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What is Goldilox?

Goldilox is a tool to empower data scientists to build machine learning solutions into production.

  • This is in current development, please wait for the first stable version.

For more details, see the documentation

Key features

  • One line from POC to production
  • Flexible and yet simple
  • Technology agnostic
  • Things you didn't know you want:
    • Serialization validation
    • Missing values validation
    • Output validation
    • I/O examples
    • Variables and description queries


With pip:

$ pip install goldilox

Pandas + Sklearn support

Any Sklearn + Pandas pipeline/transformer/estimator works can turn to a pipeline with one line of code, which tou can save and run as a server with the CLI. well.

Vaex native

Vaex is an open-source big data technology with similar APIs to Pandas.
We use some of Vaex's special sauce to allow the extreme flexibility for advance pipeline solutions while insuring we have a tool that works on big data.

  • Documentation


1. Data science


import pandas as pd
from xgboost.sklearn import XGBClassifier
from goldilox.datasets import load_iris

# Get teh data
df, features, target = load_iris()

# modeling
model = XGBClassifier().fit(df[features], df[target])


import vaex
from goldilox.datasets import load_iris
from import XGBoostModel
import numpy as np

df, features, target = load_iris()
df = vaex.from_pandas(df)

# feature engineering example
df["petal_ratio"] = df["petal_length"] / df["petal_width"]

# modeling
booster = XGBoostModel(
df = booster.transform(df)

# post modeling processing example 
df["prediction"] = np.around(df["prediction"])
df["label"] = df["prediction"].map({0: "setosa", 1: "versicolor", 2: "virginica"})

2. Build a production ready pipeline

  • In one line (-:
from goldilox import Pipeline

# sklearn - When using sklearn, we want to have an example of the raw production query data
pipeline = Pipeline.from_sklearn(model, raw=Pipeline.to_raw(df[features]))

# vaex
pipeline = Pipeline.from_vaex(df)

# Save and load < path >)
pipeline = Pipeline.from_file( < path >)

3. Deploy

glx serve <path>

[2021-11-16 18:54:44 +0100] [74906] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 20.1.0
[2021-11-16 18:54:44 +0100] [74906] [INFO] Listening at: (74906)
[2021-11-16 18:54:44 +0100] [74906] [INFO] Using worker: uvicorn.workers.UvicornH11Worker
[2021-11-16 18:54:44 +0100] [74911] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 74911
[2021-11-16 18:54:44 +0100] [74911] [INFO] Started server process [74911]
[2021-11-16 18:54:44 +0100] [74911] [INFO] Waiting for application startup.
[2021-11-16 18:54:44 +0100] [74911] [INFO] Application startup complete.

Alt text

4. Training: For experiments, cloud training, automations, etc,.

With Vaex, you put everything you want to do to a function which receives and returns a Vaex DataFrame

from import load_iris
from goldilox import Pipeline

def fit(df):
    from import XGBoostModel
    import numpy as np

    df = load_iris()

    # feature engineering example
    df["petal_ratio"] = df["petal_length"] / df["petal_width"]

    # modeling
    booster = XGBoostModel(
        features=['petal_length', 'petal_width', 'sepal_length', 'sepal_width', 'petal_ratio'],
    df = booster.transform(df)

    # post modeling procssing example 
    df['prediction'] = np.around(df['prediction'])
    df["label"] = df["prediction"].map({0: "setosa", 1: "versicolor", 2: "virginica"})
    return df

df = load_iris()
pipeline = Pipeline.from_vaex(df, fit=fit).fit(df)

With Sklearn the fit would be the standard X and y.

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from xgboost.sklearn import XGBClassifier

iris = load_iris()
features = iris.feature_names
df = pd.DataFrame(, columns=features)
df['target'] =

# we don't need to provide raw example if we do the training from the Goldilox Pipeline - it would be taken automatically from the first row.
classifier = XGBClassifier(n_estimators=10, verbosity=0, use_label_encoder=False)
pipeline = Pipeline.from_sklearn(classifier).fit(df[features], df['target'])
WARNING: Pipeline doesn't handle na for sepal_length
WARNING: Pipeline doesn't handle na for sepal_width
WARNING: Pipeline doesn 't handle na for petal_length
WARNING: Pipeline doesn't handle na for petal_width

We do not handle missing values? Let's fix that!

from goldilox.sklearn.transformers import Imputer

classifier = XGBClassifier(n_estimators=10, verbosity=0, use_label_encoder=False)

sk_pipeline = sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline([('imputer', Imputer(features=features)),
                                         ('classifier', classifier)])

pipeline = Pipeline.from_sklearn(sk_pipeline).fit(df[features], df[target])                          
  • We can still deploy a pipeline that doesn't deal with missing values if we want. Other validations such as serialization, and prediction-on-raw must pass.

Some tools

# Serve model
glx serve <pipeline-path>

# get the variables straight from the file.
glx variables <pipeline-path>

# get the description straight from the file.
glx description <pipeline-path>

# get the raw data example from the file.
glx raw <pipeline-path>

# Get the pipeline requirements
glx freeze <pipeline-path> <path-to-requirements-file-output.txt>

# Update a pipeline file metadata or variables 
glx udpate <pipeline-path> key value --file --variable


You can build a docker image from a pipeline.

glx build <pipeline-path> --platform=linux/amd64


Export to MLFlow

pipeline.export_mlflow(path, **kwargs)

Export to Gunicorn

pipeline.export_gunicorn(path, **kwargs)


  1. Why the name "Goldilox"?
    Because most solutions out there are either tou need to do everything from scratch per solution, or you have to take it as it. We consider ourselves in between, you can do most things, with minimal adjustments.
  2. Why do you work with Vaex and not just Pandas? Vaex handles Big-Data on normal computers, which is our target audience. And we relay heavily on it's lazy evaluation which pandas doesn't have.
  3. Why do you use "inference" for predictions and not "predict" or "transform"? Sklearn has a standard, "transform" returns a dataframe, "predict" a numpy array, we wanted to have another word for inference. We want the pipeline to also follow the sklearn standard with fit, transform, and predict.
  4. M1 mac with docker?
    You probably want to use --platform=linux/amd64
  5. How to send arguments to the docker serve?
  6. docker run -p --rm -it --platform=linux/amd64 goldilox glx serve $PIPELINE_PATH <args> example:
  • docker run -p --rm -it --platform=linux/amd64 goldilox glx serve $PIPELINE_PATH --host=


See contributing page.

  • Notebooks can be a great contribution too!


See roadmap page.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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