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Solve a Maze



Design and implement an autonomous driving system that will move the craft toward the target while avoiding the obstacles.


To solve the quest you need to know the following things.

The maze

The maze is a 2D square area containing the target, the craft and a number of obstacles. The origin (0,0) is located at the bottom-left corner of the picture above, whereas the x-axis is oriented left->right the y-axis is oriented down->up.

The craft

The craft is equipped with 2 motors that enable clock/counter-clock wise rotation so as forward/backward linear motion. You can control the speed of the motors independently as a percentage of the full-scale, i.e. [-100%, 100%]. The motors exhibit their own dynamics, therefore e.g. the craft cannot come to a complete stop at once.

In addition, a radar is available that allows acquiring a complete scan of the maze plus the odometry of the craft.

The obstacles

The obstacles are always in a fixed number, circular, of different size and located randomly within the maze.

Driving the craft

It is required to send a yarp::os::Bottle to the port /assignment_solve-maze-handler/motor:i containing two double representing the angular and the linear speed:

yarp::os::Bottle &speed=portMotor.prepare();
speed.addDouble(-60.0); // angular speed in percentage [-100%, 100%]
speed.addDouble(100.0); // linear speed in percentage [-100%, 100%]

Scanning the maze

It is required to receive a yarp::os::Property from the port /assignment_solve-maze-handler/radar:o containing the up-to-date results of the scan and odometry in the following format:

(length <l>) (time <t>) (craft (<x> <y> <d>)) (target (<x> <y> <r>)) (obstacles ((<x> <y> <r>) (<x> <y> <r>) ...)) (state <s>)


  • <l> represents the length of the maze wall (integer).
  • <t> is the current time in seconds (double).
  • <x>, <y> are the coordinates of the object within the maze (double).
  • <d> accounts for the current craft direction in [0, 360] degrees (double).
  • <r> represents the radius of the object (double).
  • <s> is the current state of the maze: one of {"running", "crashed", "expired", "solved"} (string).

Crashing & accomplishing the task

The craft is considered to be a point and can crash into obstacles as well as into maze walls. By contrast, the maze is solved whenever the craft is driven into the target area (still circular).

How to proceed

We provide in src/craft.cpp a code controlling the craft that performs a very basic random search. Will you be able to modify the code to implement a better strategy? 😉

Once done, you can test your code in two ways:

  1. Manually: running the yarpmanager scripts provided from within app/scripts. This will help you refine your solution.
  2. Automatically: running the script in the smoke-test directory. In this case, time limitation to solve the maze will be activated.