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BlueVM edited this page Oct 27, 2013 · 1 revision

Feathur was designed to be placed over existing systems which were already running some form of virtualization. It's primary goal being to effect nothing on the systems while it maintained the VPS it was assigned to.

What this means is if you have/had another control panel for VPS, Feathur can be setup on the server and can take over a select number of VPS (of your choice) and maintain only those VPS without effecting the other VPS on that server. It is technically possible on OpenVZ systems for Feathur to work in conjunction with another panel and with some modification of Feathur's code it would also be possible for Feathur to maintain KVM systems in the same method.

Here is a quick list of all current Feathur features, planned features and possible features for Feathur (in that order):

Current Features:

[A] = Admin Only
[C] = Cron Job
[OpenVZ] = OpenVZ Only VPS Feature
[KVM] = KVM Only VPS Feature

  • Login / Logout
  • Forgot Password
  • Administrative View [A]
  • User View
  • Server Status (Based on previous project, Mojeda now maintains.) [A]
  • List Users [A]
  • Add Users [A]
  • Activation Email/System
  • List VPS [A]
  • Add VPS [A]
  • List Servers [A]
  • Add Server [A]
  • Template Manager (KVM / OpenVZ) [A]
  • IP Pools [A]
  • Feathur Updates [A]
  • PHPMyAdmin Autologin [A]
  • VPS Status
  • VPS Statistics (RAM usage, disk usage, etc...) [OpenVZ]
  • Start VPS / Stop VPS / Restart VPS / Kill VPS
  • Suspend / Unsuspend VPS [A]
  • VPS Root Password [OpenVZ]
  • VPS VNC Password [KVM]
  • VPS Rebuild [OpenVZ]
  • VPS Mount ISO [KVM]
  • Enable VPS TUN/TAP [OpenVZ]
  • Enable VPS PPP [OpenVZ]
  • Enable VPS IP Tables [OpenVZ]
  • VPS Primary IP
  • rDNS View/Edit
  • Hostname (Doesn't actually set hostname on KVM, just changes database name).
  • Command Center (Command line access for troubleshooting via AJAX) [OpenVZ]
  • Java Console (Useful for those of us who don't have putty) [OpenVZ]
  • User VPS Details [A]
  • Edit VPS Specifications [A]
  • Add VPS IPv4 [A]
  • Remove VPS IPv4 [A]
  • Manually Assign VPS IPv4 [A]
  • Terminate VPS [A]
  • Change Name (Changes user referenced name)
  • Change Password
  • Bandwidth Measurements [OpenVZ] [C]
  • Template/ISO Sync [C]
  • Sendgrid support [A]

Planned Features:

  • IPv6 support
  • Multiphase bandwidth calculations [C]
  • KVM bandwidth measurements [C]
  • Ping before assign IPv4/IPv6 [A]
  • Two factor authentication
  • Gravitar profile images
  • Log viewers
  • Task system [A]
  • Per server crons [A/C]
  • Login notification emails
  • Better settings management (in panel as opposed to via PHPMyAdmin) [A]
  • Error notifications [A]
  • Template settings (logo, color, etc...) [A]
  • Automated script installers for common actions (VPN, cPanel, Direct Admin, Kloxo, etc...) [OpenVZ]
  • File manager [OpenVZ]
  • KVM error finder [A]
  • Better settings all around. [A]
  • Server monitoring [A]
  • Backups
  • Backup scheduling
  • User downloadable/uploadable backups
  • Veth support
  • IPv6 per user pools
  • Outage notifications in panel [A]
  • VPS transfers [A]
  • User VPS transfers

Possible features:

  • Automated VPS monitoring with notifications of downtime.
  • VPS Subusers
  • Reseller accounts
  • Per user resource allocations with the ability to add/modify VPS within limits.
  • User uploadable ISOs (with timelimit)
  • Billing and ticketing [A]