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  • use vim-plug as plug manager
  • use coc.nvim as VSCode-like IDE plug
  • file type specified located in dir ~/.vim/lang/
  • golang out of the box using vim-go and coc.nvim
  • python out of the box using coc-python
  • more humanized tab label
  • [experimental]rust out of the box using rust.vim


First, you should add the export below to you .bashrc or .zshrc etc and reload it.

export VIMINIT='source $MYVIMRC'
export MYVIMRC='~/.vim/vimrc'

Then, coc.nvim need nodejs:

curl -sL | bash

Finally, install

- git clone ~/.vim
- cd ~/.vim
- ./
- [optional] git checkout some-vers



leader key is ,


  • F4 enter paste mode
  • F5 refresh all buffer
  • F7 open nerdtree window on left
  • F8 open tagbar window on right

hotkey from coc.nvim default setting

  • [g and ]g to navigate diagnostics
  • gd to goto definition and <ctrl>o to go back
  • gr to get all references
  • K to show documentation in preview window
  • <leader>rn to renaming symbol
  • <leader>f to format selected code
  • <leader>a to applying codeAction to the selected region
  • <leader>qf to apply AutoFix to problem on the current line
  • <space>a to show all diagnostics

useful command

  • :CocConfig to config coc.nvim
  • :Format to format current buffer
  • :Fold to fold current buffer

useful snippets

please visit this post, this was written in Chinese.

install only-python vim IDE for docker env

# install requirement and git clone vimrc
curl[email protected]/ | bash

# install plug
vim -c PlugInstall +qall

# install coc plug extensions
vim -c 'CocInstall -sync coc-json coc-snippets coc-git coc-python|q'