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cspayne edited this page Aug 4, 2023 · 2 revisions

Entering Configuration Information for a Property

The configuration information in the sinopia element tells sinopia_map's transformation code to include that property in your resource template and provides the Sinopia platform more details about the property you are using.

Implementation info

  • Many configurations for property templates (PTs) in Sinopia are made independently of whether the PT will be set up for input of a literal, or for input of a URI manually, with a lookup, or with use of a nested resource template.
  • Such configurations include whether the given property will be required or repeatable, where in the resource template (RT) it should appear (in prop_set instances, this is specified relatively, not absolutely), what the PT remark text and remark URI should be, and so on.
  • The prop_set elements used to configure these settings are shown below, and further information about these is provided in the section below.
<prop localid_prop="[value]">
   <prop_iri iri="[value]"/>
   <prop_label xml:lang="en">[value]</prop_label>
   <prop_domain iri="[value]"/>
      <uwsinopia:toolkit url=""/>  
      <uwsinopia:implementation_set localid_implementation_set="">
         <uwsinopia:alt_pt_label xml:lang="[lang tag]">[value]</uwsinopia:alt_pt_label>
         <uwsinopia:remark xml:lang="[value]">[value]</uwsinopia:remark>
         <uwsinopia:repeatable ordered="[value]">[value]</uwsinopia:repeatable>

NOTE: This XML snippet includes all possible child elements of implementation_set aside from those dependent on property template (PT) type; configurations may not include all elements shown here.

Entering configuration info

Enter information needed to output the prop > implementation_set to your RT

⚠️ institution, resource, format, and user values are required

  • implementation_set elements may be reused in more than one RT, for example when there is little need to customize settings for use in describing different resources and formats
  • When reusing an implementation_set confirm that each component of your resource template ID is present, adding any missing components.
  • For details on adding ID configuration info, see adding properties to RTs.

Enter a form_order value

⚠️ form_order values are required

  • Enter a form order value as a decimal between 0.0 and 1.0
  • Smaller numbers appear closer to the top of a resource template, larger numbers closer to the bottom
  • You may use as many decimal places as needed; this allows some granularity in ordering properties in an RT

Enter an alternate property-template label if applicable

The alt_pt_label element is optional

You can enter an alternate property-template label if desired, for example, for property templates with many property options (see multiple-property information just below) where the <prop_label> value isn't sufficiently descriptive.

Enter multiple-property information if applicable

The multiple_prop element and child elements are optional

Enter the multiple_prop element to create a drop-down property selection in the property template.

You can either:

  • Select additional properties to make available for use in the property template (PT), providing an IRI and label for each (OPTION 1 below),
  • For RDA Registry properties, make all subproperties of the given property (the property identified by the prop > prop_iri and prop_label elements) available for use in the PT (OPTION 2 below), or
  • For RDA Registry properties, make all subproperties and the subproperties of those properties available for use in the PT (OPTION 3 below)

OPTION 1: Select specific elements to be included in the drop-down menu

    <uwsinopia:property_selection property_iri="" xml:lang="en">artist agent</uwsinopia:property_selection>
    <uwsinopia:property_selection property_iri="" xml:lang="en">casting director agent</uwsinopia:property_selection>

Note: uwsinopia:property_selection elements MUST contain property label text

OPTION 2: Make all subproperties of the given property available in the drop-down menu
Only include this element if the value is TRUE.


OPTION 3: make all subproperties and the subproperties of those properties available in the drop-down menu
Only include this element if the value is TRUE.


Enter a remark

remark values are optional

  • Enter guidance text or other remark on the property template
  • Enter a language tag taken from the IANA subtag registry; for English use en, for other language tags see notes
  • Remarks can be viewed by template users in the Linked Data Editor
<uwsinopia:remark xml:lang="en">Provide a title here</uwsinopia:remark>

A property template remark in Sinopia

Enter language_suppressed if applicable

The language_suppressed element is optional.
Only include this element if the value is TRUE.

Entering a value of 'true' or '1' here will prevent a language tag from being added to literal values entered when using the RT to create a description.


Enter required if applicable

The required element is optional.
Only include this element if the value is TRUE.

NOTE: that the default for property templates is not required; that is, if the required element is not included in an implementation_set, users will not be required to enter a value for the property when using the RT to create a description.

Entering a value of 'true' or '1' here will require users to enter a value for the property when using the RT to create a description.


Enter repeatableif applicable

The repeatable element is optional

NOTE: that the default for property templates is not repeatable; that is, if the repeatable element is not included in an implementation_set, users will not be able to enter multiple values for the property when using the RT to create a description. Only include this element if the value is TRUE.

Entering a value of 'true' or '1' here will allow users to enter multiple values for the property when using the RT to create a description


NEXT an input type for property