: response body is the file retrieved
  • 404: file does not exist

custom headers

  • X-Position: the same as above
  • X-Cache:
    • MEMC: file is hit in memcache
    • DISK: file is retrived from disk



DELETE /<key>


  • 200: file is deleted
  • 404: file does not exist


data structure

All files are stored under path <mount_point> which is a directory in a real file system.

├── data
│   ├── 0
│   ├── 1
│   └── 2
├── index
│   ├── 0
│   └── 2
└── META.txt

Inspired by seaweedfs, small files as long as their filenames(for consistency check) are stored in a big file which is called volume. Why?

  1. Modern file systems for example ext4 use tree structure to organize files. It will take considerable time to look for a specific file among a large number of small files (e.g., tens of millions).
  2. It must be emphasized that it takes much more time to open and close the file than the real read or write. So the first principle is avoiding frequently opening and closing files.

Every volume file under data subfolder has its corresponding index file under index subfolder. Every line in index file is in form of <key> <offset> <size> which reveals where a file is stored in the volume. If a file is deleted, a line <key> 0 0 is appended to the index file.

META.txt is used to record the id of the current volume to write data into.

When server starts up, index are built up in a big dict by scaning these index files.

write & read & delete

Data is written cyclically starting from volume 0 and in a volume small files are wriiten sequentially. When a volume is full, its index is dumped to disk for the sake of performance. Next volume becomes the current one for writing in turn, its data (both volume and index) is erased first.

A volume file is opened only once for all subsequent reading operations. A file is retrieved by first seeking and then reading in the volume file according to the index.

When a file is deleted, it's not actually removed from disk but just marked as deleted by appending a line with size 0 to its index file.


  • cache
    • expire
    • memcache
    • nginx
  • log
    • access log
    • slow log
  • performance
    • save index
    • close file
    • I can not attain the performance of get api in the benchmark below


install dependencies

yum install memcached
systemctl start memcached

pip install requests

start server

python src/ tests/

run tests

python -m unittest discover


file operation

It takes much more time to open and close a file than read and write. So it's adivisable to open a file once and not to close it until all subsequent write and read are completed. When performing file operations in python, it's preferable to create a file object with read() and write() methods by the built-in open function. This works well until I find that it takes too much time to close a big file. This can be solved by replacing file object by os module's system call which is intended for low-level I/O. It shows the difference below when write 1GB file:

import os
from time import time

data = 'x'*1024

f = open('temp', 'w')

s1 = time()
for i in range(1000000):

s2 = time()
print('write: %f' % (s2-s1))
# 2.57

s3 = time()
print('close: %f' % (s3-s2))
# 5.65
import os
from time import time

data = 'x'*1024

# fd ="temp", os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK)
fd ="temp", os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY)

s1 = time()
for i in range(1000000):
    os.write(fd, data)

s2 = time()
print('write: %f' % (s2-s1))
# 1.9

s3 = time()
print('close: %f' % (s3-s2))
# 0

Further more, one file object opened for reading can not see the new change made by another file object opened for writing unless the latter calls flush() after write which introduces extra overhead. However, system call performs well.

f1 = open('a.txt', 'w')
f2 = open('a.txt')

print( # hello
import os

fd_w ="temp", os.O_CREAT | os.O_WRONLY)
fd_r ="temp", os.O_RDONLY)

os.write(fd_w, 'hello world')

print(, 5)) # hello

In a short word, performance is improved a lot by using os's low-level IO operation instead of file object.


Every log message means a write operation so it must be taken into account. Benchmark shows that log impacts a lot in such high-performance application scenario. For example, consider the huge difference in Requests/sec below:

def app(e, s):
    body = 'hello world'
    s('200 OK', [('Content-Length', str(len(body)))])
    return body

import bjoern, '', 1234)
[root@localhost wrk-4.0.2]# ./wrk -c 20 -t 1
Running 10s test @
  1 threads and 20 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency   205.66us   26.89us   1.20ms   61.30%
    Req/Sec    97.23k    12.19k  121.01k    72.28%
  975283 requests in 10.10s, 68.83MB read
Requests/sec:  96565.62
Transfer/sec:      6.81MB
import logging
logging.basicConfig(filename = 'test.log', format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)

def app(e, s):'log me')
    body = 'hello world'
    s('200 OK', [('Content-Length', str(len(body)))])
    return body

import bjoern, '', 1234)
[root@localhost wrk-4.0.2]# ./wrk -c 20 -t 1
Running 10s test @
  1 threads and 20 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     1.39ms  154.22us   9.53ms   99.39%
    Req/Sec    14.45k   206.78    14.96k    91.09%
  145224 requests in 10.10s, 10.25MB read
Requests/sec:  14378.22
Transfer/sec:      1.01MB

So it's a good practice to set log level to WARNING in production.


The results vary a lot because there are a few factors that can impact the performance:

  1. the performance is bound to the disk R/W speed
  2. the duration to observe can also affect the performance a lot because the disk usually performs much better at the first few seconds up to 500MB/s and then drops to an average speed around 50MB/s
  3. file/block size * QPS ≈ disk R/W speed. For instance, there is a large difference between the QPS resulted from writing file size 1KB and 100KB.
  4. read speed should be measured after clearing cache and against 200 responses

Disk performance

Firstly, let's measure the disk W/R speed:

> dd if=/dev/zero of=./largefile bs=64KB count=100000
100000+0 records in
100000+0 records out
6400000000 bytes (6.4 GB) copied, 121.629 s, 52.6 MB/s

> free -h
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           7.8G        433M        756M        427M        6.6G        6.6G
Swap:            0B          0B          0B
> sudo sh -c "sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches"
> free -h
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           7.8G        429M        6.9G        427M        505M        6.8G
Swap:            0B          0B          0B

> dd if=./largefile of=/dev/null bs=64k
97656+1 records in
97656+1 records out
6400000000 bytes (6.4 GB) copied, 166.517 s, 38.4 MB/s

Unfortunately, the disk speed is too slow, which becomes a bottleneck.


file size is 64KB


wrk.method = "PUT"
wrk.body = string.rep('1', 64000)

counter = 1

request = function()
   path = "/test_" .. counter
   counter = counter + 1
   return wrk.format(nil, path)
> ./wrk -c 20 -t 1 -d 30 -s set_cfs.lua

Running 30s test @
  1 threads and 20 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    14.27ms   11.86ms  48.26ms   40.86%
    Req/Sec     1.51k     2.39k   10.63k    91.67%
  45021 requests in 30.03s, 4.08MB read
Requests/sec:   1499.45
Transfer/sec:    139.01KB



I use 3 methods:

  1. read 40 thousand files randomly
  • make sure files test_1 ~ test_40000 are already set after testing write above
  • clear cache at first


request = function()
    counter = math.random(40000)
    path = "/test_" .. counter
    return wrk.format(nil, path)

using cache

> free -h
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           7.8G        426M        4.1G        427M        3.3G        6.7G
Swap:            0B          0B          0B

> ./wrk -c 20 -t 1 -d 20 -s get_cfs1.lua
Running 20s test @
  1 threads and 20 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     1.54ms  326.87us  13.08ms   96.50%
    Req/Sec    12.86k   838.71    14.12k    78.50%
  256005 requests in 20.02s, 15.28GB read
Requests/sec:  12790.42
Transfer/sec:    781.85MB

without cache

> sudo sh -c "sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches"

> ./wrk -c 20 -t 1 -d 20 -s get_cfs1.lua
Running 20s test @
  1 threads and 20 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    90.20ms   64.57ms 356.09ms   75.11%
    Req/Sec   250.90    152.47   660.00     68.42%
  4833 requests in 20.01s, 295.43MB read
Requests/sec:    241.51
Transfer/sec:     14.76MB

It's strange that iotop shows the read speed has reached more than 35MB/s but the transfer speed here is only 15MB/s.

> strace -c -w -p 39249
strace: Process 39249 attached
^Cstrace: Process 39249 detached
% time     seconds  usecs/call     calls    errors syscall
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
 48.83   16.331198        3365      4852           pread64
 46.39   15.512238       20600       753           epoll_wait
  2.02    0.675492         138      4866           write
  1.77    0.592267          60      9744           epoll_ctl
  0.97    0.325818          66      4873         3 read
  0.01    0.001830          43        42           fcntl
  0.00    0.001270          60        21           close
  0.00    0.001052          50        21           accept
  0.00    0.000635          52        12           brk
  0.00    0.000116          57         2           open
  0.00    0.000109         108         1           mmap
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
100.00   33.442024                 25187         3 total
  1. read files sequentially


counter = 1

request = function()
   path = "/test_" .. counter
   counter = counter + 1
   return wrk.format(nil, path)
> sudo sh -c "sync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches"
> ./wrk -c 20 -t 1 -d 20 -s get_cfs2.lua
Running 20s test @
  1 threads and 20 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    33.37ms   14.53ms 163.06ms   52.73%
    Req/Sec   602.95    153.78     1.00k    49.00%
  12007 requests in 20.01s, 733.96MB read
Requests/sec:    600.07
Transfer/sec:     36.68MB
> strace -c -w -p 39249
strace: Process 39249 attached
^Cstrace: Process 39249 detached
% time     seconds  usecs/call     calls    errors syscall
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
 55.64   10.587205         880     12027           pread64
 22.99    4.374518        3399      1287           epoll_wait
  7.20    1.370636          56     24095           epoll_ctl
  6.79    1.291104         107     12027           write
  3.94    0.749033          62     12048           read
  3.41    0.649476          62     10350           brk
  0.01    0.002210          52        42           fcntl
  0.01    0.001227          58        21           accept
  0.01    0.001045          49        21           close
------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------
100.00   19.026456                 71918           total

Why reading randomly is screamingly slow? The strace profiling results show it differs in the speed of pread syscall. This can be explained by the expensive seeking. pread can be seen as lseek+read. In ext4, lseek is fast because it only modifies the file pointer and does some validation checks. The read system call will move the disk head so it takes much more time for random read than sequential read.

  1. always read the same file (using cache)
> ./wrk -c 20 -t 1 -d 20

Running 20s test @
  1 threads and 20 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     1.32ms  236.77us   7.73ms   95.38%
    Req/Sec    15.06k     0.85k   16.45k    78.00%
  299619 requests in 20.00s, 17.89GB read
Requests/sec:  14979.74
Transfer/sec:      0.89GB


A key-value disk store for caching huge amount of data especially small files no more than 1M. It's written in python using bjoern and can be easily scaled by nginx.







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