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OpenDKIM genkeys tool

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Copyright © 2016 Todd T Knarr <[email protected]>

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License (included in for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


A tool to help with the generation of DKIM keys for use with OpenDKIM. The standard opendkim-genkey tool is awkward to use, it only generates key data for a single domain at a time and the file for the public key part that needs populated into the DNS data, while exactly what's needed for use with BIND, isn't in a format usable by the web-based interfaces to most DNS hosting providers. It also requires manually updating the DNS information, a significant task when dealing with the common situation of multiple domains. This awkwardness occurs repeatedly, since the recommendation for DKIM is that keys be rotated (new keys generated and old keys retired) every month.

This tool takes a configuration detailing all the domains that need keys and generates all the keys in a single operation, and for supported DNS hosting provider APIs will automatically add the new keys to DNS for you. In the process it'll regenerate the two configuration files OpenDKIM needs that depend on the set of domains and keys involved and leave you with reasonably clean .txt files containing the DNS information for each domain. File names follow a format that should eliminate overwriting of files unless you deliberately ask for that.

You will need to be familiar with DKIM and have at least a general familiarity with the OpenDKIM package before using this tool.

Usage [-v] [-n] [-a] [--no-dns] [--no-cleanup] [--debug] [--use-null]
    [--working-dir <dir>] [selector] [-n] -s [selector] --help --version
  • -h, --help: Show this help message and exit
  • -v, --verbose: Log informational messages in addition to errors
  • -n, --next-month: Use next month's date for automatically-generated selectors
  • -a, --avoid-overwrite: Add a suffix to the selector if needed to avoid overwriting existing files
  • -s, --selector: Causes the generated selector to be output
  • --working_dir: Sets the working directory for data files to the given directory
  • --no-dns: Do not update DNS data
  • --no-cleanup: Do not attempt to delete old key files
  • --debug: Log debugging info and do not update DNS
  • --use-null: Silently use the null DNS API instead of the real API
  • --version: Display the program version

If no selector is specified, one will be automatically generated based on the current month (or the next month if -n was used). Standard practice would be to omit the selector and use automatic date-based selectors (which have the format YYYYMM, eg. 201605 for May of 2016), using -n if you're generating the keys for next month ahead of time and need the selector to reflect the month you're generating for rather than the current one. If --no-dns is used you'll have to manually update the DNS records with the data in the generated .txt files, otherwise the script will try to automatically update the DNS records for all domains it's got DNS API support and information for. Normally if the resulting files would be overwritten the operation will fail. The -a option will cause single-uppercase-letter suffixes on the selector to be tried until filenames that do not exist are found or all 26 letters are exhausted before failing. The suffix is per target domain, so files for different domains may end up with different suffixes.

The -s option can be used to cause the tool to output the generated selector on standard output for capture by a script. The -n option can be used in conjunction with -s, other options will have no effect when -s is specified. This is to assist with scripts to automatically upload the generated data files to a server for installation.

The following options are also available for development and debugging. They should not be used under normal circumstances ("If you don't know what it's going to do, DO NOT push the button." is a good rule to live by).

  • --debug : enable logging of additional debugging information and disable actual actions in the DNS API modules (error checking will occur, but no attempt will be made to actually actually update the records)
  • --use-null : silently use the null DNS API instead of the defined one for all domains

Configuration files


This file defines the global information needed by all domains hosted somewhere that uses a given API to allow programmatic updating of DNS records. There's one line per API with fields within the line separated by whitespace. The first field is always the name of the API. Following that will be fields containing any data needed by the API that isn't specific to a particular domain, eg. account authentication keys. If you look at the example file provided with the scripts, it contains comments describing the setup for the two supported APIs, freedns and linode, along with the null API used for debugging. Blank lines are ignored, as are lines which start with a # character (comment lines).

A DNS API with a particular name is supported by a module in a file named, where the X is replaced with the name in the first field of the API's line in dnsapi.ini. The names are arbitrary but should be mnemonic, and they aren't hardcoded into the main script in any way. Additional APIs can be supported merely by creating a module for them and adding an entry to dnsapi.ini, the main script will automatically load the module as needed. Writing these scripts is beyond the scope of this document, you can find information on the process in the wiki's Writing a new DNS API module page.


This file is the main one that ties domains, key files and DNS APIs together. As with dnsapi.ini, blank lines and lines beginning with # are ignored. The first field in each line is the domain name, the second field is the name identifying the key to be used for that domain, and the third field if present is the name of the DNS API used by the provider hosting that domain's DNS. Omit the third field for domains hosted on services that don't use a supported API. Additional fields may be present after the third containing data specific to that domain's DNS data needed by the API, eg. domain identifiers telling the provider which of your domains that particular record is to be added to. Specific details about these fields and how to obtain the data can be found in the wiki in the provider's entry on the DNS APIs page. If no DNS API name is present, the script won't attempt to automatically update the DNS information and you'll need to take the information from the generated public key file and update the DNS data manually. If a DNS API name is present (and the information in dnsapi.ini and domains.ini is all correct), the script will use the API to add the new DKIM record automatically (you can suppress this via the --no-dns option).

When selecting key names for each domain, recommended practice is to use a short form of the domain name or something mnemonic for a group of related domains. Good practice is that you shouldn't use the same key across many domains, but closely-related domains (eg. and when they're just synonyms for each other) might both reasonably use key example.

Generated files


This file records information about the records created for each domain where DNS servers were updated. If it doesn't exist, it will be created (warning messages will be issued, but they're strictly because a template file should have existed).

An example file is provided purely for informational purposes. It's best to delete it before using the package, allow to create it from scratch during the first run.

Private and public key files

Both types of files follow the same pattern for the base filename: the key name, a dot and the selector value. Private key files have the suffix .key and are uploaded to the mail server to be used for signing outgoing messages. Public key data files have the suffix .txt and contain the text needed in the body of the DKIM DNS TXT record to allow receiving mail servers to verify the DKIM signature. Private key files are a base64-encoded RSA private key file (familiar if you've worked with SSL or X.509). The public key data files are also mostly base64-encoded data, broken up into chunks of less than 255 characters (because of limitations in the size of the UDP packets most commonly used by DNS) and with each chunk enclosed in quote marks. That's the format BIND zone files want the data in. Depending on your DNS software or DNS hosting provider, you may need to reformat the text. Linode, for example, requires that you remove the quote marks and intervening whitespace, turning the data into a single long string before putting it in the record's value field. There are too many possible variations to cover here, if your DNS hosting provider's not supported by a DNS API module or you need to update DNS software directly you'll need to research what format is required and look over the .txt files to see what you need to do with the data.

Updated opendkim daemon configuration files

OpenDKIM uses two configuration files to control what keys are used to sign outgoing messages: signing.table and key.table. signing.table is the simplest one, the first field is a pattern matching email addresses (usually *@domain to match all addresses in a given domain) and the second field is a tag used to determine what key entry will be used to sign messages matching the first field's pattern. The tag is arbitrary, this script generates one based on the domain name.

key.table has one entry per tag mentioned in signing.table. The first field is the tag, the second is a colon-delimited set of information: a domain name, a selector value and the name of a key file to use for signing. Note that the domain doesn't have to be the domain of the email sender, it's simply the domain under which DKIM public keys for signature validation will be looked up. This script configures things so that the DKIM public keys will be under the domain the email is from. The key files in the final field will be located in /etc/opendkim/keys, the standard location, and follow the pattern of the key name, a dot, the selector value and the suffix .key.

The script completely regenerates these two files based on the information in domains.ini and the selector value (whether auto-generated or supplied), so once the private keys are uploaded to /etc/opendkim/keys you can just upload the new signing.table and key.table files to /etc/opendkim and restart the OpenDKIM daemon to begin using the new keys for outgoing mail.

Neither of these files affects checking of incoming mail, that's done based on the domain and selector information the sender's DKIM software put into the signature header.

Standard installation and workflow

The recommended setup is to have two directories, a binaries directory where the script and the various dnsapi_*.py scripts are installed and a data directory where your configuration files and data files are located. The binaries directory doesn't need to be in your path. You can put the binaries directly in the data directory, but it increases the clutter and the chances that you'll accidentally delete the script files. A better organization is to have the binaries and data directories as siblings beneath a parent directory dedicated to this software. Copy the contents of the src and util directories of the downloaded package into the binaries directory, and the contents of the data directory into the data directory. Then cd to the data directory and run the script to set up the initial data files correctly.

Edit dnsapi.ini and domains.ini and enter the information for your accounts and domains at your DNS service providers. If you have domains at DNS service providers that aren't supported by the program, leave the DNS API information in domains.ini blank for them and keys will be generated so you can set the TXT records manually. You can delete the dnsapi.ini entries for services that you don't use if you wish, but make sure to retain the null API entry because it's used implicitly for domains hosted on services that don't use a supported API.

Once the two configuration files are set up, you just cd to the data directory and run with the -n option at the end of the month. That will generate new private and public key files for every domain listed using the selector value for next month and automatically add the appropriate public-key TXT records to all domains that you've set up API information for. For domains that either don't have a DNS API available or you don't have (or haven't configured) information for, you'll have to update the DNS data by hand to create the TXT records. The data for the records is in the *.YYYYMM.txt files created by the script. Use the opendkim-testkey command to verify the records are OK.

To activate use of the new selector and records on the first of the new month, first upload the *.YYYYMM.key files containing the private keys to the server keys directory (usually /etc/opendkim/keys). Then upload the newly-updated signing.table and key.table to the server OpenDKIM configuration directory (usually /etc/opendkim). Restart the OpenDKIM daemon and check for errors in the logs. A last check would be to send an email from one OpenDKIM-enabled domain handled by your servers to another, verifying that it gets through without any errors, that the signature was checked and passed and that the DKIM-Signature and Authentication-Results headers are present and sensible.

After a week or so, delete the now-outdated TXT records for the old selector from the DNS data. That gives time for any mail stuck in a queue to get cleared out before the necessary records disappear.

Alternative workflows

One alternative method is to run without any options at the point where you want to generate new keys, then immediately upload the new .key and .table files and restart the OpenDKIM daemon to start using them. You'd use this if you're not following a rigorous monthly key rotation schedule.

If you want to set your own selector values, say if management dictates or you need to rotate keys more often than every month, you can pass a selector value as a command-line parameter. will use that value as the selector instead of generating one. The script uses this to allow getting and displaying the selector value and then guaranteeing that the displayed value will be the one actually used.

Automation scripts

After editing and testing, the two automation scripts should be installed in crontab as described in each script's explanation.

This script runs on the system where you generate new DKIM keys. It generates new keys and then uploads them to a staging location on the mail servers. Normally it's run from crontab as a normal user, either on a day late in the month (to prepare keys for the next month) or early in the AM on the first of the month. I recommend running the script towards the end of the month to prepare for the next month, this gives time to check the results and catch any problems that might crop up. An example crontab entry would be:

31 8 25 * * /usr/local/sbin/

This runs the script at 8:30am on the 25th of the month. That gives you between 3 and 6 days to check the results before they are applied.

To prepare the script for your installation you need to edit a few bits of data to reflect the users and directories on your systems.

GENKEY=" -n"

Edit this line to include the path to if it's not in the PATH of the user the script. If you will be running the script on the first of the month the keys are for, rather than near the end of the month before, edit the -n switch out of the quoted string.

TARGETS="user1@host1:relative/directory user2@host2:/absolute/directory"

TARGETS is a space-separated list of scp user/host/paths that the DKIM files are to be uploaded to. The syntax for each entry is the syntax used in the scp command to specify the destination to copy to. Omit the trailing slashes from the directory paths, the script is coded to add them where needed. You may omit the user portion and the @ character if you'll be uploading to the same username as the script runs under or if your SSH configuration is set up with the desired username for that host. The entries will work exactly like scp would if you specified the entry as the destination, use this as a guide to what you can do in each entry.

cd /key/location

Edit /key/location to reflect the directory you want to use to generate the keys on the local system.

The output of the script will be mailed to the user it runs under by the cron system. Set up any mail aliases or forwarding needed to get this output to the person responsible for key rotation so they can see any errors that occurred and get the reminder to check the mail servers for correct uploads.

This script runs on each mail server that handles outgoing mail. It must be run as root to allow it to restart the OpenDKIM service. Normally it's run from crontab early in the AM on the first of the month, after the script has been run. If is run late in the previous month the exact timing doesn't matter. An example crontab entry would be:

2 0 1 * * /usr/local/sbin/

This runs the script at 2 minutes past midnight on the 1st of the month.

The script will remove the uploaded copies if installation into the running OpenDKIM instance succeeds, to prevent later runs from picking up stale files by accident.

To prepare the script for your installation a couple of pieces of data at the start of the script need to be edited to reflect the directories in use on your system.


Edit this to reflect the directory the files were uploaded to on this host by the script.


Edit these entries to reflect the user and group names used by the OpenDKIM software if necessary. The settings here are the standard ones.

cd /etc/opendkim

Edit this directory if needed to reflect where OpenDKIM's configuration directory is. The setting here is the standard location.

The output of this script will be mailed to the root user by the cron system, so you must make sure root's mail is routed to someone to review for errors.