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Will Davies edited this page Apr 28, 2018 · 10 revisions

TBA-API-V3 is a Java implementation for the API found at There doesn't appear to be any other APIs up yet, so here's the TBA-API-V3.

Project Structure
Where's all the getters and setters?!? They're magically appearing! Exactly. It's super great. This project uses lombok, which means that by simply using the @Data annotation, all the getters and setters get automagically generated!

The API is organized to help you keep track of the plethora of API calls. If you look on the, you'll notice that all the API calls begin with /event(s), /team(s), /district(s), /match(s), or /status. Each of these groups of API calls corresponds to a class in the requests package such as EventRequest or TeamRequest. These are the fundamental classes that are used to interact with the API.

All of the models in Java form can be found in the package /models, you'll find three more packages -- /other, /simple, and /standard. /standard stores the full models, /simple stores simplified models (according to the new V3 specifications) and /other stores various other models that are less frequently used, such as the Robot model. Most of the packages within /other should be self explanatory.

Within Utils you'll find the IO, Parser, and Utils classes, IO manages the HTTPConnection with thebluealliance, Parser converts JSON strings into the Java models, and Utils has various helper methods. If the API contains a bug, this will most likely be in Parser. If you do find a bug, let me know right away at [email protected] and I'll have a fix up for you lickidy split.

Alright, now to the good stuff. The classes in /main are the ones you'll be using the most. More specifically, TBA and CTBA will be the most frequently used classes. TBA and CTBA combine all requests found in /requests into one class, to make it easier for you to use the API because you don't have to sift through multiple classes. TBA has no global variable or parameter constructors, this means TBA is useful if you plan on changing parameters a lot. For example, let's say you're pulling data for a list of teams - 1, 2, 3, 4 - you wouldn't want to create a new object each time to pull data, so TBA makes that easier for you. TBA is also the most consistent with the API documentation found on, and you'll find a Mirror of: javadoc comment above every method describing which method from the API it's calling. CTBA allows you to set global variables with constructors & getters / setters. This is useful if you have parameters that aren't likely to change, but you need to make multiple calls for those parameters. For example, let's say you have team 1 and you need to get a list of events that team is in, the team's general info, and their OPRs, CTBA would handle that nicely. It's really a matter of preference.

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