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Renewal of the road Digitraffic service during autumn 2015

Tomi Lapinlampi edited this page Sep 18, 2015 · 3 revisions

Renewal of the road Digitraffic service

The road traffic part of Digitraffic will be renewed by the end of August. The purpose of the renewal is to close down the old Pro Digitraffic service and bring the whole API under the domain name.

The API development will continue during autumn with new API types and content. All data will be shared according to the principles of open data under the Creative Commons 4.0 BY license.

API differences

The important changes of the new API, when compared to the old Pro- and Open Digitraffic services, are:

  • new address space. The API will be available in (CNAME for
  • authentication is no longer needed: After the renewal the API will work without any http basic auth, ws-authentication or http header parameters.

Road weather cameras

The delivery URL for the road weather camera images will be changed. The new address is not confirmed yet, but it'll be available in the RWS preset messages in the baseUrl parameter just like before.

Traffic disorders

The traffic disorders API will change: An API call without the maxAge element will return all announcements those were made during the last 100 minutes. If the maxAge element is used the API will work just like before.


Our original plan was to open the new API addresses for testing during July 2015 and close down the old API's in the end of August. Unfortunately the renewal work is more challenging than we estimated, and the old API address will continue to operate during Septemper 2015. We'll announce the launch of the new API addresses in our new Google group and in (in Finnish).

Meanwhile, please study our new Wiki at

New API addresses

API url
Current fluency data
Current journey times
History data for previous day
Average medians for previous day
Current data from LAM stations
Current free flow speeds
Current road weather station data
Status of road stations
Camera presets
Road weather forecasts
Traffic Disorders

More information: [email protected]

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