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Nannou Web App template

This repository is a template for building Nannou app both for native app and web browser.

Based on Rust-webpack-template repository.

Also referred to Woyten's Microwave for integrating nannou for web. . .


src/ <- contains entrypoint for native app <- actual nannou sketch <- contains entrypoint for web app

Default sketch is derived from .

Because the entrypoint for web app needs to be asynchronous, some functions in the sketch are also async function.

If you not familier with async and await in rust, see Async Book documentation, though it is not necessary to fully understand as long as you just make a sketch on nannou.

pub async fn run_app(model: Model) {
    // Since ModelFn is not a closure we need this workaround to pass the calculated model
    thread_local!(static MODEL: RefCell<Option<Model>> = Default::default());

    MODEL.with(|m| m.borrow_mut().replace(model));

    app::Builder::new_async(|app| {
        Box::new(async move {
            MODEL.with(|m| m.borrow_mut().take().unwrap())
    .backends(Backends::PRIMARY | Backends::GL)

How to install

npm install

How to run in debug mode(for native app)

cargo run

How to run in debug mode(for browser)

# Builds the project and opens it in a new browser tab. Auto-reloads when the project changes.
npm start

if you encounter the error like below,

  this[kHandle] = new _Hash(algorithm, xofLen);
Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported

Try the command with an environment variable like this. (See #1)

NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider npm start

How to build in release mode(for browser)

# Builds the project and places it into the `dist` folder.
npm run build

How to run unit tests

# Runs tests in Firefox
npm test -- --firefox

# Runs tests in Chrome
npm test -- --chrome

# Runs tests in Safari
npm test -- --safari

What does each file do?

  • Cargo.toml contains the standard Rust metadata. You put your Rust dependencies in here. You must change this file with your details (name, description, version, authors, categories)

  • package.json contains the standard npm metadata. You put your JavaScript dependencies in here. You must change this file with your details (author, name, version)

  • webpack.config.js contains the Webpack configuration. You shouldn't need to change this, unless you have very special needs.

  • The js folder contains your JavaScript code (index.js is used to hook everything into Webpack, you don't need to change it).

  • The src folder contains your Rust code.

  • The static folder contains any files that you want copied as-is into the final build. It contains an index.html file which loads the index.js file.

  • The tests folder contains your Rust unit tests.


MIT license under (c)Tomoya Matsuura 2022.