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Interpreter for the Lox programming language.

This implementatin is based on the Crafting interpreters book and it's code snippets.

Supported syntax

This implementation supports the following:


  • Literals
  • Unary expressions: Negation of expressions and numbers
  • Binary expressions: Infix arithmetic operations and logical operators
  • Grouping of expressions via parentheses
; Grammar for Lox.

program             = *declaration "EOF"

declaration         = varDeclaration / statement

varDeclaration      = "var" identifier *1( "=" expression ) ";"

statement           = expressionStatement / printStatement

printStatement      = "print" expression ";"

expressionStatement = expression ";"

expression          = expressionBlock

expressionBlock     = conditional *( "," expressionBlock)

conditional         = equality *1( "?" expression ":" conditional )

equality            = comparison *( ( "!=" / "==" ) comparison )

comparison          = term *( ( ">" / ">=" / "<" / "<=" ) term )

term                = factor *( ( "-" / "+" ) factor )

factor              = unary *( ( "/" / "*" ) unary )

unary               = ( "-" / "!" ) unary / primary

primary             = 1*DIGIT "." 1*DIGIT / string / identifier /
                    "true" / "false" / "nil" / "(" expression ")" /
                    ; START OF ERROR PRODUCTIONS
                    ( "!=" / "==" ) comparison /
                    ( ">" / ">=" / "<" / "<=" ) term /
                    ( "-" / "+" ) factor /
                    ( "/" / "*" ) unary

string              = DQUOTE 1*CHAR DQUOTE

identifier          = 1*ALPHA

Find the definition in the lox.abnf file.

A graphical representation.

Markdown Monster icon

Operator Associativity

To avoid ambiguity during parsing of expressions, we define the associativity of the different operators in the language. As well, the table lists the operators in order of precedence, from lower to higher.

Operator family Operators Associates
Block , Left
Ternary condition ? : Right
Equality == != Left
Comparison > >= < <= Left
Term - + Left
Factor / * Left
Unary ! - Right


Interpreter for Lox language






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